Source code for cobbler.actions.buildiso

Builds bootable CD images that have PXE-equivalent behavior for all Cobbler distros/profiles/systems currently in

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union

from cobbler import templar, utils
from cobbler.enums import Archs
from cobbler.utils import filesystem_helpers, input_converters

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
    from cobbler.cobbler_collections.collection import ITEM, Collection
    from cobbler.items.distro import Distro
    from cobbler.items.profile import Profile

[docs]def add_remaining_kopts(kopts: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]) -> str: """Add remaining kernel_options to append_line :param kopts: The kernel options which are not present in append_line. :return: A single line with all kernel options from the dictionary in the string. Starts with a space. """ append_line = [""] # empty str to ensure the returned str starts with a space for option, args in kopts.items(): if args is None: # type: ignore append_line.append(f"{option}") continue if not isinstance(args, list): args = [args] for arg in args: arg_str = format(arg) if " " in arg_str: arg_str = f'"{arg_str}"' append_line.append(f"{option}={arg_str}") return " ".join(append_line)
[docs]class BootFilesCopyset(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring src_kernel: str src_initrd: str new_filename: str
[docs]class LoaderCfgsParts(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring isolinux: List[str] grub: List[str] bootfiles_copysets: List[BootFilesCopyset]
[docs]class BuildisoDirsX86_64( NamedTuple ): # noqa: N801 pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-class-docstring root: pathlib.Path isolinux: pathlib.Path grub: pathlib.Path autoinstall: pathlib.Path repo: pathlib.Path
[docs]class BuildisoDirsPPC64LE(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring root: pathlib.Path grub: pathlib.Path ppc: pathlib.Path autoinstall: pathlib.Path repo: pathlib.Path
[docs]class Autoinstall(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring config: str repos: List[str]
[docs]class BuildIso: """ Handles conversion of internal state to the isolinux tree layout """ def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI") -> None: """Constructor which initializes things here. The collection manager pulls all other dependencies in. :param api: The API instance which holds all information about objects in Cobbler. """ self.api = api self.distmap: Dict[str, str] = {} self.distctr = 0 self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.templar = templar.Templar(api) self.isolinuxdir = "" # based on self.efi_fallback_renames = { "grubaa64": "bootaa64.efi", "grubx64.efi": "bootx64.efi", } # grab the header from buildiso.header file self.iso_template = ( pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().iso_template_dir) .joinpath("buildiso.template") .read_text(encoding="UTF-8") ) self.isolinux_menuentry_template = ( pathlib.Path(api.settings().iso_template_dir) .joinpath("isolinux_menuentry.template") .read_text(encoding="UTF-8") ) self.grub_menuentry_template = ( pathlib.Path(api.settings().iso_template_dir) .joinpath("grub_menuentry.template") .read_text(encoding="UTF-8") ) self.bootinfo_template = ( pathlib.Path(api.settings().iso_template_dir) .joinpath("bootinfo.template") .read_text(encoding="UTF-8") ) def _find_distro_source(self, known_file: str, distro_mirror: str) -> str: """ Find a distro source tree based on a known file. :param known_file: Path to a file that's known to be part of the distribution, commonly the path to the kernel. :raises ValueError: When no installation source was not found. :return: Root of the distribution's source tree. """ self.logger.debug("Trying to locate source.") (source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(known_file) filesource = None while source_tail != "": if source_head == distro_mirror: filesource = os.path.join(source_head, source_tail) self.logger.debug("Found source in %s", filesource) break (source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(source_head) if filesource: return filesource else: raise ValueError( "No installation source found. When building a standalone (incl. airgapped) ISO" " you must specify a --source if the distro install tree is not hosted locally" ) def _copy_boot_files( self, kernel_path: str, initrd_path: str, destdir: str, new_filename: str = "" ): """Copy kernel/initrd to destdir with (optional) newfile prefix :param kernel_path: Path to a a distro's kernel. :param initrd_path: Path to a a distro's initrd. :param destdir: The destination directory. :param new_filename: The file new filename. Kernel and Initrd have different extensions to seperate them from each another. """ kernel_source = pathlib.Path(kernel_path) initrd_source = pathlib.Path(initrd_path) path_destdir = pathlib.Path(destdir) if new_filename: kernel_dest = str(path_destdir / f"{new_filename}.krn") initrd_dest = str(path_destdir / f"{new_filename}.img") else: kernel_dest = str(path_destdir / initrd_dest = str(path_destdir / filesystem_helpers.copyfile(str(kernel_source), kernel_dest) filesystem_helpers.copyfile(str(initrd_source), initrd_dest)
[docs] def filter_profiles( self, selected_items: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> List["Profile"]: """ Return a list of valid profile objects selected from all profiles by name, or everything if ``selected_items`` is empty. :param selected_items: A list of names to include in the returned list. :return: A list of valid profiles. If an error occurred this is logged and an empty list is returned. """ if selected_items is None: selected_items = [] return self.filter_items(self.api.profiles(), selected_items)
[docs] def filter_items( self, all_objs: "Collection[ITEM]", selected_items: List[str] ) -> List["ITEM"]: """Return a list of valid profile or system objects selected from all profiles or systems by name, or everything if selected_items is empty. :param all_objs: The collection of items to filter. :param selected_items: The list of names :raises ValueError: Second option that this error is raised when the list of filtered systems or profiles is empty. :return: A list of valid profiles OR systems. If an error occurred this is logged and an empty list is returned. """ # No profiles/systems selection is made, let's return everything. if len(selected_items) == 0: return list(all_objs) filtered_objects: List["ITEM"] = [] for name in selected_items: item_object = all_objs.find(name=name) if item_object is not None and not isinstance(item_object, list): filtered_objects.append(item_object) selected_items.remove(name) for bad_name in selected_items: self.logger.warning('"%s" is not a valid profile or system', bad_name) if len(filtered_objects) == 0: raise ValueError("No valid systems or profiles were specified.") return filtered_objects
[docs] def parse_distro(self, distro_name: str) -> "Distro": """ Find and return distro object. :param distro_name: Name of the distribution to parse. :raises ValueError: If the distro is not found. """ distro_obj = self.api.find_distro(name=distro_name) if distro_obj is None or isinstance(distro_obj, list): raise ValueError(f"Distribution {distro_name} not found or ambigous.") return distro_obj
[docs] def parse_profiles( self, profiles: Optional[List[str]], distro_obj: "Distro" ) -> List["Profile"]: """ TODO :param profiles: TODO :param distro_obj: TODO """ profile_names = input_converters.input_string_or_list_no_inherit(profiles) if profile_names: orphans = set(profile_names) - set(distro_obj.children) if len(orphans) > 0: raise ValueError( "When building a standalone ISO, all --profiles must be" " under --distro. Extra --profiles: {}".format( ",".join(sorted(str(o for o in orphans))) ) ) return self.filter_profiles(profile_names) else: return self.filter_profiles(distro_obj.children) # type: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
def _copy_isolinux_files(self): """ This method copies the required and optional files from syslinux into the directories we use for building the ISO. :param iso_distro: The distro (and thus architecture) to build the ISO for. :param buildisodir: The directory where the ISO is being built in. """"copying syslinux files") files_to_copy = [ "isolinux.bin", "menu.c32", "chain.c32", "ldlinux.c32", "libcom32.c32", "libutil.c32", ] optional_files = ["ldlinux.c32", "libcom32.c32", "libutil.c32"] syslinux_folders = [ pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().syslinux_dir), pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().syslinux_dir).joinpath("modules/bios/"), pathlib.Path("/usr/lib/syslinux/"), pathlib.Path("/usr/lib/ISOLINUX/"), ] # file_copy_success will be used to check for missing files file_copy_success: Dict[str, bool] = { f: False for f in files_to_copy if f not in optional_files } for syslinux_folder in syslinux_folders: if syslinux_folder.exists(): for file_to_copy in files_to_copy: source_file = syslinux_folder.joinpath(file_to_copy) if source_file.exists(): filesystem_helpers.copyfile( str(source_file), os.path.join(self.isolinuxdir, file_to_copy), ) file_copy_success[file_to_copy] = True unsuccessful_copied_files = [k for k, v in file_copy_success.items() if not v] if len(unsuccessful_copied_files) > 0: self.logger.error( 'The following files were not found: "%s"', '", "'.join(unsuccessful_copied_files), ) raise FileNotFoundError( "Required file(s) not found. Please check your syslinux installation" ) def _render_grub_entry( self, append_line: str, menu_name: str, kernel_path: str, initrd_path: str ) -> str: """ TODO :param append_line: TODO :param menu_name: TODO :param kernel_path: TODO :param initrd_path: TODO """ return self.templar.render( self.grub_menuentry_template, out_path=None, search_table={ "menu_name": menu_name, "kernel_path": kernel_path, "initrd_path": initrd_path, "kernel_options": re.sub(r".*initrd=\S+", "", append_line), }, ) def _render_isolinux_entry( self, append_line: str, menu_name: str, kernel_path: str, menu_indent: int = 0 ) -> str: """Render a single isolinux.cfg menu entry.""" return self.templar.render( self.isolinux_menuentry_template, out_path=None, search_table={ "menu_name": menu_name, "kernel_path": kernel_path, "append_line": append_line.lstrip(), "menu_indent": menu_indent, }, template_type="jinja2", ) def _render_bootinfo_txt(self, distro_name: str) -> str: """Render bootinfo.txt for ppc.""" return self.templar.render( self.bootinfo_template, out_path=None, search_table={"distro_name": distro_name}, template_type="jinja2", ) def _copy_grub_into_esp(self, esp_image_location: str, arch: Archs): """Copy grub boot loader into EFI System Partition. :param esp_image_location: Path to EFI System Partition. :param arch: Distribution architecture """ grub_name = self.calculate_grub_name(arch) efi_name = self.efi_fallback_renames.get(grub_name, grub_name) esp_efi_boot = self._create_efi_boot_dir(esp_image_location) grub_binary = ( pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().bootloaders_dir) / "grub" / grub_name ) filesystem_helpers.copyfileimage( str(grub_binary), esp_image_location, f"{esp_efi_boot}/{efi_name}" )
[docs] def calculate_grub_name(self, desired_arch: Archs) -> str: """ This function checks the bootloaders_formats in our settings and then checks if there is a match between the architectures and the distribution architecture. :param distro: The distribution to get the GRUB2 loader name for. """ loader_formats = self.api.settings().bootloaders_formats grub_binary_names: Dict[str, str] = {} for loader_format, values in loader_formats.items(): name = values.get("binary_name", None) if name is not None and isinstance(name, str): grub_binary_names[loader_format.lower()] = name if desired_arch in (Archs.PPC, Archs.PPC64, Archs.PPC64LE, Archs.PPC64EL): # GRUB can boot all Power architectures it supports via the following modules directory. return grub_binary_names["powerpc-ieee1275"] if desired_arch == Archs.AARCH64: # GRUB has only one 64-bit variant it can boot, the name is different how we have named it in Cobbler. return grub_binary_names["arm64-efi"] if desired_arch == Archs.ARM: # GRUB has only one 32-bit variant it can boot, the name is different how we have named it in Cobbler. return grub_binary_names["arm"] # Now we do the regular stuff: We map the beginning of the Cobbler arch and try to find suitable loaders. # We do want to drop "grub.0" always as it is not efi bootable. matches = { k: v for (k, v) in grub_binary_names.items() if k.startswith(desired_arch.value) and v != "grub.0" } if len(matches) == 0: raise ValueError( f'No matches found for requested Cobbler Arch: "{str(desired_arch.value)}"' ) if len(matches) == 1: return next(iter(matches.values())) raise ValueError( f'Ambiguous matches for GRUB to Cobbler Arch mapping! Requested: "{str(desired_arch.value)}"' f' Found: "{str(matches.values())}"' )
def _write_isolinux_cfg( self, cfg_parts: List[str], output_dir: pathlib.Path ) -> None: """Write isolinux.cfg. :param cfg_parts: List of str that is written to the config, joined by newlines. :param output_dir: pathlib.Path that the isolinux.cfg file is written into. """ output_file = output_dir / "isolinux.cfg""Writing %s", output_file) with open(output_file, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(cfg_parts)) def _write_grub_cfg(self, cfg_parts: List[str], output_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None: """Write grub.cfg. :param cfg_parts: List of str that is written to the config, joined by newlines. :param output_dir: pathlib.Path that the grub.cfg file is written into. """ output_file = output_dir / "grub.cfg""Writing %s", output_file) with open(output_file, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(cfg_parts)) def _write_bootinfo(self, bootinfo_txt: str, output_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None: """Write ppc/bootinfo.txt :param bootinfo_parts: List of str that is written to the config, joined by newlines. :param output_dir: pathlib.Path that the bootinfo.txt is written into. """ output_file = output_dir / "bootinfo.txt""Writing %s", output_file) with open(output_file, "w") as f: f.write(bootinfo_txt) def _create_esp_image_file(self, tmpdir: str) -> str: esp = pathlib.Path(tmpdir) / "efi" mkfs_cmd = ["mkfs.fat", "-C", str(esp), "3528"] rc = utils.subprocess_call(mkfs_cmd, shell=False) if rc != 0: self.logger.error("Could not create ESP image file") raise Exception # TODO: use proper exception return str(esp) def _create_efi_boot_dir(self, esp_mountpoint: str) -> str: efi_boot = pathlib.Path("EFI") / "BOOT""Creating %s", efi_boot) filesystem_helpers.mkdirimage(efi_boot, esp_mountpoint) return str(efi_boot) def _find_esp(self, root_dir: pathlib.Path) -> Optional[str]: """Walk root directory and look for an ESP.""" candidates = [str(match) for match in root_dir.glob("**/efi")] if len(candidates) == 0: return None elif len(candidates) == 1: return candidates[0] else: "Found multiple ESP (%s), choosing %s", candidates, candidates[0] ) return candidates[0] def _prepare_buildisodir(self, buildisodir: str = "") -> str: """ This validated the path and type of the buildiso directory and then (re-)creates the apropiate directories. :param buildisodir: The directory in which the build of the ISO takes place. If an empty string then the default directory is used. :raises ValueError: In case the specified directory does not exist. :raises TypeError: In case the specified argument is not of type str. :return: The validated and normalized directory with appropriate subfolders provisioned. """ if not isinstance(buildisodir, str): # type: ignore raise TypeError("buildisodir needs to be of type str!") if not buildisodir: buildisodir = self.api.settings().buildisodir else: if not os.path.isdir(buildisodir): raise ValueError("The --tempdir specified is not a directory") (_, buildisodir_tail) = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(buildisodir)) if buildisodir_tail != "buildiso": buildisodir = os.path.join(buildisodir, "buildiso")'Deleting and recreating the buildisodir at "%s"', buildisodir) if os.path.exists(buildisodir): shutil.rmtree(buildisodir) os.makedirs(buildisodir) self.isolinuxdir = os.path.join(buildisodir, "isolinux") return buildisodir
[docs] def create_buildiso_dirs_x86_64(self, buildiso_root: str) -> BuildisoDirsX86_64: """Create directories in the buildiso root. Layout: . ├── autoinstall ├── EFI │ └── BOOT ├── isolinux └── repo_mirror """ root = pathlib.Path(buildiso_root) isolinuxdir = root / "isolinux" grubdir = root / "EFI" / "BOOT" autoinstalldir = root / "autoinstall" repodir = root / "repo_mirror" for d in [isolinuxdir, grubdir, autoinstalldir, repodir]: d.mkdir(parents=True) return BuildisoDirsX86_64( root=root, isolinux=isolinuxdir, grub=grubdir, autoinstall=autoinstalldir, repo=repodir, )
[docs] def create_buildiso_dirs_ppc64le(self, buildiso_root: str) -> BuildisoDirsPPC64LE: """Create directories in the buildiso root. Layout: . ├── autoinstall ├── boot ├── ppc └── repo_mirror """ root = pathlib.Path(buildiso_root) grubdir = root / "boot" ppcdir = root / "ppc" autoinstalldir = root / "autoinstall" repodir = root / "repo_mirror" for _d in [grubdir, ppcdir, autoinstalldir, repodir]: _d.mkdir(parents=True) return BuildisoDirsPPC64LE( root=root, grub=grubdir, ppc=ppcdir, autoinstall=autoinstalldir, repo=repodir, )
def _xorriso_ppc64le( self, xorrisofs_opts: str, iso: str, buildisodir: str, esp_path: str = "", ): """ Build the final xorrisofs command which is then executed on the disk. :param xorrisofs_opts: The additional options for xorrisofs. :param iso: The name of the output iso. :param buildisodir: The directory in which we build the ISO. """ del esp_path # just accepted for polymorphism cmd = [ "xorriso", "-as", "mkisofs", ] if xorrisofs_opts != "": cmd.append(xorrisofs_opts) cmd.extend( [ "-chrp-boot", "-hfs-bless-by", "p", "boot", "-V", "COBBLER_INSTALL", "-o", iso, buildisodir, ] ) xorrisofs_return_code = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) if xorrisofs_return_code != 0: self.logger.error("xorrisofs failed with non zero exit code!") return"ISO build complete")"You may wish to delete: %s", buildisodir)"The output file is: %s", iso) def _xorriso_x86_64( self, xorrisofs_opts: str, iso: str, buildisodir: str, esp_path: str ): """ Build the final xorrisofs command which is then executed on the disk. :param xorrisofs_opts: The additional options for xorrisofs. :param iso: The name of the output iso. :param buildisodir: The directory in which we build the ISO. :param esp_path: The absolute path to the EFI system partition. """ running_on, _ = utils.os_release() if running_on in ("suse", "centos", "virtuozzo", "redhat"): isohdpfx_location = pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().syslinux_dir).joinpath( "isohdpfx.bin" ) else: isohdpfx_location = pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().syslinux_dir).joinpath( "mbr/isohdpfx.bin" ) esp_relative_path = pathlib.Path(esp_path).relative_to(buildisodir) cmd = [ "xorriso", "-as", "mkisofs", ] if xorrisofs_opts != "": cmd.append(xorrisofs_opts) cmd += [ "-isohybrid-mbr", str(isohdpfx_location), "-c", "isolinux/", "-b", "isolinux/isolinux.bin", "-no-emul-boot", "-boot-load-size", "4", "-boot-info-table", "-eltorito-alt-boot", "-e", str(esp_relative_path), "-no-emul-boot", "-isohybrid-gpt-basdat", "-V", "COBBLER_INSTALL", "-o", iso, buildisodir, ] xorrisofs_return_code = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) if xorrisofs_return_code != 0: self.logger.error("xorrisofs failed with non zero exit code!") return"ISO build complete")"You may wish to delete: %s", buildisodir)"The output file is: %s", iso)