Builds bootable CD images that have PXE-equivalent behavior for all Cobbler distros/profiles/systems currently in
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple, Union
from cobbler import templar, utils
from cobbler.enums import Archs
from cobbler.utils import filesystem_helpers, input_converters
from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
from cobbler.cobbler_collections.collection import ITEM, Collection
from cobbler.items.distro import Distro
from cobbler.items.profile import Profile
from cobbler.items.system import System
[docs]def add_remaining_kopts(kopts: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]) -> str:
"""Add remaining kernel_options to append_line
:param kopts: The kernel options which are not present in append_line.
:return: A single line with all kernel options from the dictionary in the string. Starts with a space.
append_line = [""] # empty str to ensure the returned str starts with a space
for option, args in kopts.items():
if args is None: # type: ignore
if not isinstance(args, list):
args = [args]
for arg in args:
arg_str = format(arg)
if " " in arg_str:
arg_str = f'"{arg_str}"'
return " ".join(append_line)
[docs]class BootFilesCopyset(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
src_kernel: str
src_initrd: str
new_filename: str
[docs]class LoaderCfgsParts(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
isolinux: List[str]
grub: List[str]
bootfiles_copysets: List[BootFilesCopyset]
[docs]class BuildisoDirsX86_64(
): # noqa: N801 pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-class-docstring
root: pathlib.Path
isolinux: pathlib.Path
grub: pathlib.Path
autoinstall: pathlib.Path
repo: pathlib.Path
[docs]class BuildisoDirsPPC64LE(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
root: pathlib.Path
grub: pathlib.Path
ppc: pathlib.Path
autoinstall: pathlib.Path
repo: pathlib.Path
[docs]class Autoinstall(NamedTuple): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
config: str
repos: List[str]
[docs]class BuildIso:
Handles conversion of internal state to the isolinux tree layout
def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI") -> None:
"""Constructor which initializes things here. The collection manager pulls all other dependencies in.
:param api: The API instance which holds all information about objects in Cobbler.
self.api = api
self.distmap: Dict[str, str] = {}
self.distctr = 0
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
self.templar = templar.Templar(api)
self.isolinuxdir = ""
# based on https://uefi.org/sites/default/files/resources/UEFI%20Spec%202.8B%20May%202020.pdf
self.efi_fallback_renames = {
"grubaa64": "bootaa64.efi",
"grubx64.efi": "bootx64.efi",
# grab the header from buildiso.header file
self.iso_template = (
self.isolinux_menuentry_template = (
self.grub_menuentry_template = (
self.bootinfo_template = (
def _find_distro_source(self, known_file: str, distro_mirror: str) -> str:
Find a distro source tree based on a known file.
:param known_file: Path to a file that's known to be part of the distribution,
commonly the path to the kernel.
:raises ValueError: When no installation source was not found.
:return: Root of the distribution's source tree.
self.logger.debug("Trying to locate source.")
(source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(known_file)
filesource = None
while source_tail != "":
if source_head == distro_mirror:
filesource = os.path.join(source_head, source_tail)
self.logger.debug("Found source in %s", filesource)
(source_head, source_tail) = os.path.split(source_head)
if filesource:
return filesource
raise ValueError(
"No installation source found. When building a standalone (incl. airgapped) ISO"
" you must specify a --source if the distro install tree is not hosted locally"
def _copy_boot_files(
self, kernel_path: str, initrd_path: str, destdir: str, new_filename: str = ""
"""Copy kernel/initrd to destdir with (optional) newfile prefix
:param kernel_path: Path to a a distro's kernel.
:param initrd_path: Path to a a distro's initrd.
:param destdir: The destination directory.
:param new_filename: The file new filename. Kernel and Initrd have different extensions to seperate them from
each another.
kernel_source = pathlib.Path(kernel_path)
initrd_source = pathlib.Path(initrd_path)
path_destdir = pathlib.Path(destdir)
if new_filename:
kernel_dest = str(path_destdir / f"{new_filename}.krn")
initrd_dest = str(path_destdir / f"{new_filename}.img")
kernel_dest = str(path_destdir / kernel_source.name)
initrd_dest = str(path_destdir / initrd_source.name)
filesystem_helpers.copyfile(str(kernel_source), kernel_dest)
filesystem_helpers.copyfile(str(initrd_source), initrd_dest)
[docs] def filter_systems(
self, selected_items: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> List["System"]:
Return a list of valid system objects selected from all systems by name, or everything if ``selected_items`` is
:param selected_items: A list of names to include in the returned list.
:return: A list of valid systems. If an error occurred this is logged and an empty list is returned.
if selected_items is None:
selected_items = []
found_systems = self.filter_items(self.api.systems(), selected_items)
# Now filter all systems out that are image based as we don't know about their kernel and initrds
return_systems: List["System"] = []
for system in found_systems:
# All systems not underneath a profile should be skipped
parent_obj = system.get_conceptual_parent()
if (
parent_obj is not None
and parent_obj.TYPE_NAME == "profile" # type: ignore[reportUnnecessaryComparison]
# Now finally return
return return_systems
[docs] def filter_profiles(
self, selected_items: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> List["Profile"]:
Return a list of valid profile objects selected from all profiles by name, or everything if ``selected_items``
is empty.
:param selected_items: A list of names to include in the returned list.
:return: A list of valid profiles. If an error occurred this is logged and an empty list is returned.
if selected_items is None:
selected_items = []
return self.filter_items(self.api.profiles(), selected_items)
[docs] def filter_items(
self, all_objs: "Collection[ITEM]", selected_items: List[str]
) -> List["ITEM"]:
"""Return a list of valid profile or system objects selected from all profiles or systems by name, or everything
if selected_items is empty.
:param all_objs: The collection of items to filter.
:param selected_items: The list of names
:raises ValueError: Second option that this error is raised
when the list of filtered systems or profiles is empty.
:return: A list of valid profiles OR systems. If an error occurred this is logged and an empty list is returned.
# No profiles/systems selection is made, let's return everything.
if len(selected_items) == 0:
return list(all_objs)
filtered_objects: List["ITEM"] = []
for name in selected_items:
item_object = all_objs.find(name=name)
if item_object is not None and not isinstance(item_object, list):
for bad_name in selected_items:
self.logger.warning('"%s" is not a valid profile or system', bad_name)
if len(filtered_objects) == 0:
raise ValueError("No valid systems or profiles were specified.")
return filtered_objects
[docs] def parse_distro(self, distro_name: str) -> "Distro":
Find and return distro object.
:param distro_name: Name of the distribution to parse.
:raises ValueError: If the distro is not found.
distro_obj = self.api.find_distro(name=distro_name)
if distro_obj is None or isinstance(distro_obj, list):
raise ValueError(f"Distribution {distro_name} not found or ambigous.")
return distro_obj
[docs] def parse_profiles(
self, profiles: Optional[List[str]], distro_obj: "Distro"
) -> List["Profile"]:
:param profiles: TODO
:param distro_obj: TODO
profile_names = input_converters.input_string_or_list_no_inherit(profiles)
if profile_names:
orphans = set(profile_names) - set(distro_obj.children)
if len(orphans) > 0:
raise ValueError(
"When building a standalone ISO, all --profiles must be"
" under --distro. Extra --profiles: {}".format(
",".join(sorted(str(o for o in orphans)))
return self.filter_profiles(profile_names)
return self.filter_profiles(distro_obj.children) # type: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
def _copy_isolinux_files(self):
This method copies the required and optional files from syslinux into the directories we use for building the
:param iso_distro: The distro (and thus architecture) to build the ISO for.
:param buildisodir: The directory where the ISO is being built in.
self.logger.info("copying syslinux files")
files_to_copy = [
optional_files = ["ldlinux.c32", "libcom32.c32", "libutil.c32"]
syslinux_folders = [
# file_copy_success will be used to check for missing files
file_copy_success: Dict[str, bool] = {
f: False for f in files_to_copy if f not in optional_files
for syslinux_folder in syslinux_folders:
if syslinux_folder.exists():
for file_to_copy in files_to_copy:
source_file = syslinux_folder.joinpath(file_to_copy)
if source_file.exists():
os.path.join(self.isolinuxdir, file_to_copy),
file_copy_success[file_to_copy] = True
unsuccessful_copied_files = [k for k, v in file_copy_success.items() if not v]
if len(unsuccessful_copied_files) > 0:
'The following files were not found: "%s"',
'", "'.join(unsuccessful_copied_files),
raise FileNotFoundError(
"Required file(s) not found. Please check your syslinux installation"
def _render_grub_entry(
self, append_line: str, menu_name: str, kernel_path: str, initrd_path: str
) -> str:
:param append_line: TODO
:param menu_name: TODO
:param kernel_path: TODO
:param initrd_path: TODO
return self.templar.render(
"menu_name": menu_name,
"kernel_path": kernel_path,
"initrd_path": initrd_path,
"kernel_options": re.sub(r".*initrd=\S+", "", append_line),
def _render_isolinux_entry(
self, append_line: str, menu_name: str, kernel_path: str, menu_indent: int = 0
) -> str:
"""Render a single isolinux.cfg menu entry."""
return self.templar.render(
"menu_name": menu_name,
"kernel_path": kernel_path,
"append_line": append_line.lstrip(),
"menu_indent": menu_indent,
def _render_bootinfo_txt(self, distro_name: str) -> str:
"""Render bootinfo.txt for ppc."""
return self.templar.render(
search_table={"distro_name": distro_name},
def _copy_grub_into_esp(self, esp_image_location: str, arch: Archs):
"""Copy grub boot loader into EFI System Partition.
:param esp_image_location: Path to EFI System Partition.
:param arch: Distribution architecture
grub_name = self.calculate_grub_name(arch)
efi_name = self.efi_fallback_renames.get(grub_name, grub_name)
esp_efi_boot = self._create_efi_boot_dir(esp_image_location)
grub_binary = (
pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().bootloaders_dir) / "grub" / grub_name
str(grub_binary), esp_image_location, f"{esp_efi_boot}/{efi_name}"
[docs] def calculate_grub_name(self, desired_arch: Archs) -> str:
This function checks the bootloaders_formats in our settings and then checks if there is a match between the
architectures and the distribution architecture.
:param distro: The distribution to get the GRUB2 loader name for.
loader_formats = self.api.settings().bootloaders_formats
grub_binary_names: Dict[str, str] = {}
for loader_format, values in loader_formats.items():
name = values.get("binary_name", None)
if name is not None and isinstance(name, str):
grub_binary_names[loader_format.lower()] = name
if desired_arch in (Archs.PPC, Archs.PPC64, Archs.PPC64LE, Archs.PPC64EL):
# GRUB can boot all Power architectures it supports via the following modules directory.
return grub_binary_names["powerpc-ieee1275"]
if desired_arch == Archs.AARCH64:
# GRUB has only one 64-bit variant it can boot, the name is different how we have named it in Cobbler.
return grub_binary_names["arm64-efi"]
if desired_arch == Archs.ARM:
# GRUB has only one 32-bit variant it can boot, the name is different how we have named it in Cobbler.
return grub_binary_names["arm"]
# Now we do the regular stuff: We map the beginning of the Cobbler arch and try to find suitable loaders.
# We do want to drop "grub.0" always as it is not efi bootable.
matches = {
k: v
for (k, v) in grub_binary_names.items()
if k.startswith(desired_arch.value) and v != "grub.0"
if len(matches) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f'No matches found for requested Cobbler Arch: "{str(desired_arch.value)}"'
if len(matches) == 1:
return next(iter(matches.values()))
raise ValueError(
f'Ambiguous matches for GRUB to Cobbler Arch mapping! Requested: "{str(desired_arch.value)}"'
f' Found: "{str(matches.values())}"'
def _write_isolinux_cfg(
self, cfg_parts: List[str], output_dir: pathlib.Path
) -> None:
"""Write isolinux.cfg.
:param cfg_parts: List of str that is written to the config, joined by newlines.
:param output_dir: pathlib.Path that the isolinux.cfg file is written into.
output_file = output_dir / "isolinux.cfg"
self.logger.info("Writing %s", output_file)
with open(output_file, "w") as f:
def _write_grub_cfg(self, cfg_parts: List[str], output_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
"""Write grub.cfg.
:param cfg_parts: List of str that is written to the config, joined by newlines.
:param output_dir: pathlib.Path that the grub.cfg file is written into.
output_file = output_dir / "grub.cfg"
self.logger.info("Writing %s", output_file)
with open(output_file, "w") as f:
def _write_bootinfo(self, bootinfo_txt: str, output_dir: pathlib.Path) -> None:
"""Write ppc/bootinfo.txt
:param bootinfo_parts: List of str that is written to the config, joined by newlines.
:param output_dir: pathlib.Path that the bootinfo.txt is written into.
output_file = output_dir / "bootinfo.txt"
self.logger.info("Writing %s", output_file)
with open(output_file, "w") as f:
def _create_esp_image_file(self, tmpdir: str) -> str:
esp = pathlib.Path(tmpdir) / "efi"
mkfs_cmd = ["mkfs.fat", "-C", str(esp), "3528"]
rc = utils.subprocess_call(mkfs_cmd, shell=False)
if rc != 0:
self.logger.error("Could not create ESP image file")
raise Exception # TODO: use proper exception
return str(esp)
def _create_efi_boot_dir(self, esp_mountpoint: str) -> str:
efi_boot = pathlib.Path("EFI") / "BOOT"
self.logger.info("Creating %s", efi_boot)
filesystem_helpers.mkdirimage(efi_boot, esp_mountpoint)
return str(efi_boot)
def _find_esp(self, root_dir: pathlib.Path) -> Optional[str]:
"""Walk root directory and look for an ESP."""
candidates = [str(match) for match in root_dir.glob("**/efi")]
if len(candidates) == 0:
return None
elif len(candidates) == 1:
return candidates[0]
"Found multiple ESP (%s), choosing %s", candidates, candidates[0]
return candidates[0]
def _prepare_buildisodir(self, buildisodir: str = "") -> str:
This validated the path and type of the buildiso directory and then (re-)creates the apropiate directories.
:param buildisodir: The directory in which the build of the ISO takes place. If an empty string then the default
directory is used.
:raises ValueError: In case the specified directory does not exist.
:raises TypeError: In case the specified argument is not of type str.
:return: The validated and normalized directory with appropriate subfolders provisioned.
if not isinstance(buildisodir, str): # type: ignore
raise TypeError("buildisodir needs to be of type str!")
if not buildisodir:
buildisodir = self.api.settings().buildisodir
if not os.path.isdir(buildisodir):
raise ValueError("The --tempdir specified is not a directory")
(_, buildisodir_tail) = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(buildisodir))
if buildisodir_tail != "buildiso":
buildisodir = os.path.join(buildisodir, "buildiso")
self.logger.info('Deleting and recreating the buildisodir at "%s"', buildisodir)
if os.path.exists(buildisodir):
self.isolinuxdir = os.path.join(buildisodir, "isolinux")
return buildisodir
[docs] def create_buildiso_dirs_x86_64(self, buildiso_root: str) -> BuildisoDirsX86_64:
"""Create directories in the buildiso root.
├── autoinstall
├── EFI
│ └── BOOT
├── isolinux
└── repo_mirror
root = pathlib.Path(buildiso_root)
isolinuxdir = root / "isolinux"
grubdir = root / "EFI" / "BOOT"
autoinstalldir = root / "autoinstall"
repodir = root / "repo_mirror"
for d in [isolinuxdir, grubdir, autoinstalldir, repodir]:
return BuildisoDirsX86_64(
[docs] def create_buildiso_dirs_ppc64le(self, buildiso_root: str) -> BuildisoDirsPPC64LE:
"""Create directories in the buildiso root.
├── autoinstall
├── boot
├── ppc
└── repo_mirror
root = pathlib.Path(buildiso_root)
grubdir = root / "boot"
ppcdir = root / "ppc"
autoinstalldir = root / "autoinstall"
repodir = root / "repo_mirror"
for _d in [grubdir, ppcdir, autoinstalldir, repodir]:
return BuildisoDirsPPC64LE(
def _xorriso_ppc64le(
xorrisofs_opts: str,
iso: str,
buildisodir: str,
esp_path: str = "",
Build the final xorrisofs command which is then executed on the disk.
:param xorrisofs_opts: The additional options for xorrisofs.
:param iso: The name of the output iso.
:param buildisodir: The directory in which we build the ISO.
del esp_path # just accepted for polymorphism
cmd = [
if xorrisofs_opts != "":
xorrisofs_return_code = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False)
if xorrisofs_return_code != 0:
self.logger.error("xorrisofs failed with non zero exit code!")
self.logger.info("ISO build complete")
self.logger.info("You may wish to delete: %s", buildisodir)
self.logger.info("The output file is: %s", iso)
def _xorriso_x86_64(
self, xorrisofs_opts: str, iso: str, buildisodir: str, esp_path: str
Build the final xorrisofs command which is then executed on the disk.
:param xorrisofs_opts: The additional options for xorrisofs.
:param iso: The name of the output iso.
:param buildisodir: The directory in which we build the ISO.
:param esp_path: The absolute path to the EFI system partition.
running_on, _ = utils.os_release()
if running_on in ("suse", "centos", "virtuozzo", "redhat"):
isohdpfx_location = pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().syslinux_dir).joinpath(
isohdpfx_location = pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().syslinux_dir).joinpath(
esp_relative_path = pathlib.Path(esp_path).relative_to(buildisodir)
cmd = [
if xorrisofs_opts != "":
cmd += [
xorrisofs_return_code = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False)
if xorrisofs_return_code != 0:
self.logger.error("xorrisofs failed with non zero exit code!")
self.logger.info("ISO build complete")
self.logger.info("You may wish to delete: %s", buildisodir)
self.logger.info("The output file is: %s", iso)
[docs] def prepare_sources(
distro_name: Optional[str],
profiles: Optional[List[str]],
systems: Optional[List[str]],
exclude_systems: bool,
) -> Tuple["Distro", List["Profile"], List["System"]]:
Preprocess input data to suitable format.
If distro is not provided, it is taken from first profile or system item.
Profiles and systems are returned either as empty list or list of Profile, resp. System
:param distro_name: Name of the distribution to use or None
:param profiles: List of profile names or None to include all
:param systems: List of system names or None to include all
:param exclude_systems: If set, do not include any system
:raises ValueError: In case of unsupported distro architecture
:return: Tuple with Distro, List of profiles and List of systems
system_names = input_converters.input_string_or_list_no_inherit(systems)
profile_names = input_converters.input_string_or_list_no_inherit(profiles)
profile_list = list(self.filter_profiles(profile_names))
system_list: List["System"] = list()
if not exclude_systems:
system_list = list(self.filter_systems(system_names))
distro_obj: Optional["Distro"] = None
if distro_name:
distro_obj = self.parse_distro(distro_name)
elif len(profile_list) > 0:
distro_obj = profile_list[0].get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
elif len(system_list) > 0:
distro_obj = system_list[0].get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
if distro_obj is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to find suitable distro and none set by caller")
if distro_obj.arch not in ( # type: ignore[reportUnknownMemberType]
raise ValueError(
"cobbler buildiso does not work for arch={distro_obj.arch}"
return (distro_obj, profile_list, system_list)