This module contains the logic that kicks of the ``cobbler import`` process. This is extracted logic from ``api.py``
that is essentially calling ``modules/mangers/import_signatures.py`` with some preparatory code.
import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
from cobbler import utils
from cobbler.utils import filesystem_helpers
from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
[docs]class Importer:
Wrapper class to adhere to the style of all other actions.
def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI") -> None:
Constructor to initialize the class.
:param api: The CobblerAPI.
self.api = api
self.logger = logging.getLogger()
[docs] def run(
mirror_url: str,
mirror_name: str,
network_root: Optional[str] = None,
autoinstall_file: Optional[str] = None,
rsync_flags: Optional[str] = None,
arch: Optional[str] = None,
breed: Optional[str] = None,
os_version: Optional[str] = None,
) -> bool:
Automatically import a directory tree full of distribution files.
:param mirror_url: Can be a string that represents a path, a user@host syntax for SSH, or an rsync:// address.
If mirror_url is a filesystem path and mirroring is not desired, set network_root to
something like "nfs://path/to/mirror_url/root"
:param mirror_name: The name of the mirror.
:param network_root: the remote path (nfs/http/ftp) for the distro files
:param autoinstall_file: user-specified response file, which will override the default
:param rsync_flags: Additional flags that will be passed to the rsync call that will sync everything to the
Cobbler webroot.
:param arch: user-specified architecture
:param breed: user-specified breed
:param os_version: user-specified OS version
[mirror_url, mirror_name, network_root, autoinstall_file, rsync_flags],
# Both --path and --name are required arguments.
if mirror_url is None or not mirror_url: # type: ignore[reportUnnecessaryComparison]
self.logger.info("import failed. no --path specified")
return False
if not mirror_name:
self.logger.info("import failed. no --name specified")
return False
path = os.path.normpath(
if arch is not None:
arch = arch.lower()
if arch == "x86":
# be consistent
arch = "i386"
if path.split("-")[-1] != arch:
path += f"-{arch}"
# We need to mirror (copy) the files.
"importing from a network location, running rsync to fetch the files first"
# Prevent rsync from creating the directory name twice if we are copying via rsync.
if not mirror_url.endswith("/"):
mirror_url = f"{mirror_url}/"
if (
or mirror_url.startswith("https://")
or mirror_url.startswith("ftp://")
or mirror_url.startswith("nfs://")
# HTTP mirrors are kind of primitive. rsync is better. That's why this isn't documented in the manpage and
# we don't support them.
# TODO: how about adding recursive FTP as an option?
self.logger.info("unsupported protocol")
return False
# Good, we're going to use rsync.. We don't use SSH for public mirrors and local files.
# Presence of user@host syntax means use SSH
spacer = ""
if not mirror_url.startswith("rsync://") and not mirror_url.startswith("/"):
spacer = ' -e "ssh" '
# --archive but without -p to avoid copying read-only ISO permissions and making sure we have write access
rsync_cmd = ["rsync", "-rltgoD", "--chmod=ug=rwX"]
if spacer != "":
if rsync_flags:
# If --available-as was specified, limit the files we pull down via rsync to just those that are critical
# to detecting what the distro is
if network_root is not None:
rsync_cmd += [mirror_url, path]
# kick off the rsync now
rsync_return_code = utils.subprocess_call(rsync_cmd, shell=False)
if rsync_return_code != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
f"rsync import failed with return code {rsync_return_code}!"
if network_root is not None:
# In addition to mirroring, we're going to assume the path is available over http, ftp, and nfs, perhaps on
# an external filer. Scanning still requires --mirror is a filesystem path, but --available-as marks the
# network path. This allows users to point the path at a directory containing just the network boot files
# while the rest of the distro files are available somewhere else.
# Find the filesystem part of the path, after the server bits, as each distro URL needs to be calculated
# relative to this.
if not network_root.endswith("/"):
network_root += "/"
valid_roots = ["nfs://", "ftp://", "http://", "https://"]
for valid_root in valid_roots:
if network_root.startswith(valid_root):
"Network root given to --available-as must be nfs://, ftp://, http://, or https://"
return False
if network_root.startswith("nfs://"):
(_, _, _) = network_root.split(":", 3)
except ValueError:
"Network root given to --available-as is missing a colon, please see the manpage example."
return False
import_module = self.api.get_module_by_name("managers.import_signatures")
if import_module is None:
raise ImportError("Could not retrieve import signatures module!")
import_manager = import_module.get_import_manager(self.api)
path, mirror_name, network_root, autoinstall_file, arch, breed, os_version
return True