Source code for

Report from a Cobbler master.
FIXME: reinstante functionality for 2.0

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2007-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Anderson Silva <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List

from cobbler import utils

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
    from cobbler.cobbler_collections.collection import ITEM, Collection

[docs]class Report: """ TODO """ def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI"): """ Constructor :param api: The API to hold all information in Cobbler available. """ self.settings = api.settings() self.api = api self.report_type = None self.report_what = None self.report_name = None self.report_fields = None self.report_noheaders = None self.array_re = re.compile(r"([^[]+)\[([^]]+)\]")
[docs] def fielder( self, structure: Dict[str, Any], fields_list: List[str] ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Return data from a subset of fields of some item :param structure: The item structure to report. :param fields_list: The list of fields which should be returned. :return: The same item with only the given subset of information. """ item: Dict[str, Any] = {} for field in fields_list: internal = # check if field is primary field if field in list(structure.keys()): item[field] = structure[field] # check if subfield in 'interfaces' field elif internal and in list(structure.keys()): outer = inner = if isinstance(structure[outer], dict) and inner in structure[outer]: item[field] = structure[outer][inner] elif "interfaces" in list(structure.keys()): for device in list(structure["interfaces"].keys()): if field in structure["interfaces"][device]: item[field] = ( device + ": " + structure["interfaces"][device][field] ) return item
[docs] def reporting_csv( self, info: List[Dict[str, str]], order: List[Any], noheaders: bool ) -> str: """ Formats data on 'info' for csv output :param info: The list of iteratable items for csv output. :param order: The list of fields which are available in the csv file. :param noheaders: Whether headers are printed to the output or not. :return: The string with the csv. """ outputheaders = "" outputbody = "" sep = "," info_count = 0 for item in info: item_count = 0 for key in order: if info_count == 0: outputheaders += str(key) + sep if key in list(item.keys()): outputbody += str(item[key]) + sep else: outputbody += "-" + sep item_count += 1 info_count += 1 outputbody += "\n" outputheaders += "\n" if noheaders: outputheaders = "" return outputheaders + outputbody
[docs] def reporting_trac( self, info: List[Dict[str, str]], order: List[Any], noheaders: bool ) -> str: """ Formats data on 'info' for trac wiki table output :param info: The list of iteratable items for table output. :param order: The list of fields which are available in the table file. :param noheaders: Whether headers are printed to the output or not. :return: The string with the generated table. """ outputheaders = "" outputbody = "" sep = "||" info_count = 0 for item in info: item_count = 0 for key in order: if info_count == 0: outputheaders += sep + str(key) if key in list(item.keys()): outputbody += sep + str(item[key]) else: outputbody += sep + "-" item_count = item_count + 1 info_count = info_count + 1 outputbody += "||\n" outputheaders += "||\n" if noheaders: outputheaders = "" return outputheaders + outputbody
[docs] def reporting_doku( self, info: List[Dict[str, str]], order: List[Any], noheaders: bool ) -> str: """ Formats data on 'info' for doku wiki table output :param info: The list of iteratable items for table output. :param order: The list of fields which are available in the table file. :param noheaders: Whether headers are printed to the output or not. :return: The string with the generated table. """ outputheaders = "" outputbody = "" sep1 = "^" sep2 = "|" info_count = 0 for item in info: item_count = 0 for key in order: if info_count == 0: outputheaders += sep1 + key if key in list(item.keys()): outputbody += sep2 + item[key] else: outputbody += sep2 + "-" item_count = item_count + 1 info_count = info_count + 1 outputbody += sep2 + "\n" outputheaders += sep1 + "\n" if noheaders: outputheaders = "" return outputheaders + outputbody
[docs] def reporting_mediawiki( self, info: List[Dict[str, str]], order: List[Any], noheaders: bool ) -> str: """ Formats data on 'info' for mediawiki table output :param info: The list of iteratable items for table output. :param order: The list of fields which are available in the table file. :param noheaders: Whether headers are printed to the output or not. :return: The string with the generated table. """ outputheaders = "" outputbody = "" opentable = '{| border="1"\n' closetable = "|}\n" sep1 = "||" sep2 = "|" sep3 = "|-" info_count = 0 for item in info: item_count = 0 for key in order: if info_count == 0 and item_count == 0: outputheaders += sep2 + key elif info_count == 0: outputheaders += sep1 + key if item_count == 0: if key in list(item.keys()): outputbody += sep2 + str(item[key]) else: outputbody += sep2 + "-" else: if key in list(item.keys()): outputbody += sep1 + str(item[key]) else: outputbody += sep1 + "-" item_count = item_count + 1 info_count = info_count + 1 outputbody += "\n" + sep3 + "\n" outputheaders += "\n" + sep3 + "\n" if noheaders: outputheaders = "" return opentable + outputheaders + outputbody + closetable
[docs] def print_formatted_data( self, data: List[Dict[str, str]], order: List[str], report_type: str, noheaders: bool, ) -> None: """ Used for picking the correct format to output data as :param data: The list of iteratable items for table output. :param order: The list of fields which are available in the table file. :param noheaders: Whether headers are printed to the output or not. :param report_type: The type of report which should be used. """ if report_type == "csv": print(self.reporting_csv(data, order, noheaders)) elif report_type == "mediawiki": print(self.reporting_mediawiki(data, order, noheaders)) elif report_type == "trac": print(self.reporting_trac(data, order, noheaders)) elif report_type == "doku": print(self.reporting_doku(data, order, noheaders)) else: raise ValueError("Unknown report type selected!")
[docs] @staticmethod def reporting_print_sorted(collection: "Collection[ITEM]") -> None: """ Prints all objects in a collection sorted by name :param collection: The collection to print. """ result = [x for x in collection] result.sort(key=lambda x: for item in result: print(item.to_string()) # type: ignore
[docs] @staticmethod def reporting_list_names2(collection: "Collection[ITEM]", name: str) -> None: """ Prints a specific object in a collection. :param collection: The collections object to print a collection from. :param name: The name of the collection to print. """ obj = collection.get(name) if obj is not None: print(obj.to_string()) # type: ignore
[docs] def reporting_print_all_fields( self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", report_name: str, report_type: str, report_noheaders: bool, ) -> None: """ Prints all fields in a collection as a table given the report type :param collection: The collection to report. :param report_name: The name of the report. :param report_type: The type of report to give. :param report_noheaders: Report without the headers. (May be useful for machine parsing) :return: A report with all fields included pretty printed or machine readable. """ # per-item hack if report_name: collection = collection.find(name=report_name) # type: ignore if collection: collection = [collection] # type: ignore else: return None collection = [x for x in collection] # type: ignore collection.sort(key=lambda x: # type: ignore data: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] out_order = [] count = 0 for item_obj in collection: item: Dict[str, str] = {} if item_obj.ITEM_TYPE == "settings": # type: ignore structure = item_obj.to_dict() else: structure = item_obj.to_list() # type: ignore for (key, value) in list(structure.items()): # type: ignore # exception for systems which could have > 1 interface if key == "interfaces": for (device, info) in list(value.items()): for (info_header, info_value) in list(info.items()): item[info_header] = str(device) + ": " + str(info_value) # needs to create order list for print_formatted_fields if count == 0: out_order.append(info_header) # type: ignore else: item[key] = value # needs to create order list for print_formatted_fields if count == 0: out_order.append(key) # type: ignore count = count + 1 data.append(item) self.print_formatted_data( data=data, order=out_order, report_type=report_type, noheaders=report_noheaders, )
[docs] def reporting_print_x_fields( self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", report_name: str, report_type: str, report_fields: str, report_noheaders: bool, ) -> None: """ Prints specific fields in a collection as a table given the report type :param collection: The collection to report. :param report_name: The name of the report. :param report_type: The type of report to give. :param report_fields: The fields which should be included in the report. :param report_noheaders: Report without the headers. (May be useful for machine parsing) """ # per-item hack if report_name: search_results: List["ITEM"] = collection.find( name=report_name, return_list=True ) # type: ignore if search_results: search_results = [search_results] # type: ignore else: return search_results = [x for x in collection] search_results.sort(key=lambda x: data: List[Dict[str, str]] = [] fields_list = report_fields.replace(" ", "").split(",") for item in search_results: if item.ITEM_TYPE == "settings": # type: ignore structure = item.to_dict() else: structure = item.to_list() # type: ignore item = self.fielder(structure, fields_list) # type: ignore data.append(item) self.print_formatted_data( data=data, order=fields_list, report_type=report_type, noheaders=report_noheaders, )
# -------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def run( self, report_what: str = "", report_name: str = "", report_type: str = "", report_fields: str = "", report_noheaders: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Get remote profiles and distros and sync them locally 1. Handles original report output 2. Handles all fields of report outputs as table given a format 3. Handles specific fields of report outputs as table given a format :param report_what: What should be reported. May be "all". :param report_name: The name of the report. :param report_type: The type of report to give. :param report_fields: The fields which should be included in the report. :param report_noheaders: Report without the headers. (May be useful for machine parsing) """ if report_type == "text" and report_fields == "all": for collection_name in [ "distro", "profile", "system", "repo", "network", "image", ]: if report_what in ( "all", collection_name, f"{collection_name}s", f"{collection_name}es", ): if report_name: self.reporting_list_names2( self.api.get_items(collection_name), report_name # type: ignore ) else: self.reporting_print_sorted(self.api.get_items(collection_name)) # type: ignore elif report_type == "text" and report_fields != "all": utils.die("The 'text' type can only be used with field set to 'all'") elif report_type != "text" and report_fields == "all": for collection_name in [ "distro", "profile", "system", "repo", "network", "image", ]: if report_what in ( "all", collection_name, f"{collection_name}s", f"{collection_name}es", ): self.reporting_print_all_fields( self.api.get_items(collection_name), # type: ignore report_name, report_type, report_noheaders, ) else: for collection_name in [ "distro", "profile", "system", "repo", "network", "image", ]: if report_what in ( "all", collection_name, f"{collection_name}s", f"{collection_name}es", ): self.reporting_print_x_fields( self.api.get_items(collection_name), # type: ignore report_name, report_type, report_fields, report_noheaders, )