Source code for cobbler.actions.reposync

Builds out and synchronizes yum repo mirrors.
Initial support for rsync, perhaps reposync coming later.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2006-2007, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

import logging
import os
import os.path
import shlex
import shutil
import stat
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from cobbler import utils
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX
from cobbler.enums import MirrorType, RepoArchs, RepoBreeds
from cobbler.utils import filesystem_helpers, os_release

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
    from cobbler.items.repo import Repo

    import librepo  # type: ignore

    HAS_LIBREPO = True
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    # This is a constant since it is only defined once.
    HAS_LIBREPO = False  # type: ignore

[docs]def repo_walker( top: str, func: Callable[[Any, str, List[str]], None], arg: Any ) -> None: """ Directory tree walk with callback function. For each directory in the directory tree rooted at top (including top itself, but excluding '.' and '..'), call func(arg, dirname, fnames). dirname is the name of the directory, and fnames a list of the names of the files and subdirectories in dirname (excluding '.' and '..'). func may modify the fnames list in-place (e.g. via del or slice assignment), and walk will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in fnames; this can be used to implement a filter, or to impose a specific order of visiting. No semantics are defined for, or required of, arg, beyond that arg is always passed to func. It can be used, e.g., to pass a filename pattern, or a mutable object designed to accumulate statistics. Passing None for arg is common. :param top: The directory that should be taken as root. The root dir will also be included in the processing. :param func: The function that should be executed. :param arg: The arguments for that function. """ try: names = os.listdir(top) # The order of the return is not guaranteed and seems to depend on the fileystem thus sort the list names.sort() except os.error: return func(arg, top, names) for name in names: path_name = os.path.join(top, name) try: file_stats = os.lstat(path_name) except os.error: continue if stat.S_ISDIR(file_stats.st_mode): repo_walker(path_name, func, arg)
[docs]class RepoSync: """ Handles conversion of internal state to the tftpboot tree layout. """ # ================================================================================== def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI", tries: int = 1, nofail: bool = False) -> None: """ Constructor :param api: The object which holds all information in Cobbler. :param tries: The number of tries before the operation fails. :param nofail: This sets the strictness of the reposync result handling. """ self.verbose = True self.api = api self.settings = api.settings() self.repos = api.repos() self.rflags = self.settings.reposync_flags.split() self.tries = tries self.nofail = nofail self.logger = logging.getLogger()"hello, reposync") # ===================================================================
[docs] def run(self, name: Optional[str] = None, verbose: bool = True) -> None: """ Syncs the current repo configuration file with the filesystem. :param name: The name of the repository to synchronize. :param verbose: If the action should be logged verbose or not. """"run, reposync, run!") self.verbose = verbose report_failure = False for repo in self.repos: if name is not None and != name: # Invoked to sync only a specific repo, this is not the one continue if name is None and not repo.keep_updated: # Invoked to run against all repos, but this one is off"%s is set to not be updated", continue repo_mirror = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "repo_mirror") repo_path = os.path.join(repo_mirror, if not os.path.isdir(repo_path) and not repo.mirror.lower().startswith( "rhn://" ): os.makedirs(repo_path) # Set the environment keys specified for this repo and save the old one if they modify an existing variable. env = repo.environment old_env: Dict[str, Any] = {} for k in list(env.keys()): self.logger.debug("setting repo environment: %s=%s", k, env[k]) if env[k] is not None: if os.getenv(k): old_env[k] = os.getenv(k) else: os.environ[k] = env[k] # Which may actually NOT reposync if the repo is set to not mirror locally but that's a technicality. success = False for reposync_try in range(self.tries + 1, 1, -1): try: self.sync(repo) success = True break except Exception: success = False utils.log_exc() self.logger.warning( "reposync failed, tries left: %s", (reposync_try - 2) ) # Cleanup/restore any environment variables that were added or changed above. for k in list(env.keys()): if env[k] is not None: if k in old_env: self.logger.debug( "resetting repo environment: %s=%s", k, old_env[k] ) os.environ[k] = old_env[k] else: self.logger.debug("removing repo environment: %s=%s", k, env[k]) del os.environ[k] if not success: report_failure = True if not self.nofail: raise CX("reposync failed, retry limit reached, aborting") self.logger.error("reposync failed, retry limit reached, skipping") self.update_permissions(repo_path) if report_failure: raise CX("overall reposync failed, at least one repo failed to synchronize")
# ==================================================================================
[docs] def sync(self, repo: "Repo") -> None: """ Conditionally sync a repo, based on type. :param repo: The repo to sync. """ if repo.breed == RepoBreeds.RHN: self.rhn_sync(repo) elif repo.breed == RepoBreeds.YUM: self.yum_sync(repo) elif repo.breed == RepoBreeds.APT: self.apt_sync(repo) elif repo.breed == RepoBreeds.RSYNC: self.rsync_sync(repo) elif repo.breed == RepoBreeds.WGET: self.wget_sync(repo) else: raise CX( f"unable to sync repo ({}), unknown or unsupported repo type ({repo.breed.value})" )
# ====================================================================================
[docs] def librepo_getinfo(self, dirname: str) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Used to get records from a repomd.xml file of downloaded rpmmd repository. :param dirname: The local path of rpmmd repository. :return: The dict representing records from a repomd.xml file of rpmmd repository. """ # FIXME: Librepo has no typing stubs. librepo_handle = librepo.Handle() # type: ignore librepo_result = librepo.Result() # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_REPOTYPE, librepo.LR_YUMREPO) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_URLS, [dirname]) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_LOCAL, True) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_CHECKSUM, True) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_IGNOREMISSING, True) # type: ignore try: librepo_handle.perform(librepo_result) # type: ignore except librepo.LibrepoException as error: # type: ignore raise CX("librepo error: " + dirname + " - " + error.args[1]) from error # type: ignore return librepo_result.getinfo(librepo.LRR_RPMMD_REPOMD).get("records", {}) # type: ignore
# ====================================================================================
[docs] def createrepo_walker(self, repo: "Repo", dirname: str, fnames: Any) -> None: """ Used to run createrepo on a copied Yum mirror. :param repo: The repository object to run for. :param dirname: The directory to run in. :param fnames: Not known what this is for. """ if os.path.exists(dirname) or repo.breed == RepoBreeds.RSYNC: utils.remove_yum_olddata(dirname) # add any repo metadata we can use mdoptions: List[str] = [] origin_path = os.path.join(dirname, ".origin") repodata_path = os.path.join(origin_path, "repodata") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(repodata_path, "repomd.xml")): repo_data = self.librepo_getinfo(origin_path) if "group" in repo_data: groupmdfile = repo_data["group"]["location_href"] mdoptions += ["-g", os.path.join(origin_path, groupmdfile)] if "prestodelta" in repo_data: # need createrepo >= 0.9.7 to add deltas if utils.get_family() in ("redhat", "suse"): cmd = [ "/usr/bin/rpmquery", "--queryformat=%{VERSION}", "createrepo", ] createrepo_ver = utils.subprocess_get(cmd, shell=False) if not createrepo_ver[0:1].isdigit(): cmd = [ "/usr/bin/rpmquery", "--queryformat=%{VERSION}", "createrepo_c", ] createrepo_ver = utils.subprocess_get(cmd, shell=False) if utils.compare_versions_gt(createrepo_ver, "0.9.7"): mdoptions.append("--deltas") else: self.logger.error( "this repo has presto metadata; you must upgrade createrepo to >= 0.9.7 " "first and then need to resync the repo through Cobbler." ) blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, repo) flags = blended.get("createrepo_flags", "(ERROR: FLAGS)").split() try: cmd = ["createrepo"] + mdoptions + flags + [shlex.quote(dirname)] utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) except Exception: utils.log_exc() self.logger.error("createrepo failed.") del fnames[:] # we're in the right place
# ====================================================================================
[docs] def wget_sync(self, repo: "Repo") -> None: """ Handle mirroring of directories using wget :param repo: The repo object to sync via wget. """ mirror_program = "/usr/bin/wget" if not os.path.exists(mirror_program): raise CX(f"no {mirror_program} found, please install it") if repo.mirror_type != MirrorType.BASEURL: raise CX( "mirrorlist and metalink mirror types is not supported for wget'd repositories" ) if repo.rpm_list not in ("", []): self.logger.warning("--rpm-list is not supported for wget'd repositories") dest_path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "repo_mirror", # FIXME: wrapper for subprocess that logs to logger cmd = [ "wget", "-N", "-np", "-r", "-l", "inf", "-nd", "-P", shlex.quote(dest_path), shlex.quote(repo.mirror), ] return_value = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) if return_value != 0: raise CX("cobbler reposync failed") repo_walker(dest_path, self.createrepo_walker, repo) self.create_local_file(dest_path, repo)
# ====================================================================================
[docs] def rsync_sync(self, repo: "Repo") -> None: """ Handle copying of rsync:// and rsync-over-ssh repos. :param repo: The repo to sync via rsync. """ if not repo.mirror_locally: raise CX( "rsync:// urls must be mirrored locally, yum cannot access them directly" ) if repo.mirror_type != MirrorType.BASEURL: raise CX( "mirrorlist and metalink mirror types is not supported for rsync'd repositories" ) if repo.rpm_list not in ("", []): self.logger.warning("--rpm-list is not supported for rsync'd repositories") dest_path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "repo_mirror", spacer: List[str] = [] if not repo.mirror.startswith("rsync://") and not repo.mirror.startswith("/"): spacer = ["-e ssh"] if not repo.mirror.endswith("/"): repo.mirror = f"{repo.mirror}/" flags: List[str] = [] for repo_option in repo.rsyncopts: if repo.rsyncopts[repo_option]: flags.append(f"{repo_option} {repo.rsyncopts[repo_option]}") else: flags.append(f"{repo_option}") if not flags: flags = self.settings.reposync_rsync_flags.split() cmd = ["rsync"] + flags + ["--delete-after"] cmd += spacer + [ "--delete", "--exclude-from=/etc/cobbler/rsync.exclude", shlex.quote(repo.mirror), shlex.quote(dest_path), ] return_code = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) if return_code != 0: raise CX("cobbler reposync failed") # If ran in archive mode then repo should already contain all repodata and does not need createrepo run archive = False if "--archive" in flags: archive = True else: # skip all flags --{options} as we need to look for combined flags like -vaH for option in flags: if option.startswith("--"): pass else: if "a" in option: archive = True break if not archive: repo_walker(dest_path, self.createrepo_walker, repo) self.create_local_file(dest_path, repo)
# ====================================================================================
[docs] @staticmethod def reposync_cmd() -> List[str]: """ Determine reposync command :return: The path to the reposync command. If dnf exists it is used instead of reposync. """ if not HAS_LIBREPO: raise CX("no librepo found, please install python3-librepo") if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/reposync"): cmd = ["/usr/bin/reposync"] # DNF5 does not have a reposync subcommand elif os.path.exists("/usr/bin/dnf"): cmd = ["/usr/bin/dnf", "reposync"] else: # Warn about not having yum-utils. We don't want to require it in the package because Fedora 22+ has moved # to dnf. raise CX("no /usr/bin/reposync found, please install yum-utils") return cmd
# ====================================================================================
[docs] def rhn_sync(self, repo: "Repo") -> None: """ Handle mirroring of RHN repos. :param repo: The repo object to synchronize. """ # flag indicating not to pull the whole repo has_rpm_list = False # detect cases that require special handling if repo.rpm_list not in ("", []): has_rpm_list = True # Create yum config file for use by reposync # FIXME: don't hardcode repos_path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "repo_mirror") dest_path = os.path.join(repos_path, temp_path = os.path.join(dest_path, ".origin") if not os.path.isdir(temp_path): # FIXME: there's a chance this might break the RHN D/L case os.makedirs(temp_path) # how we invoke reposync depends on whether this is RHN content or not. # This is the somewhat more-complex RHN case. # NOTE: this requires that you have entitlements for the server and you give the mirror as rhn://$channelname if not repo.mirror_locally: raise CX("rhn:// repos do not work with --mirror-locally=False") if has_rpm_list: self.logger.warning("warning: --rpm-list is not supported for RHN content") rest = repo.mirror[6:] # everything after rhn:// if != rest: args = {"name":, "rest": rest} raise CX( "ERROR: repository %(name)s needs to be renamed %(rest)s as the name of the cobbler repository " "must match the name of the RHN channel" % args ) arch = repo.arch.value if arch == "i386": # Counter-intuitive, but we want the newish kernels too arch = "i686" cmd = self.reposync_cmd() cmd += self.rflags + [ f"--repo={shlex.quote(rest)}", f"--download-path={shlex.quote(repos_path)}", ] if arch != "none": cmd.append(f'--arch="{arch}"') # Now regardless of whether we're doing yumdownloader or reposync or whether the repo was http://, ftp://, or # rhn://, execute all queued commands here. Any failure at any point stops the operation. if repo.mirror_locally: utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) # Some more special case handling for RHN. Create the config file now, because the directory didn't exist # earlier. self.create_local_file(temp_path, repo, output=False) # Now run createrepo to rebuild the index if repo.mirror_locally: repo_walker(dest_path, self.createrepo_walker, repo) # Create the config file the hosts will use to access the repository. self.create_local_file(dest_path, repo)
# ====================================================================================
[docs] def gen_urlgrab_ssl_opts( self, yumopts: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]], bool]: """ This function translates yum repository options into the appropriate options for python-requests :param yumopts: The options to convert. :return: A tuple with the cert and a boolean if it should be verified or not. """ # use SSL options if specified in yum opts cert = None sslcacert = None verify = False if "sslcacert" in yumopts: sslcacert = yumopts["sslcacert"] if "sslclientkey" and "sslclientcert" in yumopts: cert = (sslcacert, yumopts["sslclientcert"], yumopts["sslclientkey"]) # Note that the default of requests is to verify the peer and host but the default here is NOT to verify them # unless sslverify is explicitly set to 1 in yumopts. if "sslverify" in yumopts: verify = yumopts["sslverify"] == 1 return cert, verify
# ====================================================================================
[docs] def yum_sync(self, repo: "Repo") -> None: """ Handle copying of http:// and ftp:// yum repos. :param repo: The yum reporitory to sync. """ # create the config file the hosts will use to access the repository. repos_path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "repo_mirror") dest_path = os.path.join(repos_path, self.create_local_file(dest_path, repo) if not repo.mirror_locally: return # command to run cmd = self.reposync_cmd() # flag indicating not to pull the whole repo has_rpm_list = False # detect cases that require special handling if repo.rpm_list not in ("", []): has_rpm_list = True # create yum config file for use by reposync temp_path = os.path.join(dest_path, ".origin") if not os.path.isdir(temp_path): # FIXME: there's a chance this might break the RHN D/L case os.makedirs(temp_path) temp_file = self.create_local_file(temp_path, repo, output=False) arch = repo.arch.value if arch == "i386": # Counter-intuitive, but we want the newish kernels too arch = "i686" if not has_rpm_list: # If we have not requested only certain RPMs, use reposync cmd += self.rflags + [ f"--config={temp_file}", f"--repoid={shlex.quote(}", f"--download-path={shlex.quote(repos_path)}", ] if arch != "none": cmd.append(f"--arch={arch}") else: # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.exists(dest_path): os.makedirs(dest_path) # Older yumdownloader sometimes explodes on --resolvedeps if this happens to you, upgrade yum & yum-utils extra_flags = self.settings.yumdownloader_flags.split() cmd = [ "/usr/bin/dnf", "download", ] + extra_flags if arch == "src": cmd.append("--source") cmd += [ "--disablerepo=*", f"--enablerepo={shlex.quote(}", f"-c={temp_file}", f"--destdir={shlex.quote(dest_path)}", ] cmd += repo.rpm_list # Now regardless of whether we're doing yumdownloader or reposync or whether the repo was http://, ftp://, or # rhn://, execute all queued commands here. Any failure at any point stops the operation. return_code = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) if return_code != 0: raise CX("cobbler reposync failed") # download any metadata we can use proxy = None if repo.proxy not in ("<<None>>", ""): proxy = repo.proxy (cert, verify) = self.gen_urlgrab_ssl_opts(repo.yumopts) repodata_path = os.path.join(dest_path, "repodata") repomd_path = os.path.join(repodata_path, "repomd.xml") if os.path.exists(repodata_path) and not os.path.isfile(repomd_path): shutil.rmtree(repodata_path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) repodata_path = os.path.join(temp_path, "repodata") if os.path.exists(repodata_path):"Deleted old repo metadata for %s", repodata_path) shutil.rmtree(repodata_path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) librepo_handle = librepo.Handle() # type: ignore librepo_result = librepo.Result() # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_REPOTYPE, librepo.LR_YUMREPO) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_CHECKSUM, True) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_DESTDIR, temp_path) # type: ignore if repo.mirror_type == MirrorType.METALINK: librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_METALINKURL, repo.mirror) # type: ignore elif repo.mirror_type == MirrorType.MIRRORLIST: librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_MIRRORLISTURL, repo.mirror) # type: ignore elif repo.mirror_type == MirrorType.BASEURL: librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_URLS, [repo.mirror]) # type: ignore if verify: librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_SSLVERIFYPEER, True) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_SSLVERIFYHOST, True) # type: ignore if cert: sslcacert, sslclientcert, sslclientkey = cert librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_SSLCACERT, sslcacert) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_SSLCLIENTCERT, sslclientcert) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_SSLCLIENTKEY, sslclientkey) # type: ignore if proxy: librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_PROXY, proxy) # type: ignore librepo_handle.setopt(librepo.LRO_PROXYTYPE, librepo.PROXY_HTTP) # type: ignore try: librepo_handle.perform(librepo_result) # type: ignore except librepo.LibrepoException as exception: # type: ignore raise CX( "librepo error: " + temp_path + " - " + exception.args[1] # type: ignore ) from exception # now run createrepo to rebuild the index if repo.mirror_locally: repo_walker(dest_path, self.createrepo_walker, repo)
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[docs] def apt_sync(self, repo: "Repo") -> None: """ Handle copying of http:// and ftp:// debian repos. :param repo: The apt repository to sync. """ # Warn about not having mirror program. mirror_program = "/usr/bin/debmirror" if not os.path.exists(mirror_program): raise CX(f"no {mirror_program} found, please install it") # detect cases that require special handling if repo.rpm_list not in ("", []): raise CX("has_rpm_list not yet supported on apt repos") if repo.arch == RepoArchs.NONE: raise CX("Architecture is required for apt repositories") if repo.mirror_type != MirrorType.BASEURL: raise CX( "mirrorlist and metalink mirror types is not supported for apt repositories" ) # built destination path for the repo dest_path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "repo_mirror", if repo.mirror_locally: # NOTE: Dropping @@suite@@ replace as it is also dropped from "from manage_import_debian" due that # repo has no os_version attribute. If it is added again it will break the Web UI! # mirror = repo.mirror.replace("@@suite@@",repo.os_version) mirror = repo.mirror idx = mirror.find("://") method = mirror[:idx] mirror = mirror[idx + 3 :] idx = mirror.find("/") host = mirror[:idx] mirror = mirror[idx:] dists = ",".join(repo.apt_dists) components = ",".join(repo.apt_components) mirror_data = [ f"--method={shlex.quote(method)}", f"--host={shlex.quote(host)}", f"--root={shlex.quote(mirror)}", f"--dist={shlex.quote(dists)}", f"--section={shlex.quote(components)}", ] rflags = ["--nocleanup"] for repo_yumoption in repo.yumopts: if repo.yumopts[repo_yumoption]: rflags.append(f"{repo_yumoption}={repo.yumopts[repo_yumoption]}") else: rflags.append(repo_yumoption) cmd = [mirror_program] + rflags + mirror_data + [shlex.quote(dest_path)] if repo.arch == RepoArchs.SRC: cmd.append("--source") else: arch = repo.arch.value if arch == "x86_64": arch = "amd64" # FIX potential arch errors cmd.append("--nosource") cmd.append(f"-a={arch}") # Set's an environment variable for subprocess, otherwise debmirror will fail as it needs this variable to # exist. # FIXME: might this break anything? So far it doesn't os.putenv("HOME", "/var/lib/cobbler") return_code = utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) if return_code != 0: raise CX("cobbler reposync failed")
[docs] def create_local_file( self, dest_path: str, repo: "Repo", output: bool = True ) -> str: """ Creates Yum config files for use by reposync Two uses: (A) output=True, Create local files that can be used with yum on provisioned clients to make use of this mirror. (B) output=False, Create a temporary file for yum to feed into yum for mirroring :param dest_path: The destination path to create the file at. :param repo: The repository object to create a file for. :param output: See described above. :return: The name of the file which was written. """ # The output case will generate repo configuration files which are usable for the installed systems. They need # to be made compatible with --server-override which means they are actually templates, which need to be # rendered by a Cobbler-sync on per profile/system basis. if output: fname = os.path.join(dest_path, "config.repo") else: fname = os.path.join(dest_path, f"{}.repo") self.logger.debug("creating: %s", fname) if not os.path.exists(dest_path): filesystem_helpers.mkdir(dest_path) with open(fname, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as config_file: if not output: config_file.write("[main]\nreposdir=/dev/null\n") config_file.write(f"[{}]\n") config_file.write(f"name={}\n") optenabled = False optgpgcheck = False if output: if repo.mirror_locally: protocol = self.api.settings().autoinstall_scheme line = f"baseurl={protocol}://${{http_server}}/cobbler/repo_mirror/{}\n" else: mstr = repo.mirror if mstr.startswith("/"): mstr = f"file://{mstr}" line = f"{repo.mirror_type.value}={mstr}\n" config_file.write(line) # User may have options specific to certain yum plugins add them to the file for repo_yumoption in repo.yumopts: if repo_yumoption == "enabled": optenabled = True if repo_yumoption == "gpgcheck": optgpgcheck = True else: mstr = repo.mirror if mstr.startswith("/"): mstr = f"file://{mstr}" line = repo.mirror_type.value + f"={mstr}\n" if self.settings.http_port not in (80, "80"): http_server = f"{self.settings.server}:{self.settings.http_port}" else: http_server = self.settings.server line = line.replace("@@server@@", http_server) config_file.write(line) config_proxy = None if repo.proxy == "<<inherit>>": config_proxy = self.settings.proxy_url_ext elif repo.proxy not in ("", "<<None>>"): config_proxy = repo.proxy if config_proxy is not None: config_file.write(f"proxy={config_proxy}\n") if "exclude" in list(repo.yumopts.keys()): self.logger.debug("excluding: %s", repo.yumopts["exclude"]) config_file.write(f"exclude={repo.yumopts['exclude']}\n") if not optenabled: config_file.write("enabled=1\n") config_file.write(f"priority={repo.priority}\n") # FIXME: potentially might want a way to turn this on/off on a per-repo basis if not optgpgcheck: config_file.write("gpgcheck=0\n") # user may have options specific to certain yum plugins # add them to the file for repo_yumoption in repo.yumopts: if not ( output and repo.mirror_locally and repo_yumoption.startswith("ssl") ): config_file.write( f"{repo_yumoption}={repo.yumopts[repo_yumoption]}\n" ) return fname
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[docs] def update_permissions(self, repo_path: str) -> None: """ Verifies that permissions and contexts after an rsync are as expected. Sending proper rsync flags should prevent the need for this, though this is largely a safeguard. :param repo_path: The path to update the permissions of. """ # all_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "*") owner = "root:apache" (dist, _) = os_release() if dist == "suse": owner = "root:www" elif dist in ("debian", "ubuntu"): owner = "root:www-data" cmd1 = ["chown", "-R", owner, repo_path] utils.subprocess_call(cmd1, shell=False) cmd2 = ["chmod", "-R", "755", repo_path] utils.subprocess_call(cmd2, shell=False)