Source code for cobbler.items.item

Cobbler module that contains the code for a generic Cobbler item.


V3.4.0 (unreleased):
    * (Re-)Added Cache implementation with the following new methods and properties:
        * ``cache``
        * ``inmemery``
        * ``clean_cache()``
    * Overhauled the parent/child system:
        * ``children`` is now inside ````.
        * ``tree_walk()`` was added.
        * ``logical_parent`` was added.
        * ``get_parent()`` was added which returns the internal reference that is used to return the object of the
          ``parent`` property.
    * Removed:
        * mgmt_classes
        * mgmt_parameters
V3.3.4 (unreleased):
    * No changes
    * Added:
        * ``grab_tree``
    * No changes
    * No changes
    * This release switched from pure attributes to properties (getters/setters).
    * Added:
        * ``depth``: int
        * ``comment``: str
        * ``owners``: Union[list, str]
        * ``mgmt_classes``: Union[list, str]
        * ``mgmt_classes``: Union[dict, str]
        * ``conceptual_parent``: Union[distro, profile]
    * Removed:
        * collection_mgr: collection_mgr
        * Remove unreliable caching:
            * ``get_from_cache()``
            * ``set_cache()``
            * ``remove_from_cache()``
    * Changed:
        * Constructor: Takes an instance of ``CobblerAPI`` instead of ``CollectionManager``.
        * ``children``: dict -> list
        * ``ctime``: int -> float
        * ``mtime``: int -> float
        * ``uid``: str
        * ``kernel_options``: dict -> Union[dict, str]
        * ``kernel_options_post``: dict -> Union[dict, str]
        * ``autoinstall_meta``: dict -> Union[dict, str]
        * ``fetchable_files``: dict -> Union[dict, str]
        * ``boot_files``: dict -> Union[dict, str]
    * No changes
    * No changes
    * No changes
    * No changes
    * No changes
    * No changes
    * No changes
    * Added:
        * ``collection_mgr``: collection_mgr
        * ``kernel_options``: dict
        * ``kernel_options_post``: dict
        * ``autoinstall_meta``: dict
        * ``fetchable_files``: dict
        * ``boot_files``: dict
        * ``template_files``: dict
        * ``name``: str
        * ``last_cached_mtime``: int
    * Changed:
        * Rename: ``cached_datastruct`` -> ``cached_dict``
    * Removed:
        * ``config``
    * Added:
        * ``config``: ?
        * ``settings``: settings
        * ``is_subobject``: bool
        * ``parent``: Union[distro, profile]
        * ``children``: dict
        * ``log_func``: collection_mgr.api.log
        * ``ctime``: int
        * ``mtime``: int
        * ``uid``: str
        * ``last_cached_mtime``: int
        * ``cached_datastruct``: str

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

import copy
import enum
import fnmatch
import logging
import pprint
import re
import uuid
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union

import yaml

from cobbler import enums, utils
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX
from cobbler.decorator import InheritableDictProperty, InheritableProperty, LazyProperty
from cobbler.items.abstract.item_cache import ItemCache
from cobbler.utils import input_converters

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
    from cobbler.cobbler_collections.collection import ITEM, ITEM_UNION
    from cobbler.items.distro import Distro
    from import Menu
    from cobbler.items.profile import Profile
    from cobbler.items.system import System
    from cobbler.settings import Settings

RE_OBJECT_NAME = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.:]*$")
T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class Item: """ An Item is a serializable thing that can appear in a Collection """ # Constants TYPE_NAME = "generic" COLLECTION_TYPE = "generic" # Item types dependencies. # Used to determine descendants and cache invalidation. # Format: {"Item Type": [("Dependent Item Type", "Dependent Type attribute"), ..], [..]} TYPE_DEPENDENCIES: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]] = { "repo": [ ("profile", "repos"), ], "distro": [ ("profile", "distro"), ], "menu": [ ("menu", "parent"), ("image", "menu"), ("profile", "menu"), ], "profile": [ ("profile", "parent"), ("system", "profile"), ], "image": [ ("system", "image"), ], "system": [], } # Defines a logical hierarchy of Item Types. # Format: {"Item Type": [("Previous level Type", "Attribute to go to the previous level",), ..], # [("Next level Item Type", "Attribute to move from the next level"), ..]} LOGICAL_INHERITANCE: Dict[ str, Tuple[List[Tuple[str, str]], List[Tuple[str, str]]] ] = { "distro": ( [], [ ("profile", "distro"), ], ), "profile": ( [ ("distro", "distro"), ], [ ("system", "profile"), ], ), "image": ( [], [ ("system", "image"), ], ), "system": ([("image", "image"), ("profile", "profile")], []), } @classmethod def __find_compare( cls, from_search: Union[str, List[Any], Dict[Any, Any], bool], from_obj: Union[str, List[Any], Dict[Any, Any], bool], ) -> bool: """ Only one of the two parameters shall be given in this method. If you give both ``from_obj`` will be preferred. :param from_search: Tries to parse this str in the format as a search result string. :param from_obj: Tries to parse this str in the format of an obj str. :return: True if the comparison succeeded, False otherwise. :raises TypeError: In case the type of one of the two variables is wrong or could not be converted intelligently. """ if isinstance(from_obj, str): # FIXME: fnmatch is only used for string to string comparisons which should cover most major usage, if # not, this deserves fixing from_obj_lower = from_obj.lower() from_search_lower = from_search.lower() # type: ignore # It's much faster to not use fnmatch if it's not needed if ( "?" not in from_search_lower and "*" not in from_search_lower and "[" not in from_search_lower ): match = from_obj_lower == from_search_lower # type: ignore else: match = fnmatch.fnmatch(from_obj_lower, from_search_lower) # type: ignore return match # type: ignore if isinstance(from_search, str): if isinstance(from_obj, list): from_search = input_converters.input_string_or_list(from_search) for list_element in from_search: if list_element not in from_obj: return False return True if isinstance(from_obj, dict): from_search = input_converters.input_string_or_dict( from_search, allow_multiples=True ) for dict_key in list(from_search.keys()): # type: ignore dict_value = from_search[dict_key] if dict_key not in from_obj: return False if not (dict_value == from_obj[dict_key]): return False return True if isinstance(from_obj, bool): # type: ignore inp = from_search.lower() in ["true", "1", "y", "yes"] if inp == from_obj: return True return False raise TypeError(f"find cannot compare type: {type(from_obj)}") @staticmethod def __is_dict_key(name: str) -> bool: """ Whether the attribute is part of the item's to_dict or not :name: The attribute name. """ return ( name[:1] == "_" and "__" not in name and name not in { "_last_cached_mtime", "_cache", "_supported_boot_loaders", "_has_initialized", "_inmemory", } ) def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI", is_subobject: bool = False, **kwargs: Any): """ Constructor. Requires a back reference to the CobblerAPI object. NOTE: is_subobject is used for objects that allow inheritance in their trees. This inheritance refers to conceptual inheritance, not Python inheritance. Objects created with is_subobject need to call their setter for parent immediately after creation and pass in a value of an object of the same type. Currently this is only supported for profiles. Subobjects blend their data with their parent objects and only require a valid parent name and a name for themselves, so other required options can be gathered from items further up the Cobbler tree. distro profile profile <-- created with is_subobject=True system <-- created as normal image system menu menu For consistency, there is some code supporting this in all object types, though it is only usable (and only should be used) for profiles at this time. Objects that are children of objects of the same type (i.e. subprofiles) need to pass this in as True. Otherwise, just use False for is_subobject and the parent object will (therefore) have a different type. The keyword arguments are used to seed the object. This is the preferred way over ``from_dict`` starting with Cobbler version 3.4.0. :param api: The Cobbler API object which is used for resolving information. :param is_subobject: See above extensive description. """ # Prevent attempts to clear the to_dict cache before the object is initialized. self._has_initialized = False self._parent = "" self._depth = 0 self._children: List[str] = [] self._ctime = 0.0 self._mtime = 0.0 self._uid = uuid.uuid4().hex self._name = "" self._comment = "" self._kernel_options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], str] = {} self._kernel_options_post: Union[Dict[Any, Any], str] = {} self._autoinstall_meta: Union[Dict[Any, Any], str] = {} self._fetchable_files: Union[Dict[Any, Any], str] = {} self._boot_files: Union[Dict[Any, Any], str] = {} self._template_files: Dict[str, Any] = {} self._last_cached_mtime = 0 self._owners: Union[List[Any], str] = enums.VALUE_INHERITED self._cache: ItemCache = ItemCache(api) self._is_subobject = is_subobject self._inmemory = True self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.api = api if len(kwargs) > 0: kwargs.update({"is_subobject": is_subobject}) Item.from_dict(self, kwargs) if self._uid == "": self._uid = uuid.uuid4().hex if not self._has_initialized: self._has_initialized = True def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: """ Comparison based on the uid for our items. :param other: The other Item to compare. :return: True if uid is equal, otherwise false. """ if isinstance(other, Item): return self._uid == other.uid return False def __hash__(self): """ Hash table for Items. Requires special handling if the uid value changes and the Item is present in set, frozenset, and dict types. :return: hash(uid). """ return hash(self._uid) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any): """ Intercepting an attempt to assign a value to an attribute. :name: The attribute name. :value: The attribute value. """ if Item.__is_dict_key(name) and self._has_initialized: self.clean_cache(name) super().__setattr__(name, value) def __common_resolve(self, property_name: str): settings_name = property_name if property_name.startswith("proxy_url_"): property_name = "proxy" if property_name == "owners": settings_name = "default_ownership" attribute = "_" + property_name return getattr(self, attribute), settings_name def __resolve_get_parent_or_settings(self, property_name: str, settings_name: str): settings = self.api.settings() conceptual_parent = self.get_conceptual_parent() if hasattr(self.parent, property_name): return getattr(self.parent, property_name) elif hasattr(conceptual_parent, property_name): return getattr(conceptual_parent, property_name) elif hasattr(settings, settings_name): return getattr(settings, settings_name) elif hasattr(settings, f"default_{settings_name}"): return getattr(settings, f"default_{settings_name}") return None def _resolve(self, property_name: str) -> Any: """ Resolve the ``property_name`` value in the object tree. This function traverses the tree from the object to its topmost parent and returns the first value that is not inherited. If the tree does not contain a value the settings are consulted. :param property_name: The property name to resolve. :raises AttributeError: In case one of the objects try to inherit from a parent that does not have ``property_name``. :return: The resolved value. """ attribute_value, settings_name = self.__common_resolve(property_name) if attribute_value == enums.VALUE_INHERITED: possible_return = self.__resolve_get_parent_or_settings( property_name, settings_name ) if possible_return is not None: return possible_return raise AttributeError( f'{type(self)} "{}" inherits property "{property_name}", but neither its parent nor' f" settings have it" ) return attribute_value def _resolve_enum( self, property_name: str, enum_type: Type[enums.ConvertableEnum] ) -> Any: """ See :meth:`~cobbler.items.item.Item._resolve` """ attribute_value, settings_name = self.__common_resolve(property_name) unwrapped_value = getattr(attribute_value, "value", "") if unwrapped_value == enums.VALUE_INHERITED: possible_return = self.__resolve_get_parent_or_settings( unwrapped_value, settings_name ) if possible_return is not None: return enum_type(possible_return) raise AttributeError( f'{type(self)} "{}" inherits property "{property_name}", but neither its parent nor' f" settings have it" ) return attribute_value def _resolve_dict(self, property_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Merge the ``property_name`` dictionary of the object with the ``property_name`` of all its parents. The value of the child takes precedence over the value of the parent. :param property_name: The property name to resolve. :return: The merged dictionary. :raises AttributeError: In case the the the object had no attribute with the name :py:property_name: . """ attribute = "_" + property_name attribute_value = getattr(self, attribute) settings = self.api.settings() merged_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} conceptual_parent = self.get_conceptual_parent() if hasattr(conceptual_parent, property_name): merged_dict.update(getattr(conceptual_parent, property_name)) elif hasattr(settings, property_name): merged_dict.update(getattr(settings, property_name)) if attribute_value != enums.VALUE_INHERITED: merged_dict.update(attribute_value) utils.dict_annihilate(merged_dict) return merged_dict def _deduplicate_dict( self, property_name: str, value: Dict[str, T] ) -> Dict[str, T]: """ Filter out the key:value pair may come from parent and global settings. Note: we do not know exactly which resolver does key:value belongs to, what we did is just deduplicate them. :param property_name: The property name to deduplicated. :param value: The value that should be deduplicated. :returns: The deduplicated dictionary """ _, settings_name = self.__common_resolve(property_name) settings = self.api.settings() conceptual_parent = self.get_conceptual_parent() if hasattr(self.parent, property_name): parent_value = getattr(self.parent, property_name) elif hasattr(conceptual_parent, property_name): parent_value = getattr(conceptual_parent, property_name) elif hasattr(settings, settings_name): parent_value = getattr(settings, settings_name) elif hasattr(settings, f"default_{settings_name}"): parent_value = getattr(settings, f"default_{settings_name}") else: parent_value = {} # Because we use getattr pyright cannot correctly check this. for key in parent_value: # type: ignore if key in value and parent_value[key] == value[key]: # type: ignore value.pop(key) # type: ignore return value @property def uid(self) -> str: """ The uid is the internal unique representation of a Cobbler object. It should never be used twice, even after an object was deleted. :getter: The uid for the item. Should be unique across a running Cobbler instance. :setter: The new uid for the object. Should only be used by the Cobbler Item Factory. """ return self._uid @uid.setter def uid(self, uid: str) -> None: """ Setter for the uid of the item. :param uid: The new uid. """ if self._uid != uid and self.COLLECTION_TYPE != Item.COLLECTION_TYPE: name = collection = self.api.get_items(self.COLLECTION_TYPE) with collection.lock: if collection.get(name) is not None: # Changing the hash of an object requires special handling. collection.listing.pop(name) self._uid = uid collection.listing[name] = self # type: ignore return self._uid = uid @property def ctime(self) -> float: """ Property which represents the creation time of the object. :getter: The float which can be passed to Python time stdlib. :setter: Should only be used by the Cobbler Item Factory. """ return self._ctime @ctime.setter def ctime(self, ctime: float) -> None: """ Setter for the ctime property. :param ctime: The time the object was created. :raises TypeError: In case ``ctime`` was not of type float. """ if not isinstance(ctime, float): # type: ignore raise TypeError("ctime needs to be of type float") self._ctime = ctime @property def name(self) -> str: """ Property which represents the objects name. :getter: The name of the object. :setter: Updating this has broad implications. Please try to use the ``rename()`` functionality from the corresponding collection. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name: str) -> None: """ The objects name. :param name: object name string :raises TypeError: In case ``name`` was not of type str. :raises ValueError: In case there were disallowed characters in the name. """ if not isinstance(name, str): # type: ignore raise TypeError("name must of be type str") if not RE_OBJECT_NAME.match(name): raise ValueError(f"Invalid characters in name: '{name}'") self._name = name @LazyProperty def comment(self) -> str: """ For every object you are able to set a unique comment which will be persisted on the object. :getter: The comment or an emtpy string. :setter: The new comment for the item. """ return self._comment @comment.setter def comment(self, comment: str) -> None: """ Setter for the comment of the item. :param comment: The new comment. If ``None`` the comment will be set to an emtpy string. """ self._comment = comment @InheritableProperty def owners(self) -> List[Any]: """ This is a feature which is related to the ownership module of Cobbler which gives only specific people access to specific records. Otherwise this is just a cosmetic feature to allow assigning records to specific users. .. warning:: This is never validated against a list of existing users. Thus you can lock yourself out of a record. .. note:: This property can be set to ``<<inherit>>``. :getter: Return the list of users which are currently assigned to the record. :setter: The list of people which should be new owners. May lock you out if you are using the ownership authorization module. """ return self._resolve("owners") @owners.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def owners(self, owners: Union[str, List[Any]]): """ Setter for the ``owners`` property. :param owners: The new list of owners. Will not be validated for existence. """ if not isinstance(owners, (str, list)): # type: ignore raise TypeError("owners must be str or list!") self._owners = input_converters.input_string_or_list(owners) @InheritableDictProperty def kernel_options(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Kernel options are a space delimited list, like 'a=b c=d e=f g h i=j' or a dict. .. note:: This property can be set to ``<<inherit>>``. :getter: The parsed kernel options. :setter: The new kernel options as a space delimited list. May raise ``ValueError`` in case of parsing problems. """ return self._resolve_dict("kernel_options") @kernel_options.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def kernel_options(self, options: Dict[str, Any]): """ Setter for ``kernel_options``. :param options: The new kernel options as a space delimited list. :raises ValueError: In case the values set could not be parsed successfully. """ try: value = input_converters.input_string_or_dict(options, allow_multiples=True) if value == enums.VALUE_INHERITED: self._kernel_options = enums.VALUE_INHERITED return # pyright doesn't understand that the only valid str return value is this constant. self._kernel_options = self._deduplicate_dict("kernel_options", value) # type: ignore except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("invalid kernel value") from error @InheritableDictProperty def kernel_options_post(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Post kernel options are a space delimited list, like 'a=b c=d e=f g h i=j' or a dict. .. note:: This property can be set to ``<<inherit>>``. :getter: The dictionary with the parsed values. :setter: Accepts str in above mentioned format or directly a dict. """ return self._resolve_dict("kernel_options_post") @kernel_options_post.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def kernel_options_post(self, options: Union[Dict[Any, Any], str]) -> None: """ Setter for ``kernel_options_post``. :param options: The new kernel options as a space delimited list. :raises ValueError: In case the options could not be split successfully. """ try: self._kernel_options_post = input_converters.input_string_or_dict( options, allow_multiples=True ) except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("invalid post kernel options") from error @InheritableDictProperty def autoinstall_meta(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ A comma delimited list of key value pairs, like 'a=b,c=d,e=f' or a dict. The meta tags are used as input to the templating system to preprocess automatic installation template files. .. note:: This property can be set to ``<<inherit>>``. :getter: The metadata or an empty dict. :setter: Accepts anything which can be split by :meth:`~cobbler.utils.input_converters.input_string_or_dict`. """ return self._resolve_dict("autoinstall_meta") @autoinstall_meta.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def autoinstall_meta(self, options: Dict[Any, Any]): """ Setter for the ``autoinstall_meta`` property. :param options: The new options for the automatic installation meta options. :raises ValueError: If splitting the value does not succeed. """ value = input_converters.input_string_or_dict(options, allow_multiples=True) if value == enums.VALUE_INHERITED: self._autoinstall_meta = enums.VALUE_INHERITED return # pyright doesn't understand that the only valid str return value is this constant. self._autoinstall_meta = self._deduplicate_dict("autoinstall_meta", value) # type: ignore @LazyProperty def template_files(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ File mappings for built-in configuration management :getter: The dictionary with name-path key-value pairs. :setter: A dict. If not a dict must be a str which is split by :meth:`~cobbler.utils.input_converters.input_string_or_dict`. Raises ``TypeError`` otherwise. """ return self._template_files @template_files.setter def template_files(self, template_files: Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]]) -> None: """ A comma seperated list of source=destination templates that should be generated during a sync. :param template_files: The new value for the template files which are used for the item. :raises ValueError: In case the conversion from non dict values was not successful. """ try: self._template_files = input_converters.input_string_or_dict_no_inherit( template_files, allow_multiples=False ) except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("invalid template files specified") from error @LazyProperty def boot_files(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ Files copied into tftpboot beyond the kernel/initrd :getter: The dictionary with name-path key-value pairs. :setter: A dict. If not a dict must be a str which is split by :meth:`~cobbler.utils.input_converters.input_string_or_dict`. Raises ``TypeError`` otherwise. """ return self._resolve_dict("boot_files") @boot_files.setter def boot_files(self, boot_files: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None: """ A comma separated list of req_name=source_file_path that should be fetchable via tftp. .. note:: This property can be set to ``<<inherit>>``. :param boot_files: The new value for the boot files used by the item. """ try: self._boot_files = input_converters.input_string_or_dict( boot_files, allow_multiples=False ) except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("invalid boot files specified") from error @InheritableDictProperty def fetchable_files(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ A comma seperated list of ``virt_name=path_to_template`` that should be fetchable via tftp or a webserver .. note:: This property can be set to ``<<inherit>>``. :getter: The dictionary with name-path key-value pairs. :setter: A dict. If not a dict must be a str which is split by :meth:`~cobbler.utils.input_converters.input_string_or_dict`. Raises ``TypeError`` otherwise. """ return self._resolve_dict("fetchable_files") @fetchable_files.setter # type: ignore[no-redef] def fetchable_files(self, fetchable_files: Union[str, Dict[Any, Any]]): """ Setter for the fetchable files. :param fetchable_files: Files which will be made available to external users. """ try: self._fetchable_files = input_converters.input_string_or_dict( fetchable_files, allow_multiples=False ) except TypeError as error: raise TypeError("invalid fetchable files specified") from error @LazyProperty def depth(self) -> int: """ This represents the logical depth of an object in the category of the same items. Important for the order of loading items from the disk and other related features where the alphabetical order is incorrect for sorting. :getter: The logical depth of the object. :setter: The new int for the logical object-depth. """ return self._depth @depth.setter def depth(self, depth: int) -> None: """ Setter for depth. :param depth: The new value for depth. """ if not isinstance(depth, int): # type: ignore raise TypeError("depth needs to be of type int") self._depth = depth @property def mtime(self) -> float: """ Represents the last modification time of the object via the API. This is not updated automagically. :getter: The float which can be fed into a Python time object. :setter: The new time something was edited via the API. """ return self._mtime @mtime.setter def mtime(self, mtime: float) -> None: """ Setter for the modification time of the object. :param mtime: The new modification time. """ if not isinstance(mtime, float): # type: ignore raise TypeError("mtime needs to be of type float") self._mtime = mtime @LazyProperty def parent(self) -> Optional[Union["System", "Profile", "Distro", "Menu"]]: """ This property contains the name of the parent of an object. In case there is not parent this return None. :getter: Returns the parent object or None if it can't be resolved via the Cobbler API. :setter: The name of the new logical parent. """ if self._parent == "": return None return self.api.get_items(self.COLLECTION_TYPE).get(self._parent) # type: ignore @parent.setter def parent(self, parent: str) -> None: """ Set the parent object for this object. :param parent: The new parent object. This needs to be a descendant in the logical inheritance chain. """ if not isinstance(parent, str): # type: ignore raise TypeError('Property "parent" must be of type str!') if not parent: self._parent = "" return if parent == # check must be done in two places as setting parent could be called before/after setting name... raise CX("self parentage is weird") found = self.api.get_items(self.COLLECTION_TYPE).get(parent) if found is None: raise CX(f'profile "{parent}" not found, inheritance not possible') self._parent = parent self.depth = found.depth + 1 @LazyProperty def get_parent(self) -> str: """ This method returns the name of the parent for the object. In case there is not parent this return empty string. """ return self._parent
[docs] def get_conceptual_parent(self) -> Optional["ITEM_UNION"]: """ The parent may just be a superclass for something like a subprofile. Get the first parent of a different type. :return: The first item which is conceptually not from the same type. """ if self is None: # type: ignore return None curr_obj = self next_obj = curr_obj.parent while next_obj is not None: curr_obj = next_obj next_obj = next_obj.parent if curr_obj.TYPE_NAME in curr_obj.LOGICAL_INHERITANCE: for prev_level in curr_obj.LOGICAL_INHERITANCE[curr_obj.TYPE_NAME][0]: prev_level_type = prev_level[0] prev_level_name = getattr(curr_obj, "_" + prev_level[1]) if prev_level_name is not None and prev_level_name != "": prev_level_item = self.api.find_items( prev_level_type, name=prev_level_name, return_list=False ) if prev_level_item is not None and not isinstance( prev_level_item, list ): return prev_level_item return None
@property def logical_parent(self) -> Any: """ This property contains the name of the logical parent of an object. In case there is not parent this return None. :getter: Returns the parent object or None if it can't be resolved via the Cobbler API. :setter: The name of the new logical parent. """ parent = self.parent if parent is None: return self.get_conceptual_parent() return parent @property def children(self) -> List["ITEM_UNION"]: """ The list of logical children of any depth. :getter: An empty list in case of items which don't have logical children. :setter: Replace the list of children completely with the new provided one. """ results: List[Any] = [] list_items = self.api.get_items(self.COLLECTION_TYPE) for obj in list_items: if obj.get_parent == self._name: results.append(obj) return results
[docs] def tree_walk(self) -> List["ITEM_UNION"]: """ Get all children related by parent/child relationship. :return: The list of children objects. """ results: List[Any] = [] for child in self.children: results.append(child) results.extend(child.tree_walk()) return results
@property def descendants(self) -> List["ITEM_UNION"]: """ Get objects that depend on this object, i.e. those that would be affected by a cascading delete, etc. .. note:: This is a read only property. :getter: This is a list of all descendants. May be empty if none exist. """ childs = self.tree_walk() results = set(childs) childs.append(self) # type: ignore for child in childs: for item_type in Item.TYPE_DEPENDENCIES[child.COLLECTION_TYPE]: dep_type_items = self.api.find_items( item_type[0], {item_type[1]:}, return_list=True ) if dep_type_items is None or not isinstance(dep_type_items, list): raise ValueError("Expected list to be returned by find_items") results.update(dep_type_items) for dep_item in dep_type_items: results.update(dep_item.descendants) return list(results) @LazyProperty def is_subobject(self) -> bool: """ Weather the object is a subobject of another object or not. :getter: True in case the object is a subobject, False otherwise. :setter: Sets the value. If this is not a bool, this will raise a ``TypeError``. """ return self._is_subobject @is_subobject.setter def is_subobject(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Setter for the property ``is_subobject``. :param value: The boolean value whether this is a subobject or not. :raises TypeError: In case the value was not of type bool. """ if not isinstance(value, bool): # type: ignore raise TypeError( "Field is_subobject of object item needs to be of type bool!" ) self._is_subobject = value
[docs] def sort_key(self, sort_fields: List[Any]): """ Convert the item to a dict and sort the data after specific given fields. :param sort_fields: The fields to sort the data after. :return: The sorted data. """ data = self.to_dict() return [data.get(x, "") for x in sort_fields]
[docs] def find_match(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any], no_errors: bool = False) -> bool: """ Find from a given dict if the item matches the kv-pairs. :param kwargs: The dict to match for in this item. :param no_errors: How strict this matching is. :return: True if matches or False if the item does not match. """ # used by find() method in data = self.to_dict() for (key, value) in list(kwargs.items()): # Allow ~ to negate the compare if value is not None and value.startswith("~"): res = not self.find_match_single_key(data, key, value[1:], no_errors) else: res = self.find_match_single_key(data, key, value, no_errors) if not res: return False return True
[docs] def find_match_single_key( self, data: Dict[str, Any], key: str, value: Any, no_errors: bool = False ) -> bool: """ Look if the data matches or not. This is an alternative for ``find_match()``. :param data: The data to search through. :param key: The key to look for int the item. :param value: The value for the key. :param no_errors: How strict this matching is. :return: Whether the data matches or not. """ # special case for systems key_found_already = False if "interfaces" in data: if key in [ "cnames", "connected_mode", "if_gateway", "ipv6_default_gateway", "ipv6_mtu", "ipv6_prefix", "ipv6_secondaries", "ipv6_static_routes", "management", "mtu", "static", "mac_address", "ip_address", "ipv6_address", "netmask", "virt_bridge", "dhcp_tag", "dns_name", "static_routes", "interface_type", "interface_master", "bonding_opts", "bridge_opts", "interface", ]: key_found_already = True for (name, interface) in list(data["interfaces"].items()): if value == name: return True if value is not None and key in interface: if self.__find_compare(interface[key], value): return True if key not in data: if not key_found_already: if not no_errors: # FIXME: removed for 2.0 code, shouldn't cause any problems to not have an exception here? # raise CX("searching for field that does not exist: %s" % key) return False else: if value is not None: # FIXME: new? return False if value is None: return True return self.__find_compare(value, data[key])
[docs] def dump_vars( self, formatted_output: bool = True, remove_dicts: bool = False ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], str]: """ Dump all variables. :param formatted_output: Whether to format the output or not. :param remove_dicts: If True the dictionaries will be put into str form. :return: The raw or formatted data. """ raw = utils.blender(self.api, remove_dicts, self) # type: ignore if formatted_output: return pprint.pformat(raw) return raw
[docs] def check_if_valid(self) -> None: """ Raise exceptions if the object state is inconsistent. :raises CX: In case the name of the item is not set. """ if not raise CX("Name is required")
[docs] @abstractmethod def make_clone(self) -> "ITEM": # type: ignore """ Must be defined in any subclass """ raise NotImplementedError("Must be implemented in a specific Item")
@classmethod def _remove_depreacted_dict_keys(cls, dictionary: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None: """ This method does remove keys which should not be deserialized and are only there for API compatibility in :meth:`~cobbler.items.item.Item.to_dict`. :param dictionary: The dict to update """ if "ks_meta" in dictionary: dictionary.pop("ks_meta") if "kickstart" in dictionary: dictionary.pop("kickstart") if "children" in dictionary: dictionary.pop("children")
[docs] def from_dict(self, dictionary: Dict[Any, Any]) -> None: """ Modify this object to take on values in ``dictionary``. :param dictionary: This should contain all values which should be updated. :raises AttributeError: In case during the process of setting a value for an attribute an error occurred. :raises KeyError: In case there were keys which could not be set in the item dictionary. """ self._remove_depreacted_dict_keys(dictionary) if len(dictionary) == 0: return old_has_initialized = self._has_initialized self._has_initialized = False result = copy.deepcopy(dictionary) for key in dictionary: lowered_key = key.lower() # The following also works for child classes because self is a child class at this point and not only an # Item. if hasattr(self, "_" + lowered_key): try: setattr(self, lowered_key, dictionary[key]) except AttributeError as error: raise AttributeError( f'Attribute "{lowered_key}" could not be set!' ) from error result.pop(key) self._has_initialized = old_has_initialized self.clean_cache() if len(result) > 0: raise KeyError( f"The following keys supplied could not be set: {result.keys()}" )
[docs] def to_dict(self, resolved: bool = False) -> Dict[Any, Any]: """ This converts everything in this object to a dictionary. :param resolved: If this is True, Cobbler will resolve the values to its final form, rather than give you the objects raw value. :return: A dictionary with all values present in this object. """ if not self.inmemory: self.deserialize() cached_result = self.cache.get_dict_cache(resolved) if cached_result is not None: return cached_result value: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, key_value in self.__dict__.items(): if self.__is_dict_key(key): new_key = key[1:].lower() if isinstance(key_value, enum.Enum): if resolved: value[new_key] = getattr(self, new_key).value else: value[new_key] = key_value.value elif new_key == "interfaces": # This is the special interfaces dict. Lets fix it before it gets to the normal process. serialized_interfaces = {} interfaces = key_value for interface_key in interfaces: serialized_interfaces[interface_key] = interfaces[ interface_key ].to_dict(resolved) value[new_key] = serialized_interfaces elif isinstance(key_value, list): value[new_key] = copy.deepcopy(key_value) # type: ignore elif isinstance(key_value, dict): if resolved: value[new_key] = getattr(self, new_key) else: value[new_key] = copy.deepcopy(key_value) # type: ignore elif ( isinstance(key_value, str) and key_value == enums.VALUE_INHERITED and resolved ): value[new_key] = getattr(self, key[1:]) else: value[new_key] = key_value if "autoinstall" in value: value.update({"kickstart": value["autoinstall"]}) # type: ignore if "autoinstall_meta" in value: value.update({"ks_meta": value["autoinstall_meta"]}) self.cache.set_dict_cache(value, resolved) return value
[docs] def serialize(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ This method is a proxy for :meth:`~cobbler.items.item.Item.to_dict` and contains additional logic for serialization to a persistent location. :return: The dictionary with the information for serialization. """ keys_to_drop = [ "kickstart", "ks_meta", "remote_grub_kernel", "remote_grub_initrd", ] result = self.to_dict() for key in keys_to_drop: result.pop(key, "") return result
[docs] def deserialize(self) -> None: """ Deserializes the object itself and, if necessary, recursively all the objects it depends on. """ def deserialize_ancestor(ancestor_item_type: str, ancestor_name: str): if ancestor_name not in {"", enums.VALUE_INHERITED}: ancestor = self.api.get_items(ancestor_item_type).get(ancestor_name) if ancestor is not None and not ancestor.inmemory: ancestor.deserialize() if not self._has_initialized: return item_dict = self.api.deserialize_item(self) if item_dict["inmemory"]: for ancestor_item_type, ancestor_deps in Item.TYPE_DEPENDENCIES.items(): for ancestor_dep in ancestor_deps: if self.TYPE_NAME == ancestor_dep[0]: attr_name = ancestor_dep[1] if attr_name not in item_dict: continue attr_val = item_dict[attr_name] if isinstance(attr_val, str): deserialize_ancestor(ancestor_item_type, attr_val) elif isinstance(attr_val, list): # type: ignore attr_val: List[str] for ancestor_name in attr_val: deserialize_ancestor(ancestor_item_type, ancestor_name) self.from_dict(item_dict)
[docs] def grab_tree(self) -> List[Union["Item", "Settings"]]: """ Climb the tree and get every node. :return: The list of items with all parents from that object upwards the tree. Contains at least the item itself and the settings of Cobbler. """ results: List[Union["Item", "Settings"]] = [self] parent = self.logical_parent while parent is not None: results.append(parent) parent = parent.logical_parent # FIXME: Now get the object and check its existence results.append(self.api.settings()) self.logger.debug( "grab_tree found %s children (including settings) of this object", len(results), ) return results
@property def cache(self) -> ItemCache: """ Gettinging the ItemCache oject. .. note:: This is a read only property. :getter: This is the ItemCache oject. """ return self._cache def _clean_dict_cache(self, name: Optional[str]): """ Clearing the Item dict cache. :param obj: The object whose modification invalidates the dict cache. Can be Item, Settings or SIGNATURE_CACHE. :param name: The name of Item attribute or None. """ if not self.api.settings().cache_enabled: return if name is not None and self._inmemory: attr = getattr(type(self), name[1:]) if ( isinstance(attr, (InheritableProperty, InheritableDictProperty)) and self.COLLECTION_TYPE != Item.COLLECTION_TYPE and self.api.get_items(self.COLLECTION_TYPE).get( is not None ): # Invalidating "resolved" caches for dep_item in self.descendants: dep_item.cache.set_dict_cache(None, True) # Invalidating the cache of the object itself. self.cache.clean_dict_cache()
[docs] def clean_cache(self, name: Optional[str] = None): """ Clearing the Item cache. :param obj: The object whose modification invalidates the dict cache. Can be Item, Settings or SIGNATURE_CACHE. :param name: The name of Item attribute or None. """ if self._inmemory: self._clean_dict_cache(name)
@property def inmemory(self) -> bool: r""" If set to ``false``, only the Item name is in memory. The rest of the Item's properties can be retrieved either on demand or as a result of the ``load_items`` background task. :getter: The inmemory for the item. :setter: The new inmemory value for the object. Should only be used by the Cobbler serializers. """ return self._inmemory @inmemory.setter def inmemory(self, inmemory: bool): """ Setter for the inmemory of the item. :param inmemory: The new inmemory value. """ self._inmemory = inmemory