Authentication module that uses Spacewalk's auth system.
Any org_admin or kickstart_admin can get in.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2007-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from xmlrpc.client import Error, ServerProxy
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX
from cobbler.utils import log_exc
from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
[docs]def register() -> str:
The mandatory Cobbler module registration hook.
return "authn"
def __looks_like_a_token(password: str) -> bool:
What spacewalk sends us could be an internal token or it could be a password if it's long and lowercase hex, it's
/likely/ a token, and we should try to treat it as a token first, if not, we should treat it as a password. All of
this code is there to avoid extra XMLRPC calls, which are slow.
A password gets detected as a token if it is lowercase and under 45 characters.
:param password: The password which is possibly a token.
:return: True if it is possibly a token or False otherwise.
return password.lower() == password and len(password) > 45
def __check_auth_token(
xmlrpc_client: "ServerProxy", api_handle: "CobblerAPI", username: str, password: str
This checks if the auth token is valid.
:param xmlrpc_client: The xmlrpc client to check access for.
:param api_handle: The api instance to retrieve settings of.
:param username: The username to try.
:param password: The password to try.
:return: In any error case this will return 0. Otherwise, the return value of the API which should be 1.
# If the token is not a token this will raise an exception rather than return an integer.
return xmlrpc_client.auth.checkAuthToken(username, password)
except Error:
logger = api_handle.logger
logger.error("Error while checking authentication token.")
return False
def __check_user_login(
xmlrpc_client: ServerProxy,
api_handle: "CobblerAPI",
user_enabled: bool,
username: str,
password: str,
) -> bool:
This actually performs the login to spacewalk.
:param xmlrpc_client: The xmlrpc client bound to the target spacewalk instance.
:param api_handle: The api instance to retrieve settings of.
:param user_enabled: Weather we allow Spacewalk users to log in or not.
:param username: The username to log in.
:param password: The password to log in.
:return: True if users are allowed to log in and he is of the role ``config_admin`` or ``org_admin``.
logger = api_handle.logger
session = xmlrpc_client.auth.login(username, password)
# login success by username, role must also match and user_enabled needs to be true.
roles = xmlrpc_client.user.listRoles(session, username)
if not isinstance(roles, list):
# FIXME: Double check what the actual API is for this!
logger.warning("Uyuni/SUMA returned roles not as a list!")
return False
if user_enabled and ("config_admin" in roles or "org_admin" in roles):
return True
except Error:
logger.error("Error while checking user authentication data.")
return False
[docs]def authenticate(api_handle: "CobblerAPI", username: str, password: str) -> bool:
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
Validate a username/password combo. This will pass the username and password back to Spacewalk to see if this
authentication request is valid.
See also: https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni/blob/c9b7285117822af96c223cb0b6e0ae96ec7f0837/java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/frontend/xmlrpc/auth/AuthHandler.java#L107
:param api_handle: The api instance to retrieve settings of.
:param username: The username to authenticate against spacewalk/uyuni/SUSE Manager
:param password: The password to authenticate against spacewalk/uyuni/SUSE Manager
:return: True if it succeeded, False otherwise.
:raises CX: Raised in case ``api_handle`` is missing.
# pylint: enable=line-too-long
if api_handle is None: # type: ignore[reportUnnecessaryComparison]
raise CX("api_handle required. Please don't call this without it.")
server = "https://" + api_handle.settings().redhat_management_server
if api_handle.settings().uyuni_authentication_endpoint:
server = api_handle.settings().uyuni_authentication_endpoint
user_enabled = api_handle.settings().redhat_management_permissive
spacewalk_url = f"{server}/rpc/api"
with ServerProxy(spacewalk_url, verbose=True) as client:
if username == "taskomatic_user" or __looks_like_a_token(password):
# The tokens are lowercase hex, but a password can also be lowercase hex, so we have to try it as both a
# token and then a password if we are unsure. We do it this way to be faster but also to avoid any login
# failed stuff in the logs that we don't need to send.
# Problem at this point, 0xdeadbeef is valid as a token but if that fails, it's also a valid password, so we
# must try auth system #2
if __check_auth_token(client, api_handle, username, password) != 1:
return __check_user_login(
client, api_handle, user_enabled, username, password
return True
# It's an older version of spacewalk, so just try the username/pass.
# OR: We know for sure it's not a token because it's not lowercase hex.
return __check_user_login(client, api_handle, user_enabled, username, password)