This is some of the code behind 'cobbler sync'.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: John Eckersberg <jeckersb@redhat.com>
import re
import socket
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from cobbler import utils
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX
from cobbler.modules.managers import DnsManagerModule
from cobbler.utils import process_management
from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
[docs]def register() -> str:
The mandatory Cobbler module registration hook.
return "manage"
class _BindManager(DnsManagerModule):
def what() -> str:
Identifies what this class is managing.
:return: Always will return ``bind``.
return "bind"
def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI"):
self.settings_file = utils.namedconf_location()
self.zonefile_base = self.settings.bind_zonefile_path + "/"
def regen_hosts(self) -> None:
Not used.
def __expand_ipv6(address: str) -> str:
Expands an IPv6 address to long format i.e. ``xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx``
This function was created by Chris Miller, approved for GLP use, taken verbatim from:
:param address: Shortened IPv6 address.
:return: The full IPv6 address.
full_address = "" # All groups
expanded_address = "" # Each group padded with leading zeroes
valid_group_count = 8
valid_group_size = 4
if "::" not in address: # All groups are already present
full_address = address
else: # Consecutive groups of zeroes have been collapsed with "::"
sides = address.split("::")
groups_present = 0
for side in sides:
if len(side) > 0:
groups_present += len(side.split(":"))
if len(sides[0]) > 0:
full_address += sides[0] + ":"
for _ in range(0, valid_group_count - groups_present):
full_address += "0000:"
if len(sides[1]) > 0:
full_address += sides[1]
if full_address[-1] == ":":
full_address = full_address[:-1]
groups = full_address.split(":")
for group in groups:
while len(group) < valid_group_size:
group = "0" + group
expanded_address += group + ":"
if expanded_address[-1] == ":":
expanded_address = expanded_address[:-1]
return expanded_address
def __forward_zones(self) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]]:
Returns a map of zones and the records that belong in them
zones: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] = {}
forward_zones = self.settings.manage_forward_zones
if not isinstance(forward_zones, list): # type: ignore
# Gracefully handle when user inputs only a single zone as a string instead of a list with only a single
# item
forward_zones = [forward_zones]
for zone in forward_zones:
zones[zone] = {}
for system in self.systems:
for _, interface in system.interfaces.items():
host: str = interface.dns_name
ipv4: str = interface.ip_address
ipv6: str = interface.ipv6_address
ipv6_sec_addrs: List[str] = interface.ipv6_secondaries
if not system.is_management_supported(cidr_ok=False):
if not host:
# gotsta have some dns_name and ip or else!
if host.find(".") == -1:
# Match the longest zone! E.g. if you have a host a.b.c.d.e
# if manage_forward_zones has:
# - c.d.e
# - b.c.d.e
# then a.b.c.d.e should go in b.c.d.e
best_match = ""
for zone in zones:
if re.search(rf"\.{zone}$", host) and len(zone) > len(best_match):
best_match = zone
# no match
if best_match == "":
# strip the zone off the dns_name
host = re.sub(rf"\.{best_match}$", "", host)
# if we are to manage ipmi hosts, add that too
if self.settings.bind_manage_ipmi:
if system.power_address != "":
power_address_is_ip = False
# see if the power address is an IP
power_address_is_ip = True
except socket.error:
power_address_is_ip = False
# if the power address is an IP, then add it to the DNS with the host suffix of "-ipmi"
# TODO: Perhpas the suffix can be configurable through settings?
if power_address_is_ip:
ipmi_host = host + "-ipmi"
ipmi_ips: List[str] = [system.power_address]
zones[best_match][ipmi_host] = (
ipmi_ips + zones[best_match][ipmi_host]
except KeyError:
zones[best_match][ipmi_host] = ipmi_ips
# Create a list of IP addresses for this host
ips: List[str] = []
if ipv4:
if ipv6:
if ipv6_sec_addrs:
ips += ipv6_sec_addrs
if ips:
zones[best_match][host] = ips + zones[best_match][host]
except KeyError:
zones[best_match][host] = ips
return zones
def __reverse_zones(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]:
Returns a map of zones and the records that belong in them
:return: A dict with all zones.
zones: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] = {}
reverse_zones = self.settings.manage_reverse_zones
if not isinstance(reverse_zones, list): # type: ignore
# Gracefully handle when user inputs only a single zone as a string instead of a list with only a single
# item
reverse_zones = [reverse_zones]
for zone in reverse_zones:
# expand and IPv6 zones
if ":" in zone:
zone = (self.__expand_ipv6(zone + "::1"))[:19]
zones[zone] = {}
for system in self.systems:
for _, interface in system.interfaces.items():
host = interface.dns_name
ip_address = interface.ip_address
ipv6 = interface.ipv6_address
ipv6_sec_addrs = interface.ipv6_secondaries
if not system.is_management_supported(cidr_ok=False):
if not host or ((not ip_address) and (not ipv6)):
# gotta have some dns_name and ip or else!
if ip_address:
# Match the longest zone! E.g. if you have an ip
# if manage_reverse_zones has:
# - 1.2
# - 1.2.3
# then should go in 1.2.3
best_match = ""
for zone in zones:
if re.search(rf"^{zone}\.", ip_address) and len(zone) > len(
best_match = zone
if best_match != "":
# strip the zone off the front of the ip reverse the rest of the octets append the remainder
# + dns_name
ip_address = ip_address.replace(best_match, "", 1)
if ip_address[0] == ".": # strip leading '.' if it's there
ip_address = ip_address[1:]
tokens = ip_address.split(".")
ip_address = ".".join(tokens)
zones[best_match][ip_address] = host + "."
if ipv6 or ipv6_sec_addrs:
ip6s: List[str] = []
if ipv6:
for each_ipv6 in ip6s + ipv6_sec_addrs:
# convert the IPv6 address to long format
long_ipv6 = self.__expand_ipv6(each_ipv6)
# All IPv6 zones are forced to have the format xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
zone = long_ipv6[:19]
ipv6_host_part = long_ipv6[20:]
tokens = list(re.sub(":", "", ipv6_host_part))
ip_address = ".".join(tokens)
zones[zone][ip_address] = host + "."
return zones
def __write_named_conf(self) -> None:
Write out the named.conf main config file from the template.
:raises OSError
settings_file = self.settings.bind_chroot_path + self.settings_file
template_file = "/etc/cobbler/named.template"
# forward_zones = self.settings.manage_forward_zones
# reverse_zones = self.settings.manage_reverse_zones
metadata = MetadataZoneHelper(list(self.__forward_zones().keys()), [], "")
metadata.bind_zonefiles = self.settings.bind_zonefile_path
for zone in metadata.forward_zones:
txt = f"""
zone "{zone}." {{
type master;
file "{zone}";
metadata.zone_include = metadata.zone_include + txt
for zone in self.__reverse_zones():
# IPv6 zones are : delimited
if ":" in zone:
# if IPv6, assume xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
# 0123456789012345678
long_zone = (self.__expand_ipv6(zone + "::1"))[:19]
tokens = list(re.sub(":", "", long_zone))
arpa = ".".join(tokens) + ".ip6.arpa"
# IPv4 address split by '.'
tokens = zone.split(".")
arpa = ".".join(tokens) + ".in-addr.arpa"
metadata.reverse_zones.append((zone, arpa))
txt = f"""
zone "{arpa}." {{
type master;
file "{zone}";
metadata.zone_include = metadata.zone_include + txt
with open(template_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as template_fd:
template_data = template_fd.read()
except Exception as error:
raise OSError(
f"error reading template from file: {template_file}"
) from error
self.logger.info("generating %s", settings_file)
self.templar.render(template_data, metadata.__dict__, settings_file)
def __write_secondary_conf(self) -> None:
Write out the secondary.conf secondary config file from the template.
settings_file = self.settings.bind_chroot_path + "/etc/secondary.conf"
template_file = "/etc/cobbler/secondary.template"
# forward_zones = self.settings.manage_forward_zones
# reverse_zones = self.settings.manage_reverse_zones
metadata = MetadataZoneHelper(list(self.__forward_zones().keys()), [], "")
metadata.bind_zonefiles = self.settings.bind_zonefile_path
for zone in metadata.forward_zones:
txt = f"""
zone "{zone}." {{
type slave;
masters {{
file "data/{zone}";
metadata.zone_include = metadata.zone_include + txt
for zone in self.__reverse_zones():
# IPv6 zones are : delimited
if ":" in zone:
# if IPv6, assume xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx for the zone
# 0123456789012345678
long_zone = (self.__expand_ipv6(zone + "::1"))[:19]
tokens = list(re.sub(":", "", long_zone))
arpa = ".".join(tokens) + ".ip6.arpa"
# IPv4 zones split by '.'
tokens = zone.split(".")
arpa = ".".join(tokens) + ".in-addr.arpa"
metadata.reverse_zones.append((zone, arpa))
txt = f"""
zone "{arpa}." {{
type slave;
masters {{
file "data/{zone}";
metadata.zone_include = metadata.zone_include + txt
metadata.bind_master = self.settings.bind_master
with open(template_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as template_fd:
template_data = template_fd.read()
except Exception as error:
raise OSError(
f"error reading template from file: {template_file}"
) from error
self.logger.info("generating %s", settings_file)
self.templar.render(template_data, metadata.__dict__, settings_file)
def __ip_sort(self, ips: List[str]) -> List[str]:
Sorts IP addresses (or partial addresses) in a numerical fashion per-octet or quartet
:param ips: A list of all IP addresses (v6 and v4 mixed possible) which shall be sorted.
:return: The list with sorted IP addresses.
quartets: List[List[int]] = []
octets: List[List[int]] = []
for each_ip in ips:
# IPv6 addresses are ':' delimited
if ":" in each_ip:
# IPv6
# strings to integer quartet chunks so we can sort numerically
quartets.append([int(i, 16) for i in each_ip.split(":")])
# IPv4
# strings to integer octet chunks so we can sort numerically
octets.append([int(i) for i in each_ip.split(".")])
# integers back to four character hex strings
quartets_str = [[format(i, "04x") for i in x] for x in quartets]
# integers back to strings
octets_str = [[str(i) for i in x] for x in octets]
return [".".join(i) for i in octets_str] + [":".join(i) for i in quartets_str]
def __pretty_print_host_records(
self, hosts: Dict[str, Any], rectype: str = "A", rclass: str = "IN"
) -> str:
Format host records by order and with consistent indentation
:param hosts: The hosts to pretty print.
:param rectype: The record type.
:param rclass: The record class.
:return: A string with all pretty printed hosts.
# Warns on hosts without dns_name, need to iterate over system to name the
# particular system
for system in self.systems:
for name, interface in system.interfaces.items():
if interface.dns_name == "":
"Warning: dns_name unspecified in the system: %s, while writing host records",
names = list(hosts.keys())
if not names:
return "" # zones with no hosts
if rectype == "PTR":
names = self.__ip_sort(names)
max_name = max([len(i) for i in names])
result = ""
for name in names:
spacing = " " * (max_name - len(name))
my_name = f"{name}{spacing}"
my_host_record = hosts[name]
my_host_list = []
if isinstance(my_host_record, str):
my_host_list = [my_host_record]
my_host_list = my_host_record
for my_host in my_host_list:
my_rectype = rectype[:]
if rectype == "A":
if ":" in my_host:
my_rectype = "AAAA"
my_rectype = "A "
result += f"{my_name} {rclass} {my_rectype} {my_host};\n"
return result
def __pretty_print_cname_records(
self, hosts: Dict[str, Any], rectype: str = "CNAME"
) -> str:
Format CNAMEs and with consistent indentation
:param hosts: This parameter is currently unused.
:param rectype: The type of record which shall be pretty printed.
:return: The pretty printed version of the cname records.
result = ""
# This loop warns and skips the host without dns_name instead of outright exiting
# Which results in empty records without any warning to the users
for system in self.systems:
for _, interface in system.interfaces.items():
cnames = interface.cnames
if interface.dns_name != "":
dnsname = interface.dns_name.split(".")[0]
for cname in cnames:
result += f"{cname.split('.')[0]} {rectype} {dnsname};\n"
'CNAME generation for system "%s" was skipped due to a missing dns_name entry while writing'
except Exception as exception:
"Unspecified error during creation of CNAME for bind9 records!",
return result
def __write_zone_files(self) -> None:
Write out the forward and reverse zone files for all configured zones
default_template_file = "/etc/cobbler/zone.template"
cobbler_server = self.settings.server
# this could be a config option too
serial_filename = "/var/lib/cobbler/bind_serial"
# need a counter for new bind format
serial = time.strftime("%Y%m%d00")
with open(serial_filename, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as serialfd:
old_serial = serialfd.readline()
# same date
if serial[0:8] == old_serial[0:8]:
if int(old_serial[8:10]) < 99:
serial = f"{serial[0:8]}{int(old_serial[8:10]) + 1:.2d}"
except Exception:
with open(serial_filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as serialfd:
forward = self.__forward_zones()
reverse = self.__reverse_zones()
with open(default_template_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as template_fd:
default_template_data = template_fd.read()
except Exception as error:
raise CX(
f"error reading template from file: {default_template_file}"
) from error
zonefileprefix = self.settings.bind_chroot_path + self.zonefile_base
for zone, hosts in forward.items():
metadata = {
"cobbler_server": cobbler_server,
"serial": serial,
"zonename": zone,
"zonetype": "forward",
"cname_record": "",
"host_record": "",
if ":" in zone:
long_zone = (self.__expand_ipv6(zone + "::1"))[:19]
tokens = list(re.sub(":", "", long_zone))
zone_origin = ".".join(tokens) + ".ip6.arpa."
zone_origin = ""
# grab zone-specific template if it exists
with open(
f"/etc/cobbler/zone_templates/{zone}", encoding="UTF-8"
) as zone_fd:
# If this is an IPv6 zone, set the origin to the zone for this
# template
if zone_origin:
template_data = (
r"\$ORIGIN " + zone_origin + "\n" + zone_fd.read()
template_data = zone_fd.read()
except Exception:
# If this is an IPv6 zone, set the origin to the zone for this
# template
if zone_origin:
template_data = (
r"\$ORIGIN " + zone_origin + "\n" + default_template_data
template_data = default_template_data
metadata["cname_record"] = self.__pretty_print_cname_records(hosts)
metadata["host_record"] = self.__pretty_print_host_records(hosts)
zonefilename = zonefileprefix + zone
self.logger.info("generating (forward) %s", zonefilename)
self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, zonefilename)
for zone, hosts in reverse.items():
metadata = {
"cobbler_server": cobbler_server,
"serial": serial,
"zonename": zone,
"zonetype": "reverse",
"cname_record": "",
"host_record": "",
# grab zone-specific template if it exists
with open(
f"/etc/cobbler/zone_templates/{zone}", encoding="UTF-8"
) as zone_fd:
template_data = zone_fd.read()
except Exception:
template_data = default_template_data
metadata["cname_record"] = self.__pretty_print_cname_records(hosts)
metadata["host_record"] = self.__pretty_print_host_records(
hosts, rectype="PTR"
zonefilename = zonefileprefix + zone
self.logger.info("generating (reverse) %s", zonefilename)
self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, zonefilename)
def write_configs(self) -> None:
BIND files are written when ``manage_dns`` is set in our settings.
def restart_service(self) -> int:
This syncs the bind server with it's new config files.
Basically this restarts the service to apply the changes.
named_service_name = utils.named_service_name()
return process_management.service_restart(named_service_name)
[docs]def get_manager(api: "CobblerAPI") -> "_BindManager":
This returns the object to manage a BIND server located locally on the Cobbler server.
:param api: The API to resolve all information with.
:return: The BindManger object to manage bind with.
# Singleton used, therefore ignoring 'global'
global MANAGER # pylint: disable=global-statement
if not MANAGER:
MANAGER = _BindManager(api) # type: ignore
return MANAGER