Source code for cobbler.modules.managers.dnsmasq

This is some of the code behind 'cobbler sync'.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: John Eckersberg <>

import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional

from cobbler.modules.managers import DhcpManagerModule, DnsManagerModule
from cobbler.utils import process_management

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
    from cobbler.items.distro import Distro
    from cobbler.items.profile import Profile


[docs]def register() -> str: """ The mandatory Cobbler modules registration hook. :return: Always "manage". """ return "manage"
class _DnsmasqManager(DnsManagerModule, DhcpManagerModule): """ Handles conversion of internal state to the tftpboot tree layout. """ @staticmethod def what() -> str: """ This identifies the module. :return: Will always return ``dnsmasq``. """ return "dnsmasq" def sync_dhcp(self) -> None: self.write_configs() self.restart_service() def write_configs(self) -> None: """ DHCP files are written when ``manage_dhcp`` is set in our settings. :raises OSError """ settings_file = "/etc/dnsmasq.conf" template_file = "/etc/cobbler/dnsmasq.template" try: with open(template_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as template_file_fd: template_data = except Exception as error: raise OSError(f"error writing template to file: {template_file}") from error system_definitions: Dict[str, str] = {} # we used to just loop through each system, but now we must loop # through each network interface of each system. for system in if not system.is_management_supported(cidr_ok=False): continue profile: Optional["Profile"] = system.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore if profile is None: raise ValueError("Profile for system not found!") distro: Optional["Distro"] = profile.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore if distro is None: raise ValueError("Distro for system not found!") for interface in system.interfaces.values(): mac = interface.mac_address ip_address = interface.ip_address host = interface.dns_name ipv6 = interface.ipv6_address if not mac: # can't write a DHCP entry for this system continue # In many reallife situations there is a need to control the IP address and hostname for a specific # client when only the MAC address is available. In addition to that in some scenarios there is a need # to explicitly label a host with the applicable architecture in order to correctly handle situations # where we need something other than ``pxelinux.0``. So we always write a dhcp-host entry with as much # info as possible to allow maximum control and flexibility within the dnsmasq config. systxt = "dhcp-host=net:" + distro.arch.value.lower() + "," + mac if host != "": systxt += "," + host if ip_address != "": systxt += "," + ip_address if ipv6 != "": systxt += f",[{ipv6}]" systxt += "\n" dhcp_tag = interface.dhcp_tag if dhcp_tag == "": dhcp_tag = "default" if dhcp_tag not in system_definitions: system_definitions[dhcp_tag] = "" system_definitions[dhcp_tag] = system_definitions[dhcp_tag] + systxt # We are now done with the looping through each interface of each system. metadata = { "insert_cobbler_system_definitions": system_definitions.get("default", ""), "date": time.asctime(time.gmtime()), "cobbler_server": self.settings.server, "next_server_v4": self.settings.next_server_v4, "next_server_v6": self.settings.next_server_v6, } # now add in other DHCP expansions that are not tagged with "default" for system in list(system_definitions.keys()): if system == "default": continue metadata[ f"insert_cobbler_system_definitions_{system}" ] = system_definitions[system] self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, settings_file) def regen_ethers(self) -> None: """ This function regenerates the ethers file. To get more information please read ``man ethers``, the format is also in there described. """ # dnsmasq knows how to read this database of MACs -> IPs, so we'll keep it up to date every time we add a # system. with open("/etc/ethers", "w", encoding="UTF-8") as ethers_fh: for system in if not system.is_management_supported(cidr_ok=False): continue for interface in system.interfaces.values(): mac = interface.mac_address ip_address = interface.ip_address if not mac: # can't write this w/o a MAC address continue if ip_address != "": ethers_fh.write(mac.upper() + "\t" + ip_address + "\n") def regen_hosts(self) -> None: """ This rewrites the hosts file and thus also rewrites the dns config. """ # dnsmasq knows how to read this database for host info (other things may also make use of this later) with open( "/var/lib/cobbler/cobbler_hosts", "w", encoding="UTF-8" ) as regen_hosts_fd: for system in if not system.is_management_supported(cidr_ok=False): continue for (_, interface) in system.interfaces.items(): mac = interface.mac_address host = interface.dns_name cnames = " ".join(interface.cnames) ipv4 = interface.ip_address ipv6 = interface.ipv6_address if not mac: continue if host != "" and ipv6 != "": if cnames: regen_hosts_fd.write( ipv6 + "\t" + host + " " + cnames + "\n" ) else: regen_hosts_fd.write(ipv6 + "\t" + host + "\n") elif host != "" and ipv4 != "": if cnames: regen_hosts_fd.write( ipv4 + "\t" + host + " " + cnames + "\n" ) else: regen_hosts_fd.write(ipv4 + "\t" + host + "\n") def restart_service(self) -> int: """ This restarts the dhcp server and thus applied the newly written config files. """ service_name = "dnsmasq" if self.settings.restart_dhcp: return_code_service_restart = process_management.service_restart( service_name ) if return_code_service_restart != 0: self.logger.error("%s service failed", service_name) return return_code_service_restart return 0
[docs]def get_manager(api: "CobblerAPI") -> _DnsmasqManager: """ Creates a manager object to manage a dnsmasq server. :param api: The API to resolve all information with. :return: The object generated from the class. """ # Singleton used, therefore ignoring 'global' global MANAGER # pylint: disable=global-statement if not MANAGER: MANAGER = _DnsmasqManager(api) # type: ignore return MANAGER