This is some of the code behind 'cobbler sync'.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: John Eckersberg <jeckersb@redhat.com>
import shutil
import time
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Set
from cobbler import enums, utils
from cobbler.enums import Archs
from cobbler.modules.managers import DhcpManagerModule
from cobbler.utils import process_management
from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
from cobbler.items.distro import Distro
from cobbler.items.profile import Profile
from cobbler.items.system import NetworkInterface, System
[docs]def register() -> str:
The mandatory Cobbler module registration hook.
return "manage"
class _IscManager(DhcpManagerModule):
def what() -> str:
Static method to identify the manager.
:return: Always "isc".
return "isc"
def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI"):
self.settings_file_v4 = utils.dhcpconf_location(enums.DHCP.V4)
self.settings_file_v6 = utils.dhcpconf_location(enums.DHCP.V6)
# cache config to allow adding systems incrementally
self.config: Dict[str, Any] = {}
self.generic_entry_cnt = 0
def sync_single_system(self, system: "System"):
Update the config with data for a single system, write it to the filesysemt, and restart DHCP service.
:param system: System object to generate the config for.
if not self.config:
# cache miss, need full sync for consistent data
return self.sync()
profile: Optional["Profile"] = system.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
distro: Optional["Distro"] = profile.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
blend_data = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
system_config = self._gen_system_config(system, blend_data, distro)
if all(
mac in self.config.get("dhcp_tags", {}).get(dhcp_tag, {})
for dhcp_tag, interface in system_config.items()
for mac in interface
# All interfaces in the added system are already cached. Therefore,
# user might have removed an interface and we don't know which.
# Trigger full sync.
return self.sync()
self.config = utils.merge_dicts_recursive(
{"dhcp_tags": system_config},
self.config["date"] = time.asctime(time.gmtime())
return self.restart_service()
def remove_single_system(self, system_obj: "System") -> None:
if not self.config:
profile: Optional["Profile"] = system_obj.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
distro: Optional["Distro"] = profile.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
blend_data = utils.blender(self.api, False, system_obj)
system_config = self._gen_system_config(system_obj, blend_data, distro)
for dhcp_tag, mac_addresses in system_config.items():
for mac_address in mac_addresses:
self.config.get("dhcp_tags", {}).get(dhcp_tag, {}).pop(mac_address, "")
self.config["date"] = time.asctime(time.gmtime())
def _gen_system_config(
system_obj: "System",
system_blend_data: Dict[str, Any],
distro_obj: Optional["Distro"],
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Generate DHCP config for a single system.
:param system_obj: System to generate DHCP config for
:param system_blend_data: utils.blender() data for the System
:param distro_object: Optional, is used to access distro-specific information like arch when present
dhcp_tags: Dict[str, Any] = {"default": {}}
processed_system_master_interfaces: Set[str] = set()
ignore_macs: Set[str] = set()
if not system_obj.is_management_supported(cidr_ok=False):
"%s does not meet precondition: MAC, IPv4, or IPv6 address is required.",
return {}
profile: Optional["Profile"] = system_obj.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
for iface_name, iface_obj in system_obj.interfaces.items():
iface = iface_obj.to_dict()
mac = iface_obj.mac_address
if (
not self.settings.always_write_dhcp_entries
and not system_blend_data["netboot_enabled"]
and iface["static"]
if not mac:
self.logger.warning("%s has no MAC address", system_obj.name)
iface["gateway"] = iface_obj.if_gateway or system_obj.gateway
if iface["interface_type"] in (
if iface["interface_master"] not in system_obj.interfaces:
# Can't write DHCP entry: master interface does not exist
master_name = iface["interface_master"]
master_iface = system_obj.interfaces[master_name]
# There may be multiple bonded interfaces, need composite index
system_master_name = f"{system_obj.name}-{master_name}"
if system_master_name not in processed_system_master_interfaces:
# IPv4
iface["netmask"] = master_iface.netmask
iface["ip_address"] = master_iface.ip_address
if not iface["ip_address"]:
iface["ip_address"] = self._find_ip_addr(
system_obj.interfaces, prefix=master_name, ip_version="ipv4"
# IPv6
iface["ipv6_address"] = master_iface.ipv6_address
if not iface["ipv6_address"]:
iface["ipv6_address"] = self._find_ip_addr(
system_obj.interfaces, prefix=master_name, ip_version="ipv6"
# common
host = master_iface.dns_name
dhcp_tag = master_iface.dhcp_tag
# TODO: simplify _slave / non_slave branches
host = iface["dns_name"]
dhcp_tag = iface["dhcp_tag"]
if distro_obj is not None:
iface["distro"] = distro_obj.to_dict()
if profile is not None:
iface["profile"] = profile.to_dict() # type: ignore
if host:
if iface_name == "eth0":
iface["name"] = host
iface["name"] = f"{host}-{iface_name}"
self.generic_entry_cnt += 1
iface["name"] = f"generic{self.generic_entry_cnt:d}"
for key in (
iface[key] = system_blend_data[key]
iface["owner"] = system_blend_data["name"]
# esxi
if distro_obj is not None and distro_obj.os_version.startswith("esxi"):
iface["filename_esxi"] = (
# config filename can be None
system_obj.get_config_filename(interface=iface_name, loader="pxe")
or "",
elif distro_obj is not None and not iface["filename"]:
if distro_obj.arch in (
iface["filename"] = "grub/grub.ppc64le"
elif distro_obj.arch == Archs.AARCH64:
iface["filename"] = "grub/grubaa64.efi"
if not dhcp_tag:
dhcp_tag = system_blend_data.get("dhcp_tag", "")
if dhcp_tag == "":
dhcp_tag = "default"
if dhcp_tag not in dhcp_tags:
dhcp_tags[dhcp_tag] = {mac: iface}
dhcp_tags[dhcp_tag][mac] = iface
for macs in dhcp_tags.values():
for mac in macs:
if mac in ignore_macs:
del macs[mac]
return dhcp_tags
def _find_ip_addr(
interfaces: Dict[str, "NetworkInterface"],
prefix: str,
ip_version: str,
) -> str:
"""Find the first interface with an IP address that begins with prefix."""
if ip_version.lower() == "ipv4":
attr_name = "ip_address"
elif ip_version.lower() == "ipv6":
attr_name = "ipv6_address"
return ""
for name, obj in interfaces:
if name.startswith(prefix + ".") and hasattr(obj, attr_name):
return getattr(obj, attr_name)
return ""
def gen_full_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Generate DHCP configuration for all systems."""
dhcp_tags: Dict[str, Any] = {"default": {}}
self.generic_entry_cnt = 0
for system in self.systems:
profile: Optional["Profile"] = system.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
if profile is None:
distro: Optional["Distro"] = profile.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
blended_system = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
new_tags = self._gen_system_config(system, blended_system, distro)
dhcp_tags = utils.merge_dicts_recursive(dhcp_tags, new_tags)
metadata = {
"date": time.asctime(time.gmtime()),
"cobbler_server": f"{self.settings.server}:{self.settings.http_port}",
"next_server_v4": self.settings.next_server_v4,
"next_server_v6": self.settings.next_server_v6,
"dhcp_tags": dhcp_tags,
return metadata
def _write_config(
config_data: Dict[Any, Any],
template_file: str,
settings_file: str,
) -> None:
"""DHCP files are written when ``manage_dhcp_v4`` or ``manage_dhcp_v6``
is set in the settings for the respective version. DHCPv4 files are
written when ``manage_dhcp_v4`` is set in our settings.
:param config_data: DHCP data to write.
:param template_file: The location of the DHCP template.
:param settings_file: The location of the final config file.
with open(template_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as template_fd:
template_data = template_fd.read()
except OSError as e:
self.logger.error("Can't read dhcp template '%s':\n%s", template_file, e)
config_copy = config_data.copy() # template rendering changes the passed dict
self.logger.info("Writing %s", settings_file)
self.templar.render(template_data, config_copy, settings_file)
def write_v4_config(
config_data: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None,
template_file: str = "/etc/cobbler/dhcp.template",
"""Write DHCP files for IPv4.
:param config_data: DHCP data to write.
:param template_file: The location of the DHCP template.
:param settings_file: The location of the final config file.
if not config_data:
raise ValueError("No config to write.")
self._write_config(config_data, template_file, self.settings_file_v4)
def write_v6_config(
config_data: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None,
template_file: str = "/etc/cobbler/dhcp6.template",
"""Write DHCP files for IPv6.
:param config_data: DHCP data to write.
:param template_file: The location of the DHCP template.
:param settings_file: The location of the final config file.
if not config_data:
raise ValueError("No config to write.")
self._write_config(config_data, template_file, self.settings_file_v6)
def restart_dhcp(self, service_name: str, version: int) -> int:
This syncs the dhcp server with it's new config files.
Basically this restarts the service to apply the changes.
:param service_name: The name of the DHCP service.
dhcpd_path = shutil.which(service_name)
if dhcpd_path is None:
self.logger.error("%s path could not be found", service_name)
return -1
return_code_service_restart = utils.subprocess_call(
[dhcpd_path, f"-{version}", "-t", "-q"], shell=False
if return_code_service_restart != 0:
self.logger.error("Testing config - %s -t failed", service_name)
if version == 4:
return_code_service_restart = process_management.service_restart(
return_code_service_restart = process_management.service_restart(
if return_code_service_restart != 0:
self.logger.error("%s service failed", service_name)
return return_code_service_restart
def write_configs(self) -> None:
DHCP files are written when ``manage_dhcp`` is set in our settings.
:raises OSError
:raises ValueError
self.generic_entry_cnt = 0
self.config = self.gen_full_config()
def _write_configs(self, data: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None) -> None:
if not data:
raise ValueError("No config to write.")
if self.settings.manage_dhcp_v4:
if self.settings.manage_dhcp_v6:
def restart_service(self) -> int:
if not self.settings.restart_dhcp:
return 0
# Even if one fails, try both and return an error
ret = 0
service = utils.dhcp_service_name()
if self.settings.manage_dhcp_v4:
ret |= self.restart_dhcp(service, 4)
if self.settings.manage_dhcp_v6:
ret |= self.restart_dhcp(service, 6)
return ret
[docs]def get_manager(api: "CobblerAPI") -> _IscManager:
Creates a manager object to manage an isc dhcp server.
:param api: The API which holds all information in the current Cobbler instance.
:return: The object to manage the server with.
# Singleton used, therefore ignoring 'global'
global MANAGER # pylint: disable=global-statement
if not MANAGER:
MANAGER = _IscManager(api) # type: ignore
return MANAGER