Source code for cobbler.modules.managers.ndjbdns

# coding=utf-8
This is some of the code behind 'cobbler sync'.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2014, Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Martin Helmich <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Daniel Krämer <>

import os
import subprocess
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict

from cobbler.modules.managers import DnsManagerModule

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI


[docs]def register() -> str: """ The mandatory Cobbler module registration hook. """ return "manage"
class _NDjbDnsManager(DnsManagerModule): """ Support for Dr. D J Bernstein DNS server. This DNS server has a lot of forks with IPv6 support. However, the original has no support for IPv6 and thus we can't add support for it at the moment. """ @staticmethod def what() -> str: """ Static method to identify the manager. :return: Always "ndjbdns". """ return "ndjbdns" def regen_hosts(self) -> None: self.write_configs() def write_configs(self) -> None: """ This writes the new dns configuration file to the disc. """ template_file = "/etc/cobbler/ndjbdns.template" data_file = "/etc/ndjbdns/data" data_dir = os.path.dirname(data_file) a_records: Dict[str, str] = {} with open(template_file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as template_fd: template_content = for system in for (_, interface) in list(system.interfaces.items()): host = interface.dns_name ip_address = interface.ip_address if host: if host in a_records: raise Exception(f"Duplicate DNS name: {host}") a_records[host] = ip_address template_vars: Dict[str, Any] = {"forward": []} for host, ip_address in list(a_records.items()): template_vars["forward"].append((host, ip_address)) self.templar.render(template_content, template_vars, data_file) with subprocess.Popen( ["/usr/bin/tinydns-data"], cwd=data_dir ) as subprocess_popen_obj: subprocess_popen_obj.communicate() if subprocess_popen_obj.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Could not regenerate tinydns data file.")
[docs]def get_manager(api: "CobblerAPI") -> _NDjbDnsManager: """ Creates a manager object to manage an isc dhcp server. :param api: The API which holds all information in the current Cobbler instance. :return: The object to manage the server with. """ # Singleton used, therefore ignoring 'global' global MANAGER # pylint: disable=global-statement if not MANAGER: MANAGER = _NDjbDnsManager(api) # type: ignore return MANAGER