Source code for cobbler.modules.serializers

This module contains code to persist the in memory state of Cobbler on a target. The name of the target should be the
name of the Python file. Cobbler is currently only tested against the file serializer.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
    from cobbler.cobbler_collections.collection import ITEM, Collection

[docs]class StorageBase: """ TODO """ def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI"): self.api = api
[docs] def serialize_item(self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", item: "ITEM") -> None: """ Save a collection item to disk :param collection: The Cobbler collection to know the type of the item. :param item: The collection item to serialize. """ raise NotImplementedError( "The implementation for the configured serializer is missing!" )
[docs] def serialize_delete(self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", item: "ITEM") -> None: """ Delete a collection item from disk. :param collection: collection :param item: collection item """ raise NotImplementedError( "The implementation for the configured serializer is missing!" )
[docs] def serialize(self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]") -> None: """ Save a collection to disk :param collection: The collection to serialize. """ raise NotImplementedError( "The implementation for the configured serializer is missing!" )
[docs] def deserialize_raw( self, collection_type: str ) -> Union[List[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Read the collection from the disk or read the settings file. :param collection_type: The collection type to read. :return: The list of collection dicts or settings dict. """ raise NotImplementedError( "The implementation for the configured serializer is missing!" )
[docs] def deserialize( self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", topological: bool = True ) -> None: """ Load a collection from disk. :param collection: The Cobbler collection to know the type of the item. :param topological: Sort collection based on each items' depth attribute in the list of collection items. This ensures properly ordered object loading from disk with objects having parent/child relationships, i.e. profiles/subprofiles. See cobbler/items/ """ raise NotImplementedError( "The implementation for the configured serializer is missing!" )
[docs] def deserialize_item(self, collection_type: str, name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get a collection item from disk and parse it into an object. :param collection_type: The collection type to deserialize. :param item_name: The collection item name to deserialize. :return: Dictionary of the collection item. """ raise NotImplementedError( "The implementation for the configured serializer is missing!" )
[docs]def register() -> str: """ TODO """ return "StorageBase"
[docs]def what() -> str: """ TODO """ return "serializer/base"
[docs]def storage_factory(api: "CobblerAPI") -> StorageBase: """ TODO """ return StorageBase(api)