Source code for cobbler.settings.migrations

The name of the migration file is the target version.
One migration should update from version x to x + 1, where X is any Cobbler version and the migration updates to
any next version (e.g. 3.2.1 to 3.3.0).
The validation of the current version is in the file with the name of the version.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Dominik Gedon <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Enno Gotthold <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Pablo Suárez Hernández <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright SUSE LLC

# This module should not try to read the settings from the disk. --> Responsibility from settings/
# If this module needs to check the existence of a file, the path should be handed as an argument to the function.
# Any migrations of modules.conf should be ignored for now.

import configparser
import glob
import logging
import os
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import signature
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from schema import Schema  # type: ignore

import cobbler

logger = logging.getLogger()
migrations_path = os.path.normpath(
        os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(cobbler.__file__)), "settings/migrations"

[docs]class CobblerVersion: """ Specifies a Cobbler Version """ def __init__(self, major: int = 0, minor: int = 0, patch: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructor """ self.major = int(major) self.minor = int(minor) self.patch = int(patch) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Compares 2 CobblerVersion objects for equality. Necesarry for the tests. """ if not isinstance(other, CobblerVersion): return False return ( self.major == other.major and self.minor == other.minor and self.patch == other.patch ) def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other) def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, CobblerVersion): raise TypeError if self.major < other.major: return True if self.major.__eq__(other.major): if self.minor < other.minor: return True if self.minor.__eq__(other.minor): if self.patch < other.patch: return True return False def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: if self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other): return True return False def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, CobblerVersion): raise TypeError if self.major > other.major: return True if self.major.__eq__(other.major): if self.minor > other.minor: return True if self.minor.__eq__(other.minor): if self.patch > other.patch: return True return False def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: if self.__gt__(other) or self.__eq__(other): return True return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.major, self.minor, self.patch)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"CobblerVersion: {self.major}.{self.minor}.{self.patch}" def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"CobblerVersion(major={self.major}, minor={self.minor}, patch={self.patch})"
EMPTY_VERSION = CobblerVersion() VERSION_LIST: Dict[CobblerVersion, ModuleType] = {} def __validate_module(name: ModuleType) -> bool: """ Validates a given module according to certain criteria: * module must have certain methods implemented * those methods must have a certain signature :param name: The name of the module to validate. :param version: The migration version as List. :return: True if every criteria is met otherwise False. """ module_methods = { "validate": "(settings:Dict[str,Any])->bool", "normalize": "(settings:Dict[str,Any])->Dict[str,Any]", "migrate": "(settings:Dict[str,Any])->Dict[str,Any]", } for key, value in module_methods.items(): if not hasattr(name, key): return False sig = str(signature(getattr(name, key))).replace(" ", "") if value != sig: return False return True def __load_migration_modules(name: str, version: List[str]) -> None: """ Loads migration specific modules and if valid adds it to ``VERSION_LIST``. :param name: The name of the module to load. :param version: The migration version as list. """ module = import_module(f"cobbler.settings.migrations.{name}")"Loaded migrations: %s", name) if __validate_module(module): version_list_int = [int(i) for i in version] VERSION_LIST[CobblerVersion(*version_list_int)] = module else: logger.warning('Exception raised when loading migrations module "%s"', name)
[docs]def filter_settings_to_validate( settings: Dict[str, Any], ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Separate settings to validate from the ones to exclude from validation according to "ignore_keys" parameter and "extra_settings_list" setting value. :param settings: The settings dict to validate. :param ignore_keys: The list of ignore keys to exclude from validation. :return data: The filtered settings to validate :return data_to_exclude: The settings that were excluded from the validation """ if not ignore_keys: ignore_keys = [] extra_settings = settings.get("extra_settings_list", []) data_to_exclude = { k: settings[k] for k in settings if k in ignore_keys or k in extra_settings } data = { x: settings[x] for x in settings if x not in ignore_keys and x not in extra_settings } return data, data_to_exclude
[docs]def get_settings_file_version( yaml_dict: Dict[str, Any], ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> CobblerVersion: """ Return the correspondig version of the given settings dict. :param yaml_dict: The settings dict to get the version from. :param ignore_keys: The list of ignore keys to exclude from validation. :return: The discovered Cobbler Version or ``EMPTY_VERSION`` """ if not ignore_keys: ignore_keys = [] # Extra settings and ignored keys are excluded from validation data, _ = filter_settings_to_validate(yaml_dict, ignore_keys) for version, module_name in VERSION_LIST.items(): if module_name.validate(data): return version return EMPTY_VERSION
[docs]def get_installed_version( filepath: Union[str, Path] = "/etc/cobbler/version" ) -> CobblerVersion: """ Retrieve the current Cobbler version. Normally it can be read from /etc/cobbler/version :param filepath: The filepath of the version file, defaults to "/etc/cobbler/version" """ # The format of the version file is the following: # $ cat /etc/cobbler/version # [cobbler] # gitdate = Fri Aug 13 13:52:40 2021 +0200 # gitstamp = 610d30d1 # builddate = Mon Aug 16 07:22:38 2021 # version = 3.2.1 # version_tuple = [3, 2, 1] config = configparser.ConfigParser() if not # filepath does not exists return EMPTY_VERSION version = config["cobbler"]["version"].split(".") return CobblerVersion(int(version[0]), int(version[1]), int(version[2]))
[docs]def get_schema(version: CobblerVersion) -> Schema: """ Returns a schema to a given Cobbler version :param version: The Cobbler version object :return: The schema of the Cobbler version """ return VERSION_LIST[version].schema
[docs]def discover_migrations(path: str = migrations_path) -> None: """ Discovers the migration module for each Cobbler version and loads it if it is valid according to certain conditions: * the module must contain the following methods: validate(), normalize(), migrate() * those version must have a certain signature :param path: The path of the migration modules, defaults to migrations_path """ filenames = glob.glob(f"{path}/V[0-9]*_[0-9]*_[0-9]*.py") for files in filenames: basename = files.replace(path, "") migration_name = "" if basename.startswith("/"): basename = basename[1:] if basename.endswith(".py"): migration_name = basename[:-3] # migration_name should now be something like V3_0_0 # Remove leading V. Necessary to save values into CobblerVersion object version = migration_name[1:].split("_") __load_migration_modules(migration_name, version)
[docs]def auto_migrate( yaml_dict: Dict[str, Any], settings_path: Path, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Auto migration to the most recent version. :param yaml_dict: The settings dict to migrate. :param ignore_keys: The list of ignore keys to exclude from auto migration. :param settings_path: The path of the settings dict. :return: The migrated dict. """ if not ignore_keys: ignore_keys = [] if not yaml_dict.get("auto_migrate_settings", True): raise RuntimeError( "Settings automigration disabled but required for starting the daemon!" ) settings_version = get_settings_file_version(yaml_dict, ignore_keys) if settings_version == EMPTY_VERSION: raise RuntimeError("Automigration not possible due to undiscoverable settings!") sorted_version_list = sorted(list(VERSION_LIST.keys())) migrations = sorted_version_list[sorted_version_list.index(settings_version) :] for index in range(0, len(migrations) - 1): if index == len(migrations) - 1: break yaml_dict = migrate( yaml_dict, settings_path, migrations[index], migrations[index + 1], ignore_keys, ) return yaml_dict
[docs]def migrate( yaml_dict: Dict[str, Any], settings_path: Path, old: CobblerVersion = EMPTY_VERSION, new: CobblerVersion = EMPTY_VERSION, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Migration to a specific version. If no old and new version is supplied it will call ``auto_migrate()``. :param yaml_dict: The settings dict to migrate. :param settings_path: The path of the settings dict. :param old: The version to migrate from, defaults to EMPTY_VERSION. :param new: The version to migrate to, defaults to EMPTY_VERSION. :param ignore_keys: The list of settings ot be excluded from migration. :raises ValueError: Raised if attempting to downgraade. :return: The migrated dict. """ if not ignore_keys: ignore_keys = [] # If no version supplied do auto migrations if old == EMPTY_VERSION and new == EMPTY_VERSION: return auto_migrate(yaml_dict, settings_path, ignore_keys) if EMPTY_VERSION in (old, new): raise ValueError( "Either both or no versions must be specified for a migration!" ) # Extra settings and ignored keys are excluded from validation data, data_to_exclude_from_validation = filter_settings_to_validate( yaml_dict, ignore_keys ) if old == new: data = VERSION_LIST[old].normalize(data) # Put back settings excluded form validation data.update(data_to_exclude_from_validation) return data # If both versions are present, check if old < new and then migrate the appropriate versions. if old > new: raise ValueError("Downgrades are not supported!") sorted_version_list = sorted(list(VERSION_LIST.keys())) migration_list = sorted_version_list[ sorted_version_list.index(old) + 1 : sorted_version_list.index(new) + 1 ] for key in migration_list: data = VERSION_LIST[key].migrate(data) # Put back settings excluded form validation data.update(data_to_exclude_from_validation) return data
[docs]def validate( settings: Dict[str, Any], settings_path: Path, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> bool: """ Wrapper function for the validate() methods of the individual migration modules. :param settings: The settings dict to validate. :param settings_path: TODO: not used at the moment :param ignore_keys: The list of settings ot be excluded from validation. :return: True if settings are valid, otherwise False. """ if not ignore_keys: ignore_keys = [] version = get_installed_version() # Extra settings and ignored keys are excluded from validation data, _ = filter_settings_to_validate(settings, ignore_keys) result: bool = VERSION_LIST[version].validate(data) return result
[docs]def normalize( settings: Dict[str, Any], ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ If data in ``settings`` is valid the validated data is returned. :param settings: The settings dict to validate. :param ignore_keys: The list of settings ot be excluded from normalization. :return: The validated dict. """ if not ignore_keys: ignore_keys = [] version = get_installed_version() # Extra settings and ignored keys are excluded from validation data, data_to_exclude_from_validation = filter_settings_to_validate( settings, ignore_keys ) result: Dict[str, Any] = VERSION_LIST[version].normalize(data) # Put back settings excluded form validation result.update(data_to_exclude_from_validation) return result