Cobbler provides builtin methods for use in Cheetah templates. $SNIPPET is one
such function and is now used to implement Cobbler's SNIPPET:: syntax.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Written by Daniel Guernsey <danpg102@gmail.com>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Contributions by Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: US Government work; No explicit copyright attached to this file.
import logging
import os.path
import re
from typing import Any, Match, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union
from Cheetah.Template import Template # type: ignore
from cobbler import utils
# This class is defined using the Cheetah language. Using the 'compile' function we can compile the source directly into
# a Python class. This class will allow us to define the cheetah builtins.
logger = logging.getLogger()
[docs]def read_macro_file(location: str = "/etc/cobbler/cheetah_macros") -> str:
:param location: TODO
:return: TODO
if not os.path.exists(location):
raise FileNotFoundError("Cobbler Cheetah Macros File must exist!")
with open(location, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as macro_file:
return macro_file.read()
[docs]def generate_cheetah_macros() -> Template:
:return: TODO
macro_file = read_macro_file()
return Template.compile( # type: ignore
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.warning("Cheetah Macros file note found. Using empty template.")
return Template.compile(source="") # type: ignore
[docs]class CobblerTemplate(generate_cheetah_macros()): # type: ignore
This class will allow us to include any pure python builtin functions.
It derives from the cheetah-compiled class above. This way, we can include both types (cheetah and pure python) of
builtins in the same base template.
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
Constructor for this derived class. We include two additional default templates.
:param kwargs: These arguments get passed to the super constructor of this class.
# This part (see 'Template' below for the other part) handles the actual inclusion of the file contents. We
# still need to make the snippet's namespace (searchList) available to the template calling SNIPPET (done in
# the other part).
# This function can be used in two ways:
# Cheetah syntax:
# - $SNIPPET('my_snippet')
# - SNIPPET syntax:
# - SNIPPET::my_snippet
# This follows all of the rules of snippets and advanced snippets. First it searches for a per-system snippet,
# then a per-profile snippet, then a general snippet. If none is found, a comment explaining the error is
# substituted.
self.BuiltinTemplate = Template.compile( # type: ignore
"#def SNIPPET($file)",
"#set $snippet = $read_snippet($file)",
"#if $snippet",
"#include source=$snippet",
"# Error: no snippet data for $file",
"#end if",
"#end def",
+ "\n"
super().__init__(**kwargs) # type: ignore
# OK, so this function gets called by Cheetah.Template.Template.__init__ to compile the template into a class. This
# is probably a kludge, but it add a baseclass argument to the standard compile (see Cheetah's compile docstring)
# and returns the resulting class. This argument, of course, points to this class. Now any methods entered here (or
# in the base class above) will be accessible to all cheetah templates compiled by Cobbler.
[docs] @classmethod
def compile(cls, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
Compile a cheetah template with Cobbler modifications. Modifications include ``SNIPPET::`` syntax replacement
and inclusion of Cobbler builtin methods. Please be aware that you cannot use the ``baseclass`` attribute of
Cheetah anymore due to the fact that we are using it in our implementation to enable the Cheetah Macros.
:param args: These just get passed right to Cheetah.
:param kwargs: We just execute our own preprocessors and remove them and let afterwards handle Cheetah the rest.
:return: The compiled template.
def replacer(match: Match[str]) -> str:
return f"$SNIPPET('{match.group(1)}')"
def preprocess(
source: Optional[str], file: Optional[Union[TextIO, str]]
) -> Tuple[str, Optional[Union[TextIO, str]]]:
# Normally, the cheetah compiler worries about this, but we need to preprocess the actual source.
if source is None:
if isinstance(file, TextIO):
source = file.read()
elif isinstance(file, str):
if os.path.exists(file):
with open(file, "r", encoding="UTF-8") as snippet_fd:
source = "#errorCatcher Echo\n" + snippet_fd.read()
source = f"# Unable to read {file}\n"
# Stop Cheetah from throwing a fit.
file = None
snippet_regex = re.compile(r"SNIPPET::([A-Za-z0-9_\-/.]+)")
results = snippet_regex.sub(replacer, source or "")
return results, file
preprocessors = [preprocess]
if "preprocessors" in kwargs:
kwargs["preprocessors"] = preprocessors
# Now let Cheetah do the actual compilation - mypy can't introspect Cheetah
return super().compile(*args, **kwargs) # type: ignore
[docs] def read_snippet(self, file: str) -> Optional[str]:
Locate the appropriate snippet for the current system and profile and read its contents.
This file could be located in a remote location.
This will first check for a per-system snippet, a per-profile snippet, a distro snippet, and a general snippet.
:param file: The name of the file to read. Depending on the context this gets expanded automatically.
:return: None (if the snippet file was not found) or the string with the read snippet.
:raises AttributeError: Raised in case ``autoinstall_snippets_dir`` is missing.
:raises FileNotFoundError: Raised in case some files are not found.
if not self.varExists("autoinstall_snippets_dir"): # type: ignore
raise AttributeError(
'"autoinstall_snippets_dir" is required to find snippets'
for snippet_class in ("system", "profile", "distro"):
if self.varExists(f"{snippet_class}_name"): # type: ignore
full_path = (
f"{self.getVar('autoinstall_snippets_dir')}/per_{snippet_class}/{file}/" # type: ignore
f"{self.getVar(f'{snippet_class}_name')}" # type: ignore
contents = utils.read_file_contents(full_path, fetch_if_remote=True)
return contents
except FileNotFoundError:
full_path = f"{self.getVar('autoinstall_snippets_dir')}/{file}" # type: ignore
file_content = utils.read_file_contents(full_path, fetch_if_remote=True)
if isinstance(file_content, str):
return "#errorCatcher ListErrors\n" + file_content
return "Error reading error list from Cheetah!"
except FileNotFoundError:
return None
[docs] def SNIPPET(self, file: str) -> Any:
Include the contents of the named snippet here. This is equivalent to the #include directive in Cheetah, except
that it searches for system and profile specific snippets, and it includes the snippet's namespace.
This may be a little frobby, but it's really cool. This is a pure python portion of SNIPPET that appends the
snippet's searchList to the caller's searchList. This makes any #defs within a given snippet available to the
template that included the snippet.
:param file: The snippet file to read and include in the template.
:return: The updated template.
# First, do the actual inclusion. Cheetah (when processing #include) will track the inclusion in
# self._CHEETAH__cheetahIncludes
result = self.BuiltinTemplate.SNIPPET(self, file) # type: ignore
# Now do our dirty work: locate the new include, and append its searchList to ours. We have to compute the full
# path again? Eww.
# This weird method is getting even weirder, the cheetah includes keys are no longer filenames but actual
# contents of snippets. Regardless this seems to work and hopefully it will be ok.
snippet_contents = self.read_snippet(file)
if snippet_contents:
# Only include what we don't already have. Because Cheetah passes our searchList into included templates,
# the snippet's searchList will include this templates searchList. We need to avoid duplicating entries.
child_list = self._CHEETAH__cheetahIncludes[snippet_contents].searchList() # type: ignore
my_list = self.searchList() # type: ignore
for child_elem in child_list: # type: ignore
if child_elem not in my_list:
my_list.append(child_elem) # type: ignore
return result # type: ignore
# pylint: disable=R0201
[docs] def sedesc(self, value: str) -> str:
Escape a string for use in sed.
This function is used by several cheetah methods in cheetah_macros. It can be used by the end user as well.
Example: Replace all instances of ``/etc/banner`` with a value stored in ``$new_banner``
sed 's/$sedesc("/etc/banner")/$sedesc($new_banner)/'
:param value: The phrase to escape.
:return: The escaped phrase.
def escchar(character: str) -> str:
if character in "/^.[]$()|*+?{}\\":
return "\\" + character
return character
return "".join([escchar(c) for c in value])