Source code for cobbler.utils.filesystem_helpers


import errno
import glob
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import subprocess
import urllib.request
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

from cobbler import utils
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX
from cobbler.utils import log_exc, mtab

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]def sha1_file(file_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path], buffer_size: int = 65536) -> str: """ This function is emulating the functionality of the sha1sum tool. :param file_path: The path to the file that should be hashed. :param buffer_size: The buffer-size that should be used to hash the file. :return: The SHA1 hash as sha1sum would return it. """ # Highly inspired by: sha1 = hashlib.sha1() with open(file_path, "rb") as file_fd: while True: data = if not data: break sha1.update(data) return sha1.hexdigest()
[docs]def hashfile(file_name: str, lcache: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None) -> Optional[str]: r""" Returns the sha1sum of the file :param file_name: The file to get the sha1sum of. :param lcache: This is a directory where Cobbler would store its ``link_cache.json`` file to speed up the return of the hash. The hash looked up would be checked against the Cobbler internal mtime of the object. :return: The sha1 sum or None if the file doesn't exist. """ hashfile_db: Dict[str, Tuple[float, str]] = {} if lcache is None: return None dbfile = pathlib.Path(lcache) / "link_cache.json" if dbfile.exists(): hashfile_db = json.loads(dbfile.read_text(encoding="utf-8")) file = pathlib.Path(file_name) if file.exists(): mtime = file.stat().st_mtime if file_name in hashfile_db: if hashfile_db[file_name][0] >= mtime: return hashfile_db[file_name][1] key = sha1_file(file_name) hashfile_db[file_name] = (mtime, key) __create_if_not_exists(lcache) dbfile.write_text(json.dumps(hashfile_db), encoding="utf-8") return key return None
[docs]def cachefile(src: str, dst: str) -> None: """ Copy a file into a cache and link it into place. Use this with caution, otherwise you could end up copying data twice if the cache is not on the same device as the destination. :param src: The sourcefile for the copy action. :param dst: The destination for the copy action. """ lcache = pathlib.Path(dst).parent.parent / ".link_cache" if not lcache.is_dir(): lcache.mkdir() key = hashfile(src, lcache=lcache) if key is None:"Cachefile skipped due to missing key for it!") return None cachefile_obj = lcache / key if not cachefile_obj.exists():"trying to create cache file %s", cachefile_obj) copyfile(src, str(cachefile_obj)) logger.debug("trying cachelink %s -> %s -> %s", src, cachefile_obj, dst), dst)
[docs]def linkfile( api: "CobblerAPI", src: str, dst: str, symlink_ok: bool = False, cache: bool = True ) -> None: """ Attempt to create a link dst that points to src. Because file systems suck we attempt several different methods or bail to just copying the file. :param api: This parameter is needed to check if a file can be hardlinked. This method fails if this parameter is not present. :param src: The source file. :param dst: The destination for the link. :param symlink_ok: If it is okay to just use a symbolic link. :param cache: If it is okay to use a cached file instead of the real one. :raises CX: Raised in case the API is not given. """ dst_obj = pathlib.Path(dst) src_obj = pathlib.Path(src) if dst_obj.exists(): # if the destination exists, is it right in terms of accuracy and context? if src_obj.samefile(dst): if not is_safe_to_hardlink(src, dst, api): # may have to remove old hardlinks for SELinux reasons as previous implementations were not complete"removing: %s", dst) dst_obj.unlink() else: return None elif dst_obj.is_symlink(): # existing path exists and is a symlink, update the symlink"removing: %s", dst) dst_obj.unlink() if is_safe_to_hardlink(src, dst, api): # we can try a hardlink if the destination isn't to NFS or Samba this will help save space and sync time. try:"trying hardlink %s -> %s", src, dst), dst) return None except (IOError, OSError): # hardlink across devices, or link already exists we'll just symlink it if we can or otherwise copy it pass if symlink_ok: # we can symlink anywhere except for /tftpboot because that is run chroot, so if we can symlink now, try it. try:"trying symlink %s -> %s", src, dst) dst_obj.symlink_to(src_obj) return None except (IOError, OSError): pass if cache: try: cachefile(src, dst) return None except (IOError, OSError): pass # we couldn't hardlink and we couldn't symlink so we must copy copyfile(src, dst)
[docs]def copyfile(src: str, dst: str, symlink: bool = False) -> None: """ Copy a file from source to the destination. :param src: The source file. This may also be a folder. :param dst: The destination for the file or folder. :param symlink: If instead of a copy, a symlink is okay, then this may be set explicitly to "True". :raises OSError: Raised in case ``src`` could not be read. """ src_obj = pathlib.Path(src) dst_obj = pathlib.Path(dst) try:"copying: %s -> %s", src, dst) if src_obj.is_dir(): shutil.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=symlink) else: shutil.copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=symlink) except Exception as error: if not os.access(src, os.R_OK): raise OSError(f"Cannot read: {src}") from error if src_obj.samefile(dst_obj): # accomodate for the possibility that we already copied # the file as a symlink/hardlink raise
# traceback.print_exc() # raise CX("Error copying %(src)s to %(dst)s" % { "src" : src, "dst" : dst})
[docs]def copyremotefile(src: str, dst1: str, api: Optional["CobblerAPI"] = None) -> None: """ Copys a file from a remote place to the local destionation. :param src: The remote file URI. :param dst1: The copy destination on the local filesystem. :param api: This parameter is not used currently. :raises OSError: Raised in case an error occurs when fetching or writing the file. """ try:"copying: %s -> %s", src, dst1) with urllib.request.urlopen(src) as srcfile: with open(dst1, "wb") as output: output.write( except Exception as error: raise OSError( f"Error while getting remote file ({src} -> {dst1}):\n{error}" ) from error
[docs]def copyfileimage(src: str, image_location: str, dst: str) -> None: """ Copy a file from source to the destination in the image. :param src: The source file. :param image_location: The location of the image. :param dst: The destination for the file. """ cmd = ["mcopy", "-n", "-i", image_location, src, "::/" + dst] try:'running: "%s"', cmd) utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise OSError( f"Error while copying file to image ({src} -> {dst}):\n{error.output}" ) from error
[docs]def rmfile(path: str) -> None: """ Delete a single file. :param path: The file to delete. """ try: pathlib.Path(path).unlink()'Successfully removed "%s"', path) except FileNotFoundError: pass except OSError as ioe: logger.warning('Could not remove file "%s": %s', path, ioe.strerror)
[docs]def rmtree_contents(path: str) -> None: """ Delete the content of a folder with a glob pattern. :param path: This parameter presents the glob pattern of what should be deleted. """ what_to_delete = glob.glob(f"{path}/*") for rmtree_path in what_to_delete: rmtree(rmtree_path)
[docs]def rmtree(path: str) -> None: """ Delete a complete directory or just a single file. :param path: The directory or folder to delete. :raises CX: Raised in case ``path`` does not exist. """ try: if pathlib.Path(path).is_file(): rmfile(path)"removing: %s", path) shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) except OSError as ioe: log_exc() if ioe.errno != errno.ENOENT: # doesn't exist raise CX(f"Error deleting {path}") from ioe
[docs]def rmglob_files(path: str, glob_pattern: str) -> None: """ Deletes all files in ``path`` with ``glob_pattern`` with the help of ``rmfile()``. :param path: The folder of the files to remove. :param glob_pattern: The glob pattern for the files to remove in ``path``. """ for rm_path in pathlib.Path(path).glob(glob_pattern): rmfile(str(rm_path))
[docs]def mkdir(path: str, mode: int = 0o755) -> None: """ Create directory with a given mode. :param path: The path to create the directory at. :param mode: The mode to create the directory with. :raises CX: Raised in case creating the directory fails with something different from error code 17 (directory already exists). """ try: pathlib.Path(path).mkdir(mode=mode, parents=True) except OSError as os_error: # already exists (no constant for 17?) if os_error.errno != 17: log_exc() raise CX(f"Error creating {path}") from os_error
[docs]def mkdirimage(path: pathlib.Path, image_location: str) -> None: """ Create a directory in an image. :param path: The path to create the directory at. :param image_location: The location of the image. """ path_parts = cmd = ["mmd", "-i", image_location, str(path)] try: # Create all parent directories one by one inside the image for parent_directory in range(1, len(path_parts) + 1): cmd[-1] = "/".join(path_parts[:parent_directory])'running: "%s"', cmd) utils.subprocess_call(cmd, shell=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: raise OSError( f"Error while creating directory ({cmd[-1]}) in image {image_location}.\n{error.output}" ) from error
[docs]def path_tail(apath: str, bpath: str) -> str: """ Given two paths (B is longer than A), find the part in B not in A :param apath: The first path. :param bpath: The second path. :return: If the paths are not starting at the same location this function returns an empty string. """ position = bpath.find(apath) if position != 0: return "" rposition = position + len(apath) result: str = bpath[rposition:] if not result.startswith("/"): result = "/" + result return result
[docs]def safe_filter(var: Optional[str]) -> None: r""" This function does nothing if the argument does not find any semicolons or two points behind each other. :param var: This parameter shall not be None or have ".."/";" at the end. :raises CX: In case any ``..`` or ``/`` is found in ``var``. """ if var is None: return None if var.find("..") != -1 or var.find(";") != -1: raise CX("Invalid characters found in input")
def __create_if_not_exists(path: pathlib.Path) -> None: """ Creates a directory if it has not already been created. :param path: The path where the directory should be created. Parents directories must exist. """ if not path.exists(): mkdir(str(path)) def __symlink_if_not_exists(source: pathlib.Path, target: pathlib.Path) -> None: """ Symlinks a directory if the symlink doesn't exist. :param source: The source directory :param target: The target directory """ if not target.exists(): target.symlink_to(source)
[docs]def create_web_dirs(api: "CobblerAPI") -> None: """ Create directories for HTTP content :param api: CobblerAPI """ webdir_obj = pathlib.Path(api.settings().webdir) webroot_distro_mirror = webdir_obj / "distro_mirror" webroot_misc = webdir_obj / "misc" webroot_directory_paths = [ webdir_obj / "localmirror", webdir_obj / "repo_mirror", webroot_distro_mirror, webroot_distro_mirror / "config", webdir_obj / "links", webroot_misc, webdir_obj / "pub", webdir_obj / "rendered", webdir_obj / "images", ] for directory_path in webroot_directory_paths: __create_if_not_exists(directory_path) # Copy anamon scripts to the webroot misc_path = pathlib.Path("/var/lib/cobbler/misc") rmtree_contents(str(webroot_misc)) for file in [f for f in misc_path.iterdir() if (misc_path / f).is_file()]: copyfile(str((misc_path / file)), str(webroot_misc))
[docs]def create_tftpboot_dirs(api: "CobblerAPI") -> None: """ Create directories for tftpboot images :param api: CobblerAPI """ bootloc = pathlib.Path(api.settings().tftpboot_location) grub_dir = bootloc / "grub" esxi_dir = bootloc / "esxi" tftpboot_directory_paths = [ bootloc / "boot", bootloc / "etc", bootloc / "images2", bootloc / "ppc", bootloc / "s390x", bootloc / "pxelinux.cfg", grub_dir, grub_dir / "system", grub_dir / "system_link", bootloc / "images", bootloc / "ipxe", esxi_dir, esxi_dir / "system", ] for directory_path in tftpboot_directory_paths: __create_if_not_exists(directory_path) grub_images_link = grub_dir / "images" __symlink_if_not_exists(pathlib.Path("../images"), grub_images_link) esxi_images_link = esxi_dir / "images" __symlink_if_not_exists(pathlib.Path("../images"), esxi_images_link) esxi_pxelinux_link = esxi_dir / "pxelinux.cfg" __symlink_if_not_exists(pathlib.Path("../pxelinux.cfg"), esxi_pxelinux_link)
[docs]def create_trigger_dirs(api: "CobblerAPI") -> None: """ Creates the directories that the user/admin can fill with dynamically executed scripts. :param api: CobblerAPI """ # This is not yet a setting libpath = pathlib.Path("/var/lib/cobbler") trigger_directory = libpath / "triggers" trigger_directories = [ trigger_directory, trigger_directory / "add", trigger_directory / "add" / "distro", trigger_directory / "add" / "distro" / "pre", trigger_directory / "add" / "distro" / "post", trigger_directory / "add" / "profile", trigger_directory / "add" / "profile" / "pre", trigger_directory / "add" / "profile" / "post", trigger_directory / "add" / "system", trigger_directory / "add" / "system" / "pre", trigger_directory / "add" / "system" / "post", trigger_directory / "add" / "repo", trigger_directory / "add" / "repo" / "pre", trigger_directory / "add" / "repo" / "post", trigger_directory / "add" / "menu", trigger_directory / "add" / "menu" / "pre", trigger_directory / "add" / "menu" / "post", trigger_directory / "delete", trigger_directory / "delete" / "distro", trigger_directory / "delete" / "distro" / "pre", trigger_directory / "delete" / "distro" / "post", trigger_directory / "delete" / "profile", trigger_directory / "delete" / "profile" / "pre", trigger_directory / "delete" / "profile" / "post", trigger_directory / "delete" / "system", trigger_directory / "delete" / "system" / "pre", trigger_directory / "delete" / "system" / "post", trigger_directory / "delete" / "repo", trigger_directory / "delete" / "repo" / "pre", trigger_directory / "delete" / "repo" / "post", trigger_directory / "delete" / "menu", trigger_directory / "delete" / "menu" / "pre", trigger_directory / "delete" / "menu" / "post", trigger_directory / "install", trigger_directory / "install" / "pre", trigger_directory / "install" / "post", trigger_directory / "install" / "firstboot", trigger_directory / "sync", trigger_directory / "sync" / "pre", trigger_directory / "sync" / "post", trigger_directory / "change", trigger_directory / "task", trigger_directory / "task" / "distro", trigger_directory / "task" / "distro" / "pre", trigger_directory / "task" / "distro" / "post", trigger_directory / "task" / "profile", trigger_directory / "task" / "profile" / "pre", trigger_directory / "task" / "profile" / "post", trigger_directory / "task" / "system", trigger_directory / "task" / "system" / "pre", trigger_directory / "task" / "system" / "post", trigger_directory / "task" / "repo", trigger_directory / "task" / "repo" / "pre", trigger_directory / "task" / "repo" / "post", trigger_directory / "task" / "menu", trigger_directory / "task" / "menu" / "pre", trigger_directory / "task" / "menu" / "post", ] for directory_path in trigger_directories: __create_if_not_exists(directory_path)
[docs]def create_json_database_dirs(api: "CobblerAPI") -> None: """ Creates the database directories for the file serializer :param api: CobblerAPI """ # This is not yet a setting libpath = pathlib.Path("/var/lib/cobbler") database_directories = [ libpath / "collections", libpath / "collections" / "distros", libpath / "collections" / "images", libpath / "collections" / "profiles", libpath / "collections" / "repos", libpath / "collections" / "systems", libpath / "collections" / "menus", ] for directory_path in database_directories: __create_if_not_exists(directory_path)