Source code for cobbler.modules.installation.pre_log

import time

[docs]def register() -> str: """ This pure python trigger acts as if it were a legacy shell-trigger, but is much faster. The return of this method indicates the trigger type. :return: Always: "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/pre/*" """ return "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/pre/*"
[docs]def run(api, args: list, logger) -> int: """ The method runs the trigger, meaning this logs that an installation has started. The list of args should have three elements: - 0: system or profile - 1: the name of the system or profile - 2: the ip or a "?" :param api: This parameter is currently unused. :param args: Already described above. :param logger: This parameter is currently unused. :return: A "0" on success. """ objtype = args[0] name = args[1] ip = args[2] # FIXME: use the logger fd = open("/var/log/cobbler/install.log", "a+") fd.write("%s\t%s\t%s\tstart\t%s\n" % (objtype, name, ip, time.time())) fd.close() return 0