Source code for cobbler.api

Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301  USA

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import random
import tempfile
import threading
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from schema import SchemaError

from cobbler import validate
from cobbler.actions import status, hardlink, sync, replicate, report, log, acl, check, reposync, mkloaders
from cobbler.actions.buildiso.standalone import StandaloneBuildiso
from cobbler.actions.buildiso.netboot import NetbootBuildiso
from cobbler import autoinstall_manager, autoinstallgen, download_manager, enums, module_loader, power_manager
from cobbler import settings, tftpgen, utils, yumgen
from cobbler.cobbler_collections import manager
from cobbler.items import distro, file, image, menu, mgmtclass, package, profile, repo, system
from cobbler.decorator import InheritableDictProperty

# FIXME: add --quiet depending on if not --verbose?
RSYNC_CMD = "rsync -a %s '%s' %s --progress"

# notes on locking:
# - CobblerAPI is a singleton object
# - The XMLRPC variants allow 1 simultaneous request, therefore we flock on our settings file for now on a request by
#   request basis.

[docs] class CobblerAPI: """ Python API module for Cobbler. See source for, or pydoc, for example usage. Cli apps and daemons should import, and no other Cobbler code. """ __shared_state = {} __has_loaded = False def __init__(self, is_cobblerd: bool = False, settingsfile_location: str = "/etc/cobbler/settings.yaml", execute_settings_automigration: bool = False): """ Constructor :param is_cobblerd: Whether this API is run as a daemon or not. :param settingsfile_location: The location of the settings file on the disk. """ # FIXME: this should be switchable through some simple system self.__dict__ = CobblerAPI.__shared_state self.perms_ok = False if not CobblerAPI.__has_loaded: # NOTE: we do not log all API actions, because a simple CLI invocation may call adds and such to load the # config, which would just fill up the logs, so we'll do that logging at CLI level (and web # service level) instead. random.seed() self.is_cobblerd = is_cobblerd if is_cobblerd: main_thread = threading.main_thread() main_thread.setName("Daemon") self.logger = logging.getLogger() # FIXME: consolidate into 1 server instance self.selinux_enabled = utils.is_selinux_enabled() self.dist, self.os_version = utils.os_release() self._settings = self.__generate_settings(pathlib.Path(settingsfile_location), execute_settings_automigration) CobblerAPI.__has_loaded = True # load the modules first, or nothing else works... module_loader.load_modules() # In case the signatures can't be loaded, we can't validate distros etc. Thus, the raised exception should # not be caught. self.__load_signatures() self._collection_mgr = manager.CollectionManager(self) self.deserialize() self.authn = self.get_module_from_file( "authentication", "module", "authentication.configfile" ) self.authz = self.get_module_from_file( "authorization", "module", "authorization.allowall" ) # FIXME: pass more loggers around, and also see that those using things via tasks construct their own # yumgen/tftpgen versus reusing this one, which has the wrong logger (most likely) for background tasks. self.autoinstallgen = autoinstallgen.AutoInstallationGen(self) self.yumgen = yumgen.YumGen(self) self.tftpgen = tftpgen.TFTPGen(self) self.power_mgr = power_manager.PowerManager(self) self.logger.debug("API handle initialized") self.perms_ok = True def __load_signatures(self): try: utils.load_signatures(self.settings().signature_path) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "Failed to load signatures from %s: %s", self.settings().signature_path, exc_info=e, ) raise e "%d breeds and %d OS versions read from the signature file", len(utils.get_valid_breeds()), len(utils.get_valid_os_versions()), ) def __generate_settings( self, settings_path: Path, execute_settings_automigration: bool = False ) -> settings.Settings: yaml_dict = settings.read_yaml_file(settings_path) if execute_settings_automigration is not None:'Daemon flag overwriting other possible values from "settings.yaml" for automigration!') yaml_dict["auto_migrate_settings"] = execute_settings_automigration if yaml_dict.get("auto_migrate_settings", False):"Automigration executed") normalized_settings = settings.migrate(yaml_dict, settings_path) else:"Automigration NOT executed") # In case we have disabled the auto-migration, we still check if the settings are valid. try: normalized_settings = settings.validate_settings(yaml_dict) except SchemaError as error: raise ValueError("Settings are invalid and auto-migration is disabled. Please correct this manually!") \ from error # Use normalized or migrated dict and create settings object new_settings = settings.Settings() new_settings.from_dict(normalized_settings) if yaml_dict.get("auto_migrate_settings", False): # save to disk only when automigration was performed # to avoid creating duplicated files # Return object return new_settings # ==========================================================
[docs] def is_selinux_enabled(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether selinux is enabled on the Cobbler server. We check this just once at Cobbler API init time, because a restart is required to change this; this does /not/ check enforce/permissive, nor does it need to. """ return self.selinux_enabled
[docs] def is_selinux_supported(self) -> bool: """ Returns whether or not the OS is sufficient enough to run with SELinux enabled (currently EL 5 or later). :returns: False per default. If Distro is Redhat and Version >= 5 then it returns true. """ # FIXME: This detection is flawed. There is more than just Rhel with selinux and the original implementation was # too broad. if ("red hat" in self.dist or "redhat" in self.dist) and self.os_version >= 5: return True # doesn't support public_content_t return False
# ==========================================================
[docs] def last_modified_time(self) -> float: """ Returns the time of the last modification to Cobbler, made by any API instance, regardless of the serializer type. :returns: 0 if there is no file where the information required for this method is saved. """ # FIXME: This fails in case the file required is not available if not os.path.exists("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime"): fd = open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime", 'w') fd.write("0") fd.close() return float(0) fd = open("/var/lib/cobbler/.mtime", 'r') data = return float(data)
# ==========================================================
[docs] def log(self, msg: str, args=None, debug: bool = False): """ Logs a message with the already initiated logger of this object. :param msg: The message to log. :param args: Optional message which gets appended to the main msg with a ';'. :param debug: Weather the logged message is a debug message (true) or info (false). .. deprecated:: 3.3.0 We should use the standard logger. """ if debug: logger = self.logger.debug else: logger = if args is None: logger("%s", msg) else: logger("%s; %s", msg, str(args))
# ==========================================================
[docs] def version(self, extended: bool = False) -> Union[float, Dict[str, Union[str, list]]]: """ What version is Cobbler? If extended == False, returns a float for backwards compatibility If extended == True, returns a dict: gitstamp -- the last git commit hash gitdate -- the last git commit date on the builder machine builddate -- the time of the build version -- something like "1.3.2" version_tuple -- something like [ 1, 3, 2 ] :param extended: False returns a float, True a Dictionary. """ config = ConfigParser()"/etc/cobbler/version") data: Dict[str, Union[str, list]] = { "gitdate": config.get("cobbler", "gitdate"), "gitstamp": config.get("cobbler", "gitstamp"), "builddate": config.get("cobbler", "builddate"), "version": config.get("cobbler", "version"), "version_tuple": [] } # dont actually read the version_tuple from the version file for num in data["version"].split("."): data["version_tuple"].append(int(num)) if not extended: # for backwards compatibility and use with koan's comparisons elems = data["version_tuple"] # This double conversion is required because of the typical floating point problems. # return float(format(int(elems[0]) + 0.1 * int(elems[1]) + 0.001 * int(elems[2]), '.3f')) else: return data
# ==========================================================
[docs] def get_item(self, what: str, name: str): """ Get a general item. :param what: The item type to retrieve from the internal database. :param name: The name of the item to retrieve. :return: An item of the desired type. """ # self.log("get_item", [what, name], debug=True) item = self._collection_mgr.get_items(what).get(name) return item
[docs] def get_items(self, what: str): """ Get all items of a collection. :param what: The collection to query. :return: The items which were queried. May return no items. """ # self.log("get_items", [what], debug=True) items = self._collection_mgr.get_items(what) return items
[docs] def distros(self): """ Return the current list of distributions """ return self.get_items("distro")
[docs] def profiles(self): """ Return the current list of profiles """ return self.get_items("profile")
[docs] def systems(self): """ Return the current list of systems """ return self.get_items("system")
[docs] def repos(self): """ Return the current list of repos """ return self.get_items("repo")
[docs] def images(self): """ Return the current list of images """ return self.get_items("image")
[docs] def settings(self): """ Return the application configuration """ return self._settings
[docs] def mgmtclasses(self): """ Return the current list of mgmtclasses """ return self.get_items("mgmtclass")
[docs] def packages(self): """ Return the current list of packages """ return self.get_items("package")
[docs] def files(self): """ Return the current list of files """ return self.get_items("file")
[docs] def menus(self): """ Return the current list of menus """ return self.get_items("menu")
# ======================================================================= def __item_resolved_helper(self, item_uuid: str, attribute: str): """ This helper validates the common data for ``*_item_resolved_value``. :param item_uuid: The uuid for the item. :param attribute: The attribute name that is requested. :returns: The desired item to further process. :raises TypeError: If ``item_uuid`` or ``attribute`` are not a str. :raises ValueError: In case the uuid was invalid or the requested item did not exist. :raises AttributeError: In case the attribute did not exist on the item that was requested. """ if not isinstance(item_uuid, str): raise TypeError("item_uuid must be of type str!") if not validate.validate_uuid(item_uuid): raise ValueError("The given uuid did not have the correct format!") if not isinstance(attribute, str): raise TypeError("attribute must be of type str!") desired_item = self.find_items( "", {"uid": item_uuid}, return_list=False, no_errors=True ) if desired_item is None: raise ValueError('Item with item_uuid "%s" did not exist!' % item_uuid) if not hasattr(desired_item, attribute): raise AttributeError( 'Attribute "%s" did not exist on item type "%s".' % (attribute, desired_item.TYPE_NAME) ) return desired_item
[docs] def get_item_resolved_value(self, item_uuid: str, attribute: str): """ This method helps non Python API consumers to retrieve the final data of a field with inheritance. This does not help with network interfaces because they don't have a UUID at the moment and thus can't be queried via their UUID. :param item_uuid: The UUID of the item that should be retrieved. :param attribute: The attribute that should be retrieved. :raises ValueError: In case a value given was either malformed or the desired item did not exist. :raises TypeError: In case the type of the method arguments do have the wrong type. :raises AttributeError: In case the attribute specified is not available on the given item (type). :returns: The attribute value. Since this might be of type NetworkInterface we cannot yet set this explicitly. """ desired_item = self.__item_resolved_helper(item_uuid, attribute) return getattr(desired_item, attribute)
[docs] def set_item_resolved_value(self, item_uuid: str, attribute: str, value): """ This method helps non Python API consumers to use the Python property setters without having access to the raw data of the object. In case you pass a dictionary the method tries to deduplicate it. This does not help with network interfaces because they don't have a UUID at the moment and thus can't be queried via their UUID. .. warning:: This function may throw any exception that is thrown by a setter of a Python property defined in Cobbler. :param item_uuid: The UUID of the item that should be retrieved. :param attribute: The attribute that should be retrieved. :param value: The new value to set. :raises ValueError: In case a value given was either malformed or the desired item did not exist. :raises TypeError: In case the type of the method arguments do have the wrong type. :raises AttributeError: In case the attribute specified is not available on the given item (type). """ desired_item = self.__item_resolved_helper(item_uuid, attribute) property_object_of_attribute = getattr(type(desired_item), attribute) # Check if value can be inherited or not if "inheritable" not in dir(property_object_of_attribute): if value == enums.VALUE_INHERITED: raise ValueError( "<<inherit>> not allowed for non-inheritable properties." ) setattr(desired_item, attribute, value) return # Deduplicate - only for dict if isinstance(property_object_of_attribute, InheritableDictProperty): parent_item = desired_item.parent if hasattr(parent_item, attribute): parent_value = getattr(parent_item, attribute) dict_value = utils.input_string_or_dict(value) for key in parent_value: if ( key in dict_value and key in parent_value and dict_value[key] == parent_value[key] ): dict_value.pop(key) setattr(desired_item, attribute, dict_value) return # Use property setter setattr(desired_item, attribute, value)
# =======================================================================
[docs] def copy_item(self, what: str, ref, newname: str): """ General copy method which is called by the specific methods. :param what: The collection type which gets copied. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.log("copy_item(%s)" % what, [, newname]) self.get_items(what).copy(ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_distro(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a distro which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("distro", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_profile(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a profile which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("profile", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_system(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a system which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("system", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_repo(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a repository which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("repo", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_image(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies an image which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("image", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_mgmtclass(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a management class which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("mgmtclass", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_package(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a package which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("package", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_file(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a file which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("file", ref, newname)
[docs] def copy_menu(self, ref, newname: str): """ This method copies a file which is just different in the name of the object. :param ref: The object itself which gets copied. :param newname: The new name of the newly created object. """ self.copy_item("menu", ref, newname)
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def remove_item(self, what: str, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a general item. This method should not be used by an external api. Please use the specific remove_<itemtype> methods. :param what: The type of the item. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ if isinstance(what, str): if isinstance(ref, str): ref = self.get_item(what, ref) if ref is None: return # nothing to remove self.log("remove_item(%s)" % what, []) self.get_items(what).remove(, recursive=recursive, with_delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_distro(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a distribution from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("distro", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_profile(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a profile from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("profile", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_system(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a system from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("system", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_repo(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a repository from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("repo", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_image(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a image from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("image", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_mgmtclass(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a management class from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("mgmtclass", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_package(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a package from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("package", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_file(self, ref, recursive: bool = False, delete: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Remove a file from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("file", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def remove_menu(self, ref, recursive=False, delete=True, with_triggers=True): """ Remove a menu from Cobbler. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param recursive: If the item should recursively should delete dependencies on itself. :param delete: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :param with_triggers: Whether you would like to have the removal triggers executed or not. """ self.remove_item("menu", ref, recursive=recursive, delete=delete, with_triggers=with_triggers)
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[docs] def rename_item(self, what: str, ref, newname: str): """ Remove a general item. This method should not be used by an external api. Please use the specific rename_<itemtype> methods. :param what: The type of object which should be renamed. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.log("rename_item(%s)" % what, [, newname]) self.get_items(what).rename(ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_distro(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a distro to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("distro", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_profile(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a profile to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("profile", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_system(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a system to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("system", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_repo(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a repository to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("repo", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_image(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename an image to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("image", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_mgmtclass(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a management class to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("mgmtclass", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_package(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a package to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("package", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_file(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a file to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("file", ref, newname)
[docs] def rename_menu(self, ref, newname: str): """ Rename a menu to a new name. :param ref: The internal unique handle for the item. :param newname: The new name for the item. """ self.rename_item("menu", ref, newname)
# ========================================================================== # FIXME: add a new_item method
[docs] def new_distro(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty distro object. This distro is not automatically persisted. Persistance is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty Distro object. """ self.log("new_distro", [is_subobject]) return distro.Distro(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_profile(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty profile object. This profile is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty Profile object. """ self.log("new_profile", [is_subobject]) return profile.Profile(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_system(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty system object. This system is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty System object. """ self.log("new_system", [is_subobject]) return system.System(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_repo(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty repo object. This repository is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty repo object. """ self.log("new_repo", [is_subobject]) return repo.Repo(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_image(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty image object. This image is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty image object. """ self.log("new_image", [is_subobject]) return image.Image(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_mgmtclass(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty mgmtclass object. This mgmtclass is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty mgmtclass object. """ self.log("new_mgmtclass", [is_subobject]) return mgmtclass.Mgmtclass(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_package(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty package object. This package is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty Package object. """ self.log("new_package", [is_subobject]) return package.Package(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_file(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty file object. This file is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty File object. """ self.log("new_file", [is_subobject]) return file.File(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
[docs] def new_menu(self, is_subobject: bool = False): """ Returns a new empty menu object. This file is not automatically persisted. Persistence is achieved via ``save()``. :param is_subobject: If the object created is a subobject or not. :return: An empty File object. """ self.log("new_menu", [is_subobject]) return menu.Menu(self, is_subobject=is_subobject)
# ==========================================================================
[docs] def add_item(self, what: str, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add an abstract item to a collection of its specific items. This is not meant for external use. Please reefer to one of the specific methods ``add_<type>``. :param what: The item type. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.log("add_item(%s)" % what, []) self.get_items(what).add(ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_distro(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a distribution to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("distro", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_profile(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a profile to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("profile", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_system(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a system to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("system", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_repo(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a repository to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("repo", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_image(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add an image to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("image", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_mgmtclass(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a management class to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("mgmtclass", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_package(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a package to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("package", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_file(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names: bool = False, save: bool = True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a file to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("file", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
[docs] def add_menu(self, ref, check_for_duplicate_names=False, save=True, with_triggers: bool = True): """ Add a submenu to Cobbler. :param ref: The identifier for the object to add to a collection. :param check_for_duplicate_names: If the name should be unique or can be present multiple times. :param save: If the item should be persisted. :param with_triggers: If triggers should be run when the object is added. """ self.add_item("menu", ref, check_for_duplicate_names=check_for_duplicate_names, save=save, with_triggers=with_triggers)
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[docs] def find_items(self, what: str = "", criteria: dict = None, name: str = "", return_list: bool = True, no_errors: bool = False): """ This is the abstract base method for finding object int the api. It should not be used by external resources. Please reefer to the specific implementations of this method called ``find_<object type>``. :param what: The object type of the item to search for. :param criteria: The dictionary with the key-value pairs to find objects with. :param name: The name of the object. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :return: The list of items witch match the search criteria. """ # self.log("find_items", [what]) if criteria is None: criteria = {} if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError('"name" must be of type str!') if not isinstance(what, str): raise TypeError('"what" must be of type str!') if what != "" and not validate.validate_obj_type(what): raise ValueError("what needs to be a valid collection if it is non empty!") if what == "" and ("name" in criteria or name != ""): return self.__find_by_name(criteria.get("name", name)) if what != "": return self.__find_with_collection( what, name, return_list, no_errors, criteria ) return self.__find_without_collection(name, return_list, no_errors, criteria)
def __find_with_collection(self, what, name, return_list, no_errors, criteria): items = self._collection_mgr.get_items(what) return items.find( name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **criteria ) def __find_without_collection(self, name, return_list, no_errors, criteria): collections = ["distro", "profile", "system", "repo", "image", "mgmtclass", "package", "file", "menu"] for collection_name in collections: match = self.find_items( collection_name, criteria, name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, ) if match is not None: return match def __find_by_name(self, name: str): """ This is a magic method which just searches all collections for the specified name directly, :param name: The name of the item(s). :return: The found item or None. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("name of an object must be of type str!") collections = ["distro", "profile", "system", "repo", "image", "mgmtclass", "package", "file", "menu"] for collection_name in collections: match = self.find_items(collection_name, name=name, return_list=False) if match is not None: return match return None
[docs] def find_distro(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a distribution via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.distros().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_profile(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a profile via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.profiles().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_system(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a system via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_repo(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a repository via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.repos().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_image(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find an image via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.images().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_mgmtclass(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a management class via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.mgmtclasses().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_package(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a package via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.packages().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_file(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a file via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.files().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
[docs] def find_menu(self, name: str = "", return_list=False, no_errors=False, **kargs): """ Find a menu via a name or keys specified in the ``**kargs``. :param name: The name to search for. :param return_list: If only the first result or all results should be returned. :param no_errors: Silence some errors which would raise if this turned to False. :param kargs: Additional key-value pairs which may help in finding the desired objects. :return: A single object or a list of all search results. """ return self._collection_mgr.menus().find(name=name, return_list=return_list, no_errors=no_errors, **kargs)
# ========================================================================== def __since(self, mtime: float, collector, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Called by get_*_since functions. This is an internal part of Cobbler. :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collector: The list of objects to filter after mtime. :param collapse: Whether the object should be collapsed to a dict or not. If not the item objects are used for the list. :return: The list of objects which are newer then the given timestamp. """ results1 = collector() results2 = [] for x in results1: if x.mtime == 0 or x.mtime >= mtime: if not collapse: results2.append(x) else: results2.append(x.to_dict()) return results2
[docs] def get_distros_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False): """ Returns distros modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: collapse=True specifies returning a dict instead of objects. :return: The list of distros which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.distros, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_profiles_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Returns profiles modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of profiles which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.profiles, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_systems_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Return systems modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of systems which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime,, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_repos_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Return repositories modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of repositories which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.repos, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_images_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Return images modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of images which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.images, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_mgmtclasses_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Return management classes modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of management classes which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.mgmtclasses, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_packages_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Return packages modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of packages which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.packages, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_files_since(self, mtime: float, collapse: bool = False) -> list: """ Return files modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of files which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.files, collapse=collapse)
[docs] def get_menus_since(self, mtime: float, collapse=False) -> list: """ Return files modified since a certain time (in seconds since Epoch) :param mtime: The timestamp which marks the gate if an object is included or not. :param collapse: If True then this specifies that a list of dicts should be returned instead of a list of objects. :return: The list of files which are newer then the given timestamp. """ return self.__since(mtime, self.menus, collapse=collapse)
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[docs] def get_signatures(self) -> dict: """ This returns the local signature cache. :return: The dict containing all signatures. """ return utils.SIGNATURE_CACHE
[docs] def signature_update(self): """ Update all signatures from the URL specified in the settings. """ try: url = self.settings().signature_url dlmgr = download_manager.DownloadManager() # write temp json file tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() sigjson = dlmgr.urlread(url) tmpfile.write(sigjson.text.encode()) tmpfile.flush() self.logger.debug("Successfully got file from %s" % self.settings().signature_url) # test the import without caching it try: utils.load_signatures(, cache=False) except: self.logger.error("Downloaded signatures failed test load (tempfile = %s)", # rewrite the real signature file and import it for real f = open(self.settings().signature_path, "w") f.write(sigjson.text) f.close() utils.load_signatures(self.settings().signature_path) except: utils.log_exc()
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[docs] def dump_vars( self, obj, formatted_output: bool = False, remove_dicts: bool = False ): """ Dump all known variables related to that object. :param obj: The object for which the variables should be dumped. :param formatted_output: If True the values will align in one column and be pretty printed for cli example. :param remove_dicts: If True the dictionaries will be put into str form. :return: A dictionary with all the information which could be collected. """ return obj.dump_vars(formatted_output, remove_dicts)
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[docs] def auto_add_repos(self): """ Import any repos this server knows about and mirror them. Run ``cobbler reposync`` to apply the changes. Credit: Seth Vidal. :raises ImportError """ self.log("auto_add_repos") try: import dnf except ImportError as e: raise ImportError("dnf is not installed") from e base = dnf.Base() base.read_all_repos() basearch = base.conf.substitutions["basearch"] for repository in base.repos.iter_enabled(): auto_name = + '-' + base.conf.releasever + '-' + basearch if self.find_repo(auto_name) is None: cobbler_repo = self.new_repo() = auto_name cobbler_repo.breed = enums.RepoBreeds.YUM cobbler_repo.arch = basearch cobbler_repo.comment = baseurl = repository.baseurl metalink = repository.metalink mirrorlist = repository.mirrorlist if metalink is not None: mirror = metalink mirror_type = enums.MirrorType.METALINK elif mirrorlist is not None: mirror = mirrorlist mirror_type = enums.MirrorType.MIRRORLIST elif len(baseurl) > 0: mirror = baseurl[0] mirror_type = enums.MirrorType.BASEURL else: mirror = "" mirror_type = enums.MirrorType.NONE cobbler_repo.mirror = mirror cobbler_repo.mirror_type = mirror_type self.log("auto repo adding: %s" % auto_name) self.add_repo(cobbler_repo) else: self.log("auto repo adding: %s - exists" % auto_name)
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[docs] def get_repo_config_for_profile(self, obj) -> str: """ Get the repository configuration for the specified profile :param obj: The profile to return the configuration for. :return: The repository configuration as a string. """ return self.yumgen.get_yum_config(obj, True)
[docs] def get_repo_config_for_system(self, obj) -> str: """ Get the repository configuration for the specified system. :param obj: The system to return the configuration for. :return: The repository configuration as a string. """ return self.yumgen.get_yum_config(obj, False)
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[docs] def get_template_file_for_profile(self, obj, path) -> str: """ Get the template for the specified profile. :param obj: The object which is related to that template. :param path: The path to the template. :return: The template as in its string representation. """ template_results = self.tftpgen.write_templates(obj, False, path) if path in template_results: return template_results[path] else: return "# template path not found for specified profile"
[docs] def get_template_file_for_system(self, obj, path): """ Get the template for the specified system. :param obj: The object which is related to that template. :param path: The path to the template. :return: The template as in its string representation. """ template_results = self.tftpgen.write_templates(obj, False, path) if path in template_results: return template_results[path] else: return "# template path not found for specified system"
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[docs] def generate_ipxe(self, profile: str, image: str, system: str) -> str: """ Generate the ipxe configuration files. The system wins over the profile. Profile and System win over Image. :param profile: The profile to return the configuration for. :param image: The image to return the configuration for. :param system: The system to return the configuration for. :return: The generated configuration file. """ self.log("generate_ipxe") data = "" if profile is None and image is None and system is None: boot_menu = self.tftpgen.make_pxe_menu() if 'ipxe' in boot_menu: data = boot_menu['ipxe'] elif system: data = self.tftpgen.generate_ipxe("system", system) elif profile: data = self.tftpgen.generate_ipxe("profile", profile) elif image: data = self.tftpgen.generate_ipxe("image", image) return data
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[docs] def generate_bootcfg(self, profile: str, system: str) -> str: """ Generate a boot configuration. The system wins over the profile. :param profile: The profile to return the configuration for. :param system: The system to return the configuration for. :return: The generated configuration file. """ self.log("generate_bootcfg") if system: return self.tftpgen.generate_bootcfg("system", system) else: return self.tftpgen.generate_bootcfg("profile", profile)
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[docs] def generate_script(self, profile: Optional[str], system: Optional[str], name: str): """ Generate an autoinstall script for the specified profile or system. The system wins over the profile. :param profile: The profile name to generate the script for. :param system: The system name to generate the script for. :param name: The name of the script which should be generated. Must only contain alphanumeric characters, dots and underscores. :return: The generated script or an error message. """ self.log("generate_script") if system: return self.tftpgen.generate_script("system", system, name) else: return self.tftpgen.generate_script("profile", profile, name)
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[docs] def check(self) -> Union[None, list]: """ See if all preqs for network booting are valid. This returns a list of strings containing instructions on things to correct. An empty list means there is nothing to correct, but that still doesn't mean there are configuration errors. This is mainly useful for human admins, who may, for instance, forget to properly set up their TFTP servers for PXE, etc. :return: None or a list of things to address. """ self.log("check") action_check = check.CobblerCheck(self) return
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[docs] def validate_autoinstall_files(self): """ Validate if any of the autoinstallation files are invalid and if yes report this. """ self.log("validate_autoinstall_files") autoinstall_mgr = autoinstall_manager.AutoInstallationManager(self) autoinstall_mgr.validate_autoinstall_files()
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[docs] def sync_systems(self, systems: List[str], verbose: bool = False): """ Take the values currently written to the configuration files in /etc, and /var, and build out the information tree found in /tftpboot. Any operations done in the API that have not been saved with serialize() will NOT be synchronized with this command. :param systems: List of specified systems that needs to be synced :param verbose: If the action should be just logged as needed or (if True) as much verbose as possible. """"sync_systems") if not ( systems and isinstance(systems, list) and all(isinstance(sys_name, str) for sys_name in systems) ): if len(systems) < 1: self.logger.debug("sync_systems needs at least one system to do something. Bailing out early.") return raise TypeError('Systems must be a list of one or more strings.') sync_obj = self.get_sync(verbose=verbose) sync_obj.run_sync_systems(systems)
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[docs] def sync(self, verbose: bool = False, what: Optional[list] = None): """ Take the values currently written to the configuration files in /etc, and /var, and build out the information tree found in /tftpboot. Any operations done in the API that have not been saved with serialize() will NOT be synchronized with this command. :param verbose: If the action should be just logged as needed or (if True) as much verbose as possible. :param what: List of strings what services to sync (e.g. dhcp and/or dns). Empty list for full sync. """ # Empty what: Full sync if not what:"syncing all") sync_obj = self.get_sync(verbose=verbose) return # Non empty what: Specific sync if not isinstance(what, list): raise TypeError("'what' needs to be of type list!") if 'dhcp' in what: self.sync_dhcp() if 'dns' in what: self.sync_dns()
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[docs] def sync_dns(self): """ Only build out the DNS configuration. """ if not self.settings().manage_dns: self.logger.error("manage_dns not set") return"sync_dns") dns_module = self.get_module_from_file( "dns", "module", "managers.bind" ) dns = dns_module.get_manager(self) dns.sync()
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[docs] def sync_dhcp(self): """ Only build out the DHCP configuration. """ if not self.settings().manage_dhcp: self.logger.error("manage_dhcp not set") return"sync_dhcp") dhcp_module = self.get_module_from_file( "dhcp", "module", "managers.isc" ) dhcp = dhcp_module.get_manager(self) dhcp.sync()
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[docs] def get_sync(self, verbose: bool = False): """ Get a Cobbler Sync object which may be executed through the call of ````. :param verbose: If the action should be just logged as needed or (if True) as much verbose as possible. :return: An instance of the CobblerSync class to execute the sync with. """ if not isinstance(verbose, bool): raise TypeError("get_sync: verbose parameter needs to be of type bool!") dhcp = self.get_module_from_file( "dhcp", "module", "managers.isc" ).get_manager(self) dns = self.get_module_from_file( "dns", "module", "managers.bind" ).get_manager(self) tftpd = self.get_module_from_file( "tftpd", "module", "managers.in_tftpd", ).get_manager(self) return sync.CobblerSync(self, dhcp=dhcp, dns=dns, tftpd=tftpd, verbose=verbose)
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[docs] def reposync(self, name: Optional[str] = None, tries: int = 1, nofail: bool = False): """ Take the contents of ``/var/lib/cobbler/repos`` and update them -- or create the initial copy if no contents exist yet. :param name: The name of the repository to run reposync for. :param tries: How many tries should be executed before the action fails. :param nofail: If True then the action will fail, otherwise the action will just be skipped. This respects the ``tries`` parameter. """ self.log("reposync", [name]) action_reposync = reposync.RepoSync(self, tries=tries, nofail=nofail)
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[docs] def status(self, mode: str): """ Get the status of the current Cobbler instance. :param mode: "text" or anything else. Meaning whether the output is thought for the terminal or not. :return: The current status of Cobbler. """ statusifier = status.CobblerStatusReport(self, mode) return
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[docs] def import_tree(self, mirror_url: str, mirror_name: str, network_root=None, autoinstall_file=None, rsync_flags=None, arch=None, breed=None, os_version=None) -> bool: """ Automatically import a directory tree full of distribution files. :param mirror_url: Can be a string that represents a path, a user@host syntax for SSH, or an rsync:// address. If mirror_url is a filesystem path and mirroring is not desired, set network_root to something like "nfs://path/to/mirror_url/root" :param mirror_name: The name of the mirror. :param network_root: :param autoinstall_file: :param rsync_flags: :param arch: :param breed: :param os_version: """ self.log("import_tree", [mirror_url, mirror_name, network_root, autoinstall_file, rsync_flags]) # Both --path and --name are required arguments. if mirror_url is None or not mirror_url: self.log("import failed. no --path specified") return False if mirror_name is None or not mirror_name: self.log("import failed. no --name specified") return False path = os.path.normpath("%s/distro_mirror/%s" % (self.settings().webdir, mirror_name)) if arch is not None: arch = arch.lower() if arch == "x86": # be consistent arch = "i386" if path.split("-")[-1] != arch: path += ("-%s" % arch) # We need to mirror (copy) the files. self.log("importing from a network location, running rsync to fetch the files first") utils.mkdir(path) # Prevent rsync from creating the directory name twice if we are copying via rsync. if not mirror_url.endswith("/"): mirror_url = "%s/" % mirror_url if mirror_url.startswith("http://") or mirror_url.startswith("https://") or mirror_url.startswith("ftp://") \ or mirror_url.startswith("nfs://"): # HTTP mirrors are kind of primative. rsync is better. That's why this isn't documented in the manpage and # we don't support them. # TODO: how about adding recursive FTP as an option? self.log("unsupported protocol") return False else: # Good, we're going to use rsync.. We don't use SSH for public mirrors and local files. # Presence of user@host syntax means use SSH spacer = "" if not mirror_url.startswith("rsync://") and not mirror_url.startswith("/"): spacer = ' -e "ssh" ' rsync_cmd = RSYNC_CMD if rsync_flags: rsync_cmd += " " + rsync_flags # If --available-as was specified, limit the files we pull down via rsync to just those that are critical # to detecting what the distro is if network_root is not None: rsync_cmd += " --include-from=/etc/cobbler/import_rsync_whitelist" # kick off the rsync now utils.run_this(rsync_cmd, (spacer, mirror_url, path)) if network_root is not None: # In addition to mirroring, we're going to assume the path is available over http, ftp, and nfs, perhaps on # an external filer. Scanning still requires --mirror is a filesystem path, but --available-as marks the # network path. This allows users to point the path at a directory containing just the network boot files # while the rest of the distro files are available somewhere else. # Find the filesystem part of the path, after the server bits, as each distro URL needs to be calculated # relative to this. if not network_root.endswith("/"): network_root += "/" valid_roots = ["nfs://", "ftp://", "http://", "https://"] for valid_root in valid_roots: if network_root.startswith(valid_root): break else: self.log("Network root given to --available-as must be nfs://, ftp://, http://, or https://") return False if network_root.startswith("nfs://"): try: (a, b, rest) = network_root.split(":", 3) except: self.log("Network root given to --available-as is missing a colon, please see the manpage example.") return False import_module = self.get_module_by_name("managers.import_signatures") \ .get_import_manager(self), mirror_name, network_root, autoinstall_file, arch, breed, os_version) return True
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[docs] def acl_config(self, adduser: Optional[str] = None, addgroup: Optional[str] = None, removeuser: Optional[str] = None, removegroup: Optional[str] = None): """ Configures users/groups to run the Cobbler CLI as non-root. Pass in only one option at a time. Powers ``cobbler aclconfig``. :param adduser: :param addgroup: :param removeuser: :param removegroup: """ action_acl = acl.AclConfig(self) adduser=adduser, addgroup=addgroup, removeuser=removeuser, removegroup=removegroup )
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[docs] def serialize(self): """ Save the cobbler_collections to disk. Cobbler internal use only. """ self._collection_mgr.serialize()
[docs] def deserialize(self): """ Load cobbler_collections from disk. Cobbler internal use only. """ return self._collection_mgr.deserialize()
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[docs] def get_module_by_name(self, module_name: str): """ Returns a loaded Cobbler module named 'name', if one exists, else None. Cobbler internal use only. :param module_name: :return: """ return module_loader.get_module_by_name(module_name)
[docs] def get_module_from_file(self, section: str, name: str, fallback: Optional[str] = None): """ Looks in ``/etc/cobbler/modules.conf`` for a section called 'section' and a key called 'name', and then returns the module that corresponds to the value of that key. Cobbler internal use only. :param section: :param name: :param fallback: :return: """ return module_loader.get_module_from_file(section, name, fallback)
[docs] def get_module_name_from_file(self, section: str, name: str, fallback: Optional[str] = None): """ Looks up a module the same as ``get_module_from_file`` but returns the module name rather than the module itself. :param section: :param name: :param fallback: :return: """ return module_loader.get_module_name(section, name, fallback)
[docs] def get_modules_in_category(self, category: str): """ Returns all modules in a given category, for instance "serializer", or "cli". Cobbler internal use only. :param category: The category to check. :return: The list of modules. """ return module_loader.get_modules_in_category(category)
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[docs] def authenticate(self, user: str, password: str) -> bool: """ (Remote) access control. This depends on the chosen authentication module. Cobbler internal use only. :param user: The username to check for authentication. :param password: The password to check for authentication. :return: Whether the action succeeded or not. """ rc = self.authn.authenticate(self, user, password) self.log("authenticate", [user, rc]) return rc
[docs] def authorize(self, user: str, resource: str, arg1=None, arg2=None) -> int: """ (Remote) access control. This depends on the chosen authorization module. Cobbler internal use only. :param user: The username to check for authorization. :param resource: The type of resource which should be checked for access from the supplied user. :param arg1: The actual resource to check for authorization. :param arg2: Not known what this parameter does exactly. :return: The return code of the action. """ rc = self.authz.authorize(self, user, resource, arg1, arg2) self.log("authorize", [user, resource, arg1, arg2, rc], debug=True) return rc
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[docs] def build_iso(self, iso: str = "autoinst.iso", profiles=None, systems=None, buildisodir: str = "", distro_name: str = "", standalone: bool = False, airgapped: bool = False, source: str = "", exclude_dns: bool = False, xorrisofs_opts: str = ""): r""" Build an iso image which may be network bootable or not. :param iso: The name of the ISO. Defaults to ``autoinst.iso``. :param profiles: Use these profiles only :param systems: Use these systems only :param buildisodir: This overwrites the directory from the settings in which the iso is built in. :param distro_name: Used with ``--standalone`` and ``--airgapped`` to create a distro-based ISO including all associated. :param standalone: This means that no network connection is needed to install the generated iso. :param airgapped: This option implies ``standalone=True``. :param source: If the iso should be offline available this is the path to the sources of the image. :param exclude_dns: Whether the repositories have to be locally available or the internet is reachable. :param xorrisofs_opts: ``xorrisofs`` options to include additionally. """ if not isinstance(standalone, bool): raise TypeError("Argument \"standalone\" needs to be of type bool!") if not isinstance(airgapped, bool): raise TypeError("Argument \"airgapped\" needs to be of type bool!") if airgapped: standalone = True if standalone: standalone_builder = StandaloneBuildiso(self), buildisodir=buildisodir, profiles=profiles, xorrisofs_opts=xorrisofs_opts, distro_name=distro_name, airgapped=airgapped, source=source) else: netboot_builder = NetbootBuildiso(self), buildisodir=buildisodir, profiles=profiles, xorrisofs_opts=xorrisofs_opts, distro_name=distro_name, systems=systems, exclude_dns=exclude_dns)
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[docs] def replicate(self, cobbler_master: Optional[str] = None, port: str = "80", distro_patterns: str = "", profile_patterns: str = "", system_patterns: str = "", repo_patterns: str = "", image_patterns: str = "", mgmtclass_patterns=None, package_patterns=None, file_patterns: bool = False, prune: bool = False, omit_data: bool = False, sync_all: bool = False, use_ssl: bool = False): """ Pull down data/configs from a remote Cobbler server that is a master to this server. :param cobbler_master: The hostname/URL of the other Cobbler server :param port: The port to use for the replication task. :param distro_patterns: The pattern of distros which should be synced. :param profile_patterns: The pattern of profiles which should be synced. :param system_patterns: The pattern of systems which should be synced. :param repo_patterns: The pattern of repositories which should be synced. :param image_patterns: The pattern of images which should be synced. :param mgmtclass_patterns: The pattern of management classes which should be synced. :param package_patterns: The pattern of packages which should be synced. :param file_patterns: The pattern of files which should be synced. :param prune: Whether the object not on the master should be removed or not. :param omit_data: If the data downloaded by the current Cobbler server should be rsynced to the destination server. :param sync_all: This parameter behaves similarly to a dry run argument. If True then everything will executed, if False then only some things are synced. :param use_ssl: Whether SSL should be used (True) or not (False). """ replicator = replicate.Replicate(self) return cobbler_master=cobbler_master, port=port, distro_patterns=distro_patterns, profile_patterns=profile_patterns, system_patterns=system_patterns, repo_patterns=repo_patterns, image_patterns=image_patterns, mgmtclass_patterns=mgmtclass_patterns, package_patterns=package_patterns, file_patterns=file_patterns, prune=prune, omit_data=omit_data, sync_all=sync_all, use_ssl=use_ssl )
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[docs] def report(self, report_what: Optional[str] = None, report_name: Optional[str] = None, report_type: Optional[str] = None, report_fields: Optional[str] = None, report_noheaders: Optional[bool] = None): """ Report functionality for Cobbler. :param report_what: The object type that should be reported. :param report_name: The name of the object which should be possibly reported. :param report_type: May be either "text", "csv", "mediawiki", "trac" or "doku". :param report_fields: Specify "all" or the fields you want to be reported. :param report_noheaders: If the column headers should be included in the output or not. """ reporter = report.Report(self) return, report_name=report_name, report_type=report_type, report_fields=report_fields, report_noheaders=report_noheaders)
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[docs] def power_system(self, system: str, power_operation: str, user: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None): """ Power on / power off / get power status /reboot a system. :param system: Cobbler system :param power_operation: power operation. Valid values: on, off, reboot, status :param user: power management user :param password: power management password :return: bool if operation was successful """ if power_operation == "on": self.power_mgr.power_on(system, user=user, password=password) elif power_operation == "off": self.power_mgr.power_off(system, user=user, password=password) elif power_operation == "status": return self.power_mgr.get_power_status(system, user=user, password=password) elif power_operation == "reboot": self.power_mgr.reboot(system, user=user, password=password) else: utils.die("invalid power operation '%s', expected on/off/status/reboot" % power_operation) return None
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[docs] def clear_logs(self, system): """ Clears console and anamon logs for system :param system: The system to clear logs of. """ log.LogTool(system, self).clear()
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[docs] def get_valid_obj_boot_loaders(self, obj) -> List[str]: """ Return the list of valid boot loaders for the object :param obj: The object for which the boot loaders should be looked up. :return: Get a list of all valid boot loaders. """ return obj.supported_boot_loaders
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[docs] def mkloaders(self): """ Create the GRUB installer images via this API call. It utilizes ``grub2-mkimage`` behind the curtain. """ action = mkloaders.MkLoaders(self)