Source code for cobbler.autoinstallgen

Builds out filesystem trees/data based on the object tree.
This is the code behind 'cobbler sync'.

Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301  USA

import urllib.parse
import xml.dom.minidom

from cobbler import templar
from cobbler import utils
from cobbler import validate
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX

[docs] class AutoInstallationGen: """ Handles conversion of internal state to the tftpboot tree layout """ def __init__(self, api): """ Constructor :param api: The API instance which is used for this object. Normally there is only one instance of the collection manager. """ self.api = api self.settings = api.settings() self.templar = templar.Templar(self.api)
[docs] def createAutoYaSTScript(self, document, script, name): """ This method attaches a script with a given name to an existing AutoYaST XML file. :param document: The existing AutoYaST XML file. :param script: The script to attach. :param name: The name of the script. :return: The AutoYaST file with the attached script. """ newScript = document.createElement("script") newScriptSource = document.createElement("source") newScriptSourceText = document.createCDATASection(script) newScript.appendChild(newScriptSource) newScriptFile = document.createElement("filename") newScriptFileText = document.createTextNode(name) newScript.appendChild(newScriptFile) newScriptSource.appendChild(newScriptSourceText) newScriptFile.appendChild(newScriptFileText) return newScript
[docs] def addAutoYaSTScript(self, document, type, source): """ Add scripts to an existing AutoYaST XML. :param document: The existing AutoYaST XML object. :param type: The type of the script which should be added. :param source: The source of the script. This should be ideally a string. """ scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("scripts") if scripts.length == 0: newScripts = document.createElement("scripts") document.documentElement.appendChild(newScripts) scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("scripts") added = 0 for stype in scripts[0].childNodes: if stype.nodeType == stype.ELEMENT_NODE and stype.tagName == type: stype.appendChild(self.createAutoYaSTScript(document, source, type + "_cobbler")) added = 1 if added == 0: newChrootScripts = document.createElement(type) newChrootScripts.setAttribute("config:type", "list") newChrootScripts.appendChild(self.createAutoYaSTScript(document, source, type + "_cobbler")) scripts[0].appendChild(newChrootScripts)
[docs] def generate_autoyast(self, profile=None, system=None, raw_data=None) -> str: """ Generate auto installation information for SUSE distribution (AutoYaST XML file) for a specific system or general profile. Only a system OR profile can be supplied, NOT both. :param profile: The profile to generate the AutoYaST file for. :param system: The system to generate the AutoYaST file for. :param raw_data: The raw data which should be included in the profile. :return: The generated AutoYaST XML file. """"AutoYaST XML file found. Checkpoint: profile=%s system=%s" % (profile, system)) runpost = "\ncurl \"http://%s/cblr/svc/op/trig/mode/post/%s/%s\" > /dev/null" runpre = "\ncurl \"http://%s/cblr/svc/op/trig/mode/pre/%s/%s\" > /dev/null" what = "profile" blend_this = profile if system: what = "system" blend_this = system blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, blend_this) srv = blended["http_server"] document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(raw_data) # Do we already have the #raw comment in the XML? (addComment = 0 means, don't add #raw comment) addComment = 1 for node in document.childNodes[1].childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == "cobbler": addComment = 0 break # Add some cobbler information to the XML file, maybe that should be configurable. if addComment == 1: # startComment = document.createComment("\ncobbler_system_name=$system_name\ncobbler_server=$server\n#raw\n") # endComment = document.createComment("\n#end raw\n") cobblerElement = document.createElement("cobbler") cobblerElementSystem = xml.dom.minidom.Element("system_name") cobblerElementProfile = xml.dom.minidom.Element("profile_name") if (system is not None): cobblerTextSystem = document.createTextNode( cobblerElementSystem.appendChild(cobblerTextSystem) if (profile is not None): cobblerTextProfile = document.createTextNode( cobblerElementProfile.appendChild(cobblerTextProfile) cobblerElementServer = document.createElement("server") cobblerTextServer = document.createTextNode(blended["http_server"]) cobblerElementServer.appendChild(cobblerTextServer) cobblerElement.appendChild(cobblerElementServer) cobblerElement.appendChild(cobblerElementSystem) cobblerElement.appendChild(cobblerElementProfile) # FIXME: this is all broken and no longer works. This entire if block should probably not be hard-coded # anyway # self.api.log(document.childNodes[2].childNodes) # document.childNodes[1].insertBefore( cobblerElement, document.childNodes[2].childNodes[1]) # document.childNodes[1].insertBefore( cobblerElement, document.childNodes[1].childNodes[0]) name = if system is not None: name = if self.settings.run_install_triggers: # notify cobblerd when we start/finished the installation self.addAutoYaSTScript(document, "pre-scripts", runpre % (srv, what, name)) self.addAutoYaSTScript(document, "init-scripts", runpost % (srv, what, name)) return document.toxml()
[docs] def generate_repo_stanza(self, obj, is_profile: bool = True) -> str: """ Automatically attaches yum repos to profiles/systems in automatic installation files (template files) that contain the magic $yum_repo_stanza variable. This includes repo objects as well as the yum repos that are part of split tree installs, whose data is stored with the distro (example: RHEL5 imports) :param obj: The profile or system to generate the repo stanza for. :param is_profile: If True then obj is a profile, otherwise obj has to be a system. Otherwise this method will silently fail. :return: The string with the attached yum repos. """ buf = "" blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj) repos = blended["repos"] # keep track of URLs and be sure to not include any duplicates included = {} for repo in repos: # see if this is a source_repo or not repo_obj = self.api.find_repo(repo) if repo_obj is not None: yumopts = '' for opt in repo_obj.yumopts: # filter invalid values to the repo statement in automatic installation files if opt in ['exclude', 'include']: value = repo_obj.yumopts[opt].replace(' ', ',') yumopts = yumopts + " --%spkgs=%s" % (opt, value) elif not opt.lower() in validate.AUTOINSTALL_REPO_BLACKLIST: yumopts += " %s=%s" % (opt, repo_obj.yumopts[opt]) if 'enabled' not in repo_obj.yumopts or repo_obj.yumopts['enabled'] == '1': if repo_obj.mirror_locally: baseurl = "http://%s/cobbler/repo_mirror/%s" % (blended["http_server"], if baseurl not in included: buf += "repo --name=%s --baseurl=%s\n" % (, baseurl) included[baseurl] = 1 else: if repo_obj.mirror not in included: buf += "repo --name=%s --baseurl=%s %s\n" % (, repo_obj.mirror, yumopts) included[repo_obj.mirror] = 1 else: # FIXME: what to do if we can't find the repo object that is listed? # This should be a warning at another point, probably not here so we'll just not list it so the # automatic installation file will still work as nothing will be here to read the output noise. # Logging might be useful. pass if is_profile: distro = obj.get_conceptual_parent() else: distro = obj.get_conceptual_parent().get_conceptual_parent() source_repos = distro.source_repos count = 0 for x in source_repos: count += 1 if not x[1] in included: buf += "repo --name=source-%s --baseurl=%s\n" % (count, x[1]) included[x[1]] = 1 return buf
[docs] def generate_config_stanza(self, obj, is_profile: bool = True): """ Add in automatic to configure /etc/yum.repos.d on the remote system if the automatic installation file (template file) contains the magic $yum_config_stanza. :param obj: The profile or system to generate a generate a config stanza for. :param is_profile: If the object is a profile. If False it is assumed that the object is a system. :return: The curl command to execute to get the configuration for a system or profile. """ if not self.settings.yum_post_install_mirror: return "" blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj) if is_profile: url = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/yum/profile/%s" % (blended["http_server"], else: url = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/yum/system/%s" % (blended["http_server"], return "curl \"%s\" --output /etc/yum.repos.d/cobbler-config.repo\n" % (url)
[docs] def generate_autoinstall_for_system(self, sys_name) -> str: """ Generate an autoinstall config or script for a system. :param sys_name: The system name to generate an autoinstall script for. :return: The generated output or an error message with a human readable description. :raises CX: Raised in case the system references a missing profile. """ s = self.api.find_system(name=sys_name) if s is None: return "# system not found" p = s.get_conceptual_parent() if p is None: raise CX("system %(system)s references missing profile %(profile)s" % {"system":, "profile": s.profile}) distro = p.get_conceptual_parent() if distro is None: # this is an image parented system, no automatic installation file available return "# image based systems do not have automatic installation files" return self.generate_autoinstall(profile=p, system=s)
[docs] def generate_autoinstall(self, profile=None, system=None) -> str: """ This is an internal method for generating an autoinstall config/script. Please use the ``generate_autoinstall_for_*`` methods. If you insist on using this mehtod please only supply a profile or a system, not both. :param profile: The profile to use for generating the autoinstall config/script. :param system: The system to use for generating the autoinstall config/script. If both arguments are given, this wins. :return: The autoinstall script or configuration file as a string. """ obj = system obj_type = "system" if system is None: obj = profile obj_type = "profile" meta = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj) autoinstall_rel_path = meta["autoinstall"] if not autoinstall_rel_path: return "# automatic installation file value missing or invalid at %s %s" % (obj_type, # get parent distro distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() if system is not None: distro = system.get_conceptual_parent().get_conceptual_parent() # make autoinstall_meta metavariable available at top level autoinstall_meta = meta["autoinstall_meta"] del meta["autoinstall_meta"] meta.update(autoinstall_meta) # add package repositories metadata to autoinstall metavariables if distro.breed == "redhat": meta["yum_repo_stanza"] = self.generate_repo_stanza(obj, (system is None)) meta["yum_config_stanza"] = self.generate_config_stanza(obj, (system is None)) # FIXME: implement something similar to zypper (SUSE based distros) and apt (Debian based distros) meta["kernel_options"] = utils.dict_to_string(meta["kernel_options"]) if "kernel_options_post" in meta: meta["kernel_options_post"] = utils.dict_to_string(meta["kernel_options_post"]) # add install_source_directory metavariable to autoinstall metavariables if distro is based on Debian if distro.breed in ["debian", "ubuntu"] and "tree" in meta: urlparts = urllib.parse.urlsplit(meta["tree"]) meta["install_source_directory"] = urlparts[2] try: autoinstall_path = "%s/%s" % (self.settings.autoinstall_templates_dir, autoinstall_rel_path) raw_data = utils.read_file_contents(autoinstall_path) data = self.templar.render(raw_data, meta, None) return data except FileNotFoundError: error_msg = "automatic installation file %s not found at %s" \ % (meta["autoinstall"], self.settings.autoinstall_templates_dir) self.api.logger.warning(error_msg) return "# %s" % error_msg
[docs] def generate_autoinstall_for_profile(self, g) -> str: """ Generate an autoinstall config or script for a profile. :param g: The Profile to generate the script/config for. :return: The generated output or an error message with a human readable description. :raises CX: Raised in case the profile references a missing distro. """ g = self.api.find_profile(name=g) if g is None: return "# profile not found" distro = g.get_conceptual_parent() if distro is None: raise CX("profile %(profile)s references missing distro %(distro)s" % {"profile":, "distro": g.distro}) return self.generate_autoinstall(profile=g)
[docs] def get_last_errors(self) -> list: """ Returns the list of errors generated by the last template render action. :return: The list of error messages which are available. This may not only contain error messages related to generating autoinstallation configuration and scripts. """ return self.templar.last_errors