Source code for cobbler.cli

Command line interface for Cobbler.

Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301  USA

import optparse
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import xmlrpc.client
from typing import Optional

from cobbler import enums
from cobbler import power_manager
from cobbler import utils

INVALID_TASK = "<<invalid>>"

    "distro": ["add", "copy", "edit", "find", "list", "remove", "rename", "report"],
    "profile": ["add", "copy", "dumpvars", "edit", "find", "get-autoinstall", "list", "remove", "rename", "report"],
    "system": ["add", "copy", "dumpvars", "edit", "find", "get-autoinstall", "list", "remove", "rename", "report",
               "poweron", "poweroff", "powerstatus", "reboot"],
    "image": ["add", "copy", "edit", "find", "list", "remove", "rename", "report"],
    "repo": ["add", "copy", "edit", "find", "list", "remove", "rename", "report", "autoadd"],
    "mgmtclass": ["add", "copy", "edit", "find", "list", "remove", "rename", "report"],
    "package": ["add", "copy", "edit", "find", "list", "remove", "rename", "report"],
    "file": ["add", "copy", "edit", "find", "list", "remove", "rename", "report"],
    "menu": ["add", "copy", "edit", "find", "list", "remove", "rename", "report"],
    "setting": ["edit", "report"],
    "signature": ["reload", "report", "update"]

# would like to use from_iterable here, but have to support python 2.4
for actions in list(OBJECT_ACTIONS_MAP.values()):
    OBJECT_ACTIONS += actions
DIRECT_ACTIONS = ["aclsetup", "buildiso", "import", "list", "replicate", "report", "reposync", "sync",
                  "validate-autoinstalls", "version", "signature", "hardlink", "mkloaders"]


# the fields has controls what data elements are part of each object.  To add a new field, just add a new
# entry to the list following some conventions to be described later.  You must also add a method called
# set_$fieldname.  Do not write a method called get_$fieldname, that will not be called.
# name | default | subobject default | display name | editable? | tooltip | values ? | type
# name -- what the filed should be called.   For the command line, underscores will be replaced with
#         a hyphen programatically, so use underscores to seperate things that are seperate words
# default value -- when a new object is created, what is the default value for this field?
# subobject default -- this applies ONLY to subprofiles, and is most always set to <<inherit>>.  If this
#                      is not it does not matter.
# display name -- how the field shows up in the web application and the "cobbler report" command
# editable -- should the field be editable in the CLI and web app?  Almost always yes unless
#                it is an internalism.  Fields that are not editable are "hidden"
# tooltip -- the caption to be shown in the web app or in "commandname --help" in the CLI
# values -- for fields that have a limited set of valid options and those options are always fixed
#           (such as architecture type), the list of valid options goes in this field.
# type -- the type of the field.  Used to determine which HTML form widget is used in the web interface
# the order in which the fields appear in the web application (for all non-hidden
# fields) is defined in The CLI sorts fields alphabetically.
# also contains a set of "Groups" that describe what other fields
# are associated with what other fields.  This affects color coding and other
# display hints.  If you add a field, please edit carefully to match.
# additional:  see for some display hints.  By default, in the
# web app, all fields are text fields unless lists the field in
# one of those dictionaries.
# hidden fields should not be added without just cause, explanations about these are:
#   ctime, mtime -- times the object was modified, used internally by Cobbler for API purposes
#   uid -- also used for some external API purposes
#   source_repos -- an artifiact of import, this is too complicated to explain on IRC so we just hide it for RHEL split
#                   repos, this is a list of each of them in the install tree, used to generate repo lines in the
#                   automatic installation file to allow installation of x>=RHEL5. Otherwise unimportant.
#   depth -- used for "cobbler list" to print the tree, makes it easier to load objects from disk also
#   tree_build_time -- loaded from import, this is not useful to many folks so we just hide it.  Avail over API.
# so to add new fields
#   (A) understand the above
#   (B) add a field below
#   (C) add a set_fieldname method
#   (D) if field must be viewable/editable via web UI, add a entry in
#       corresponding *_UI_FIELDS_MAPPING dictionary in
#       If field must not be displayed in a text field in web UI, also add
#       an entry in corresponding USES_* list in
# in general the set_field_name method should raise exceptions on invalid fields, always.   There are adtl
# validation fields in is_valid to check to see that two seperate fields do not conflict, but in general
# design issues that require this should be avoided forever more, and there are few exceptions.  Cobbler
# must operate as normal with the default value for all fields and not choke on the default values.

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 0, 0, "Depth", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["source_repos", [], 0, "Source Repos", False, "", 0, "list"],
    ["tree_build_time", 0, 0, "Tree Build Time", False, "", 0, "str"],
    ["uid", "", 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["arch", 'x86_64', 0, "Architecture", True, "", utils.get_valid_archs(), "str"],
    ["autoinstall_meta", {}, 0, "Automatic Installation Template Metadata", True, "Ex: dog=fang agent=86", 0, "dict"],
    ["boot_files", {}, 0, "TFTP Boot Files", True, "Files copied into tftpboot beyond the kernel/initrd", 0, "list"],
    ["boot_loaders", "<<inherit>>", "<<inherit>>", "Boot loaders", True, "Network installation boot loaders", 0,
    ["breed", 'redhat', 0, "Breed", True, "What is the type of distribution?", utils.get_valid_breeds(), "str"],
    ["comment", "", 0, "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["fetchable_files", {}, 0, "Fetchable Files", True, "Templates for tftp or wget/curl", 0, "list"],
    ["initrd", None, 0, "Initrd", True, "Absolute path to kernel on filesystem", 0, "str"],
    ["kernel", None, 0, "Kernel", True, "Absolute path to kernel on filesystem", 0, "str"],
    ["remote_boot_initrd", None, 0, "Remote Boot Initrd", True, "URL the bootloader directly retrieves and boots from",
     0, "str"],
    ["remote_boot_kernel", None, 0, "Remote Boot Kernel", True, "URL the bootloader directly retrieves and boots from",
     0, "str"],
    ["kernel_options", {}, 0, "Kernel Options", True, "Ex: selinux=permissive", 0, "dict"],
    ["kernel_options_post", {}, 0, "Kernel Options (Post Install)", True, "Ex: clocksource=pit noapic", 0, "dict"],
    ["mgmt_classes", [], 0, "Management Classes", True, "Management classes for external config management", 0, "list"],
    ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Ex: Fedora-11-i386", 0, "str"],
    ["os_version", "virtio26", 0, "OS Version", True, "Needed for some virtualization optimizations",
     utils.get_valid_os_versions(), "str"],
    ["owners", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", 0,
    ["redhat_management_key", "", "", "Redhat Management Key", True,
     "Registration key for RHN, Spacewalk, or Satellite", 0, "str"],
    ["template_files", {}, 0, "Template Files", True, "File mappings for built-in config management", 0, "dict"]

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 2, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["uid", "", 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["action", "create", 0, "Action", True, "Create or remove file resource", 0, "str"],
    ["comment", "", 0, "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["group", "", 0, "Owner group in file system", True, "File owner group in file system", 0, "str"],
    ["is_dir", False, 0, "Is Directory", True, "Treat file resource as a directory", 0, "bool"],
    ["mode", "", 0, "Mode", True, "The mode of the file", 0, "str"],
    ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Name of file resource", 0, "str"],
    ["owner", "", 0, "Owner user in file system", True, "File owner user in file system", 0, "str"],
    ["owners", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", [],
    ["path", "", 0, "Path", True, "The path for the file", 0, "str"],
    ["template", "", 0, "Template", True, "The template for the file", 0, "str"]

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ['ctime', 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ['depth', 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ['mtime', 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ['parent', '', 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],
    ['uid', "", 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ['arch', 'x86_64', 0, "Architecture", True, "", utils.get_valid_archs(), "str"],
    ['autoinstall', '', 0, "Automatic installation file", True, "Path to autoinst/answer file template", 0, "str"],
    ['breed', 'redhat', 0, "Breed", True, "", utils.get_valid_breeds(), "str"],
    ['comment', '', 0, "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ['file', '', 0, "File", True, "Path to local file or nfs://user@host:path", 0, "str"],
    ['image_type', "iso", 0, "Image Type", True, "", ["iso", "direct", "memdisk", "virt-image"], "str"],
    ['name', '', 0, "Name", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ['network_count', 1, 0, "Virt NICs", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ['os_version', '', 0, "OS Version", True, "ex: rhel4", utils.get_valid_os_versions(), "str"],
    ['owners', "SETTINGS:default_ownership", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", [],
    ["menu", '', '', "Parent boot menu", True, "", [], "str"],
    ["boot_loaders", '<<inherit>>', '<<inherit>>', "Boot loaders", True, "Network installation boot loaders", 0,
    ['virt_auto_boot', "SETTINGS:virt_auto_boot", 0, "Virt Auto Boot", True, "Auto boot this VM?", 0, "bool"],
    ['virt_bridge', "SETTINGS:default_virt_bridge", 0, "Virt Bridge", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ['virt_cpus', 1, 0, "Virt CPUs", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ["virt_disk_driver", "SETTINGS:default_virt_disk_driver", 0, "Virt Disk Driver Type", True,
     "The on-disk format for the virtualization disk", "raw", "str"],
    ['virt_file_size', "SETTINGS:default_virt_file_size", 0, "Virt File Size (GB)", True, "", 0, "float"],
    ['virt_path', '', 0, "Virt Path", True, "Ex: /directory or VolGroup00", 0, "str"],
    ['virt_ram', "SETTINGS:default_virt_ram", 0, "Virt RAM (MB)", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ['virt_type', "SETTINGS:default_virt_type", 0, "Virt Type", True, "", ["xenpv", "xenfv", "qemu", "kvm", "vmware"],

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 1, 1, "", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ["uid", "", "", "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["comment", "", "", "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["name", "", None, "Name", True, "Ex: Systems", 0, "str"],
    ["display_name", "", "", "Display Name", True, "Ex: Systems menu", [], "str"],
    ["parent", '', '', "Parent Menu", True, "", [], "str"],

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 2, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["is_definition", False, 0, "Is Definition?", True, "Treat this class as a definition (puppet only)", 0, "bool"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ["uid", "", 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["class_name", "", 0, "Class Name", True, "Actual Class Name (leave blank to use the name field)", 0, "str"],
    ["comment", "", 0, "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["files", [], 0, "Files", True, "File resources", 0, "list"],
    ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Ex: F10-i386-webserver", 0, "str"],
    ["owners", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", "Owners", True,
     "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", 0, "list"],
    ["packages", [], 0, "Packages", True, "Package resources", 0, "list"],
    ["params", {}, 0, "Parameters/Variables", True, "List of parameters/variables", 0, "dict"],

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 2, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["uid", "", 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["action", "create", 0, "Action", True, "Install or remove package resource", 0, "str"],
    ["comment", "", 0, "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["installer", "yum", 0, "Installer", True, "Package Manager", 0, "str"],
    ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Name of file resource", 0, "str"],
    ["owners", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", [],
    ["version", "", 0, "Version", True, "Package Version", 0, "str"],

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 1, 1, "", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ["uid", "", "", "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["autoinstall", "SETTINGS:autoinstall", '<<inherit>>', "Automatic Installation Template", True,
     "Path to automatic installation template", 0, "str"],
    ["autoinstall_meta", {}, '<<inherit>>', "Automatic Installation Metadata", True, "Ex: dog=fang agent=86", 0,
    ["boot_files", {}, '<<inherit>>', "TFTP Boot Files", True, "Files copied into tftpboot beyond the kernel/initrd", 0,
    ["boot_loaders", '<<inherit>>', '<<inherit>>', "Boot loaders", True, "Linux installation boot loaders", 0, "list"],
    ["comment", "", "", "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["dhcp_tag", "default", '<<inherit>>', "DHCP Tag", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
    ["distro", None, '<<inherit>>', "Distribution", True, "Parent distribution", [], "str"],
    ["enable_ipxe", "SETTINGS:enable_ipxe", 0, "Enable iPXE?", True,
     "Use iPXE instead of PXELINUX for advanced booting options", 0, "bool"],
    ["enable_menu", "SETTINGS:enable_menu", '<<inherit>>', "Enable PXE Menu?", True,
     "Show this profile in the PXE menu?", 0, "bool"],
    ["fetchable_files", {}, '<<inherit>>', "Fetchable Files", True, "Templates for tftp or wget/curl", 0, "dict"],
    ["kernel_options", {}, '<<inherit>>', "Kernel Options", True, "Ex: selinux=permissive", 0, "dict"],
    ["kernel_options_post", {}, '<<inherit>>', "Kernel Options (Post Install)", True, "Ex: clocksource=pit noapic", 0,
    ["mgmt_classes", [], '<<inherit>>', "Management Classes", True, "For external configuration management", 0, "list"],
    ["mgmt_parameters", "<<inherit>>", "<<inherit>>", "Management Parameters", True,
     "Parameters which will be handed to your management application (Must be valid YAML dictionary)", 0, "str"],
    ["name", "", None, "Name", True, "Ex: F10-i386-webserver", 0, "str"],
    ["name_servers", "SETTINGS:default_name_servers", [], "Name Servers", True, "space delimited", 0, "list"],
    ["name_servers_search", "SETTINGS:default_name_servers_search", [], "Name Servers Search Path", True,
     "space delimited", 0, "list"],
    ["next_server_v4", "<<inherit>>", '<<inherit>>', "Next Server (IPv4) Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank",
     0, "str"],
    ["next_server_v6", "<<inherit>>", '<<inherit>>', "Next Server (IPv6) Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank",
     0, "str"],
    ["filename", "<<inherit>>", '<<inherit>>', "DHCP Filename Override", True, "Use to boot non-default bootloaders", 0,
    ["owners", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", "Owners", True,
     "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", 0, "list"],
    ["parent", '', '', "Parent Profile", True, "", [], "str"],
    ["proxy", "SETTINGS:proxy_url_int", "<<inherit>>", "Proxy", True, "Proxy URL", 0, "str"],
    ["redhat_management_key", "<<inherit>>", "<<inherit>>", "Red Hat Management Key", True,
     "Registration key for RHN, Spacewalk, or Satellite", 0, "str"],
    ["repos", [], '<<inherit>>', "Repos", True, "Repos to auto-assign to this profile", [], "list"],
    ["server", "<<inherit>>", '<<inherit>>', "Server Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
    ["template_files", {}, '<<inherit>>', "Template Files", True, "File mappings for built-in config management", 0,
    ["menu", None, None, "Parent boot menu", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["virt_auto_boot", "SETTINGS:virt_auto_boot", '<<inherit>>', "Virt Auto Boot", True, "Auto boot this VM?", 0,
    ["virt_bridge", "SETTINGS:default_virt_bridge", '<<inherit>>', "Virt Bridge", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["virt_cpus", 1, '<<inherit>>', "Virt CPUs", True, "integer", 0, "int"],
    ["virt_disk_driver", "SETTINGS:default_virt_disk_driver", '<<inherit>>', "Virt Disk Driver Type", True,
     "The on-disk format for the virtualization disk", [e.value for e in enums.VirtDiskDrivers], "str"],
    ["virt_file_size", "SETTINGS:default_virt_file_size", '<<inherit>>', "Virt File Size(GB)", True, "", 0.0, "float"],
    ["virt_path", "", '<<inherit>>', "Virt Path", True, "Ex: /directory OR VolGroup00", 0, "str"],
    ["virt_ram", "SETTINGS:default_virt_ram", '<<inherit>>', "Virt RAM (MB)", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ["virt_type", "SETTINGS:default_virt_type", '<<inherit>>', "Virt Type", True, "Virtualization technology to use",
     [e.value for e in enums.VirtType], "str"],

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 2, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["parent", None, 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],
    ["uid", None, 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["apt_components", "", 0, "Apt Components (apt only)", True, "ex: main restricted universe", [], "list"],
    ["apt_dists", "", 0, "Apt Dist Names (apt only)", True, "ex: precise precise-updates", [], "list"],
    ["arch", "x86_64", 0, "Arch", True, "ex: i386, x86_64", [e.value for e in enums.RepoArchs], "str"],
    ["breed", "rsync", 0, "Breed", True, "", [e.value for e in enums.RepoBreeds], "str"],
    ["comment", "", 0, "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["createrepo_flags", '<<inherit>>', 0, "Createrepo Flags", True, "Flags to use with createrepo", 0, "dict"],
    ["environment", {}, 0, "Environment Variables", True,
     "Use these environment variables during commands (key=value, space delimited)", 0, "dict"],
    ["keep_updated", True, 0, "Keep Updated", True, "Update this repo on next 'cobbler reposync'?", 0, "bool"],
    ["mirror", None, 0, "Mirror", True, "Address of yum or rsync repo to mirror", 0, "str"],
    ["mirror_type", "baseurl", 0, "Mirror Type", True, "", [e.value for e in enums.MirrorType], "str"],
    ["mirror_locally", True, 0, "Mirror locally", True, "Copy files or just reference the repo externally?", 0, "bool"],
    ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Ex: f10-i386-updates", 0, "str"],
    ["owners", "SETTINGS:default_ownership", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", [],
    ["priority", 99, 0, "Priority", True, "Value for yum priorities plugin, if installed", 0, "int"],
    ["proxy", "SETTINGS:proxy_url_ext", "<<inherit>>", "Proxy information", True,
     ", or <<inherit>> to use proxy_url_ext from settings, blank or <<None>> for no proxy", 0,
    ["rpm_list", [], 0, "RPM List", True, "Mirror just these RPMs (yum only)", 0, "list"],
    ["yumopts", {}, 0, "Yum Options", True, "Options to write to yum config file", 0, "dict"],
    ["rsyncopts", "", 0, "Rsync Options", True, "Options to use with rsync repo", 0, "dict"],

    # non-editable in UI (internal)
    ["ctime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["depth", 2, 0, "", False, "", 0, "int"],
    ["ipv6_autoconfiguration", False, 0, "IPv6 Autoconfiguration", True, "", 0, "bool"],
    ["mtime", 0, 0, "", False, "", 0, "float"],
    ["repos_enabled", False, 0, "Repos Enabled", True,
     "(re)configure local repos on this machine at next config update?", 0, "bool"],
    ["uid", "", 0, "", False, "", 0, "str"],

    # editable in UI
    ["autoinstall", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Automatic Installation Template", True,
     "Path to automatic installation template", 0, "str"],
    ["autoinstall_meta", {}, 0, "Automatic Installation Template Metadata", True, "Ex: dog=fang agent=86", 0, "dict"],
    ["boot_files", {}, '<<inherit>>', "TFTP Boot Files", True, "Files copied into tftpboot beyond the kernel/initrd", 0,
    ["boot_loaders", '<<inherit>>', '<<inherit>>', "Boot loaders", True, "Linux installation boot loaders", 0, "list"],
    ["comment", "", 0, "Comment", True, "Free form text description", 0, "str"],
    ["enable_ipxe", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Enable iPXE?", True, "Use iPXE instead of PXELINUX for advanced booting options",
     0, "bool"],
    ["fetchable_files", {}, '<<inherit>>', "Fetchable Files", True, "Templates for tftp or wget/curl", 0, "dict"],
    ["gateway", "", 0, "Gateway", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["hostname", "", 0, "Hostname", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["image", None, 0, "Image", True, "Parent image (if not a profile)", 0, "str"],
    ["ipv6_default_device", "", 0, "IPv6 Default Device", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["kernel_options", {}, 0, "Kernel Options", True, "Ex: selinux=permissive", 0, "dict"],
    ["kernel_options_post", {}, 0, "Kernel Options (Post Install)", True, "Ex: clocksource=pit noapic", 0, "dict"],
    ["mgmt_classes", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Management Classes", True, "For external config management", 0, "list"],
    ["mgmt_parameters", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Management Parameters", True,
     "Parameters which will be handed to your management application (Must be valid YAML dictionary)", 0, "str"],
    ["name", "", 0, "Name", True, "Ex:", 0, "str"],
    ["name_servers", [], 0, "Name Servers", True, "space delimited", 0, "list"],
    ["name_servers_search", [], 0, "Name Servers Search Path", True, "space delimited", 0, "list"],
    ["netboot_enabled", True, 0, "Netboot Enabled", True, "PXE (re)install this machine at next boot?", 0, "bool"],
    ["next_server_v4", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Next Server (IPv4) Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
    ["next_server_v6", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Next Server (IPv6) Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
    ["filename", "<<inherit>>", '<<inherit>>', "DHCP Filename Override", True, "Use to boot non-default bootloaders", 0,
    ["owners", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Owners", True, "Owners list for authz_ownership (space delimited)", 0, "list"],
    ["power_address", "", 0, "Power Management Address", True, "Ex:", 0, "str"],
    ["power_id", "", 0, "Power Management ID", True, "Usually a plug number or blade name, if power type requires it",
     0, "str"],
    ["power_pass", "", 0, "Power Management Password", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["power_type", "SETTINGS:power_management_default_type", 0, "Power Management Type", True,
     "Power management script to use", power_manager.get_power_types(), "str"],
    ["power_user", "", 0, "Power Management Username", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["power_options", "", 0, "Power Management Options", True, "Additional options, to be passed to the fencing agent",
     0, "str"],
    ["power_identity_file", "", 0, "Power Identity File", True,
     "Identity file to be passed to the fencing agent (ssh key)", 0, "str"],
    ["profile", None, 0, "Profile", True, "Parent profile", [], "str"],
    ["proxy", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Internal Proxy", True, "Internal proxy URL", 0, "str"],
    ["redhat_management_key", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Redhat Management Key", True,
     "Registration key for RHN, Spacewalk, or Satellite", 0, "str"],
    ["server", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Server Override", True, "See manpage or leave blank", 0, "str"],
    ["status", "production", 0, "Status", True, "System status",
     ["", "development", "testing", "acceptance", "production"], "str"],
    ["template_files", {}, 0, "Template Files", True, "File mappings for built-in configuration management", 0, "dict"],
    ["virt_auto_boot", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Auto Boot", True, "Auto boot this VM?", 0, "bool"],
    ["virt_cpus", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt CPUs", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ["virt_disk_driver", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Disk Driver Type", True,
     "The on-disk format for the virtualization disk", [e.value for e in enums.VirtDiskDrivers], "str"],
    ["virt_file_size", "<<inherit>>", 0.0, "Virt File Size(GB)", True, "", 0.0, "float"],
    ["virt_path", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Path", True, "Ex: /directory or VolGroup00", 0, "str"],
    ["virt_pxe_boot", 0, 0, "Virt PXE Boot", True, "Use PXE to build this VM?", 0, "bool"],
    ["virt_ram", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt RAM (MB)", True, "", 0, "int"],
    ["virt_type", "<<inherit>>", 0, "Virt Type", True, "Virtualization technology to use",
     [e.value for e in enums.VirtType], "str"],
    ["serial_device", "", 0, "Serial Device #", True, "Serial Device Number", 0, "int"],
    ["serial_baud_rate", "", 0, "Serial Baud Rate", True, "Serial Baud Rate",
     ["", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "38400", "57600", "115200"], "int"],

# network interface fields are in a separate list because a system may contain
# several network interfaces and thus several values for each one of those fields
# (1-N cardinality), while it may contain only one value for other fields
# (1-1 cardinality). This difference requires special handling.
    ["bonding_opts", "", 0, "Bonding Opts", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["bridge_opts", "", 0, "Bridge Opts", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["cnames", [], 0, "CNAMES", True,
     "Cannonical Name Records, should be used with --interface, In quotes, space delimited", 0, "list"],
    ["connected_mode", False, 0, "InfiniBand Connected Mode", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "bool"],
    ["dhcp_tag", "", 0, "DHCP Tag", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["dns_name", "", 0, "DNS Name", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["if_gateway", "", 0, "Per-Interface Gateway", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["interface_master", "", 0, "Master Interface", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["interface_type", "na", 0, "Interface Type", True, "Should be used with --interface",
     ["na", "bond", "bond_slave", "bridge", "bridge_slave", "bonded_bridge_slave", "bmc", "infiniband"], "str"],
    ["ip_address", "", 0, "IP Address", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["ipv6_address", "", 0, "IPv6 Address", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["ipv6_default_gateway", "", 0, "IPv6 Default Gateway", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["ipv6_mtu", "", 0, "IPv6 MTU", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["ipv6_prefix", "", 0, "IPv6 Prefix", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["ipv6_secondaries", [], 0, "IPv6 Secondaries", True, "Space delimited. Should be used with --interface", 0,
    ["ipv6_static_routes", [], 0, "IPv6 Static Routes", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "list"],
    ["mac_address", "", 0, "MAC Address", True, "(Place \"random\" in this field for a random MAC Address.)", 0, "str"],
    ["management", False, 0, "Management Interface", True,
     "Is this the management interface? Should be used with --interface", 0, "bool"],
    ["mtu", "", 0, "MTU", True, "", 0, "str"],
    ["netmask", "", 0, "Subnet Mask", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],
    ["static", False, 0, "Static", True, "Is this interface static? Should be used with --interface", 0, "bool"],
    ["static_routes", [], 0, "Static Routes", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "list"],
    ["virt_bridge", "", 0, "Virt Bridge", True, "Should be used with --interface", 0, "str"],

    ["name", "", "", "Name", True, "Ex: server", 0, "str"],
    ["value", "", "", "Value", True, "Ex:", 0, "str"],


[docs] def to_string_from_fields(item_dict, fields, interface_fields=None) -> str: """ item_dict is a dictionary, fields is something like item_distro.FIELDS :param item_dict: The dictionary representation of a Cobbler item. :param fields: This is the list of fields a Cobbler item has. :param interface_fields: This is the list of fields from a network interface of a system. This is optional. :return: The string representation of a Cobbler item with all its values. """ buf = "" keys = [] for elem in fields: keys.append((elem[0], elem[3], elem[4])) keys.sort() buf += "%-30s : %s\n" % ("Name", item_dict["name"]) for (k, nicename, editable) in keys: # FIXME: supress fields users don't need to see? # FIXME: interfaces should be sorted # FIXME: print ctime, mtime nicely if not editable: continue if k != "name": # FIXME: move examples one field over, use description here. buf += "%-30s : %s\n" % (nicename, item_dict[k]) # somewhat brain-melting special handling to print the dicts # inside of the interfaces more neatly. if "interfaces" in item_dict and interface_fields is not None: keys = [] for elem in interface_fields: keys.append((elem[0], elem[3], elem[4])) keys.sort() for iname in list(item_dict["interfaces"].keys()): # FIXME: inames possibly not sorted buf += "%-30s : %s\n" % ("Interface ===== ", iname) for (k, nicename, editable) in keys: if editable: buf += "%-30s : %s\n" % (nicename, item_dict["interfaces"][iname].get(k, "")) return buf
[docs] def report_items(remote, otype: str): """ Return all items for a given collection. :param remote: The remote to use as the query-source. The remote to use as the query-source. :param otype: The object type to query. """ if otype == "setting": items = remote.get_settings() keys = list(items.keys()) keys.sort() for key in keys: item = {'name': key, 'value': items[key]} report_item(remote, otype, item=item) elif otype == "signature": items = remote.get_signatures() total_breeds = 0 total_sigs = 0 if "breeds" in items: print("Currently loaded signatures:") bkeys = list(items["breeds"].keys()) bkeys.sort() total_breeds = len(bkeys) for breed in bkeys: total_sigs += report_single_breed(breed, items) print("\n%d breeds with %d total signatures loaded" % (total_breeds, total_sigs)) else: print("No breeds found in the signature, a signature update is recommended") return 1 else: items = remote.get_items(otype) for x in items: report_item(remote, otype, item=x)
[docs] def report_single_breed(name: str, items: dict) -> int: """ Helper function which prints a single signature breed list to the terminal. """ new_sigs = 0 print("%s:" % name) oskeys = list(items["breeds"][name].keys()) oskeys.sort() if len(oskeys) > 0: new_sigs = len(oskeys) for osversion in oskeys: print("\t%s" % osversion) else: print("\t(none)") return new_sigs
[docs] def report_item(remote, otype: str, item=None, name=None): """ Return a single item in a given collection. Either this is an item object or this method searches for a name. :param remote: The remote to use as the query-source. :param otype: The object type to query. :param item: The item to display :param name: The name to search for and display. """ if item is None: if otype == "setting": cur_settings = remote.get_settings() try: item = {'name': name, 'value': cur_settings[name]} except: print("Setting not found: %s" % name) return 1 elif otype == "signature": items = remote.get_signatures() total_sigs = 0 if "breeds" in items: print("Currently loaded signatures:") if name in items["breeds"]: total_sigs += report_single_breed(name, items) print("\nBreed '%s' has %d total signatures" % (name, total_sigs)) else: print("No breed named '%s' found" % name) return 1 else: print("No breeds found in the signature, a signature update is recommended") return 1 return else: item = remote.get_item(otype, name) if item == "~": print("No %s found: %s" % (otype, name)) return 1 if otype == "distro": data = to_string_from_fields(item, DISTRO_FIELDS) elif otype == "profile": data = to_string_from_fields(item, PROFILE_FIELDS) elif otype == "system": data = to_string_from_fields(item, SYSTEM_FIELDS, NETWORK_INTERFACE_FIELDS) elif otype == "repo": data = to_string_from_fields(item, REPO_FIELDS) elif otype == "image": data = to_string_from_fields(item, IMAGE_FIELDS) elif otype == "mgmtclass": data = to_string_from_fields(item, MGMTCLASS_FIELDS) elif otype == "package": data = to_string_from_fields(item, PACKAGE_FIELDS) elif otype == "file": data = to_string_from_fields(item, FILE_FIELDS) elif otype == "menu": data = to_string_from_fields(item, MENU_FIELDS) elif otype == "setting": data = "%-40s: %s" % (item['name'], item['value']) else: data = "Unknown item type selected!" print(data)
[docs] def list_items(remote, otype): """ List all items of a given object type and print it to stdout. :param remote: The remote to use as the query-source. :param otype: The object type to query. """ items = remote.get_item_names(otype) items.sort() for x in items: print(" %s" % x)
[docs] def n2s(data): """ Return spaces for None :param data: The data to check for. :return: The data itself or an empty string. """ if data is None: return "" return data
[docs] def opt(options, k, defval=""): """ Returns an option from an Optparse values instance :param options: The options object to search in. :param k: The key which is in the optparse values instance. :param defval: The default value to return. :return: The value for the specified key. """ try: data = getattr(options, k) except: # FIXME: debug only # traceback.print_exc() return defval return n2s(data)
def _add_parser_option_from_field(parser, field, settings): """ Add options from a field dynamically to an optparse instance. :param parser: The optparse instance to add the options to. :param field: The field to parse. :param settings: Global cobbler settings as returned from ``CollectionManager.settings()`` """ # extract data from field dictionary name = field[0] default = field[1] if isinstance(default, str) and default.startswith("SETTINGS:"): setting_name = default.replace("SETTINGS:", "", 1) default = settings[setting_name] description = field[3] tooltip = field[5] choices = field[6] if choices and default not in choices: raise Exception("field %s default value (%s) is not listed in choices (%s)" % (name, default, str(choices))) if tooltip != "": description += " (%s)" % tooltip field_type = field[7] if field_type != "int" and field_type != 'float': field_type = "string" # generate option string option_string = "--%s" % name.replace("_", "-") # add option to parser if isinstance(choices, list) and len(choices) != 0: description += " (valid options: %s)" % ",".join(choices) parser.add_option(option_string, dest=name, help=description, choices=choices) else: parser.add_option(option_string, dest=name, help=description, type=field_type)
[docs] def add_options_from_fields(object_type, parser, fields, network_interface_fields, settings, object_action): """ Add options to the command line from the fields queried from the Cobbler server. :param object_type: The object type to add options for. :param parser: The optparse instance to add options to. :param fields: The list of fields to add options for. :param network_interface_fields: The list of network interface fields if the object type is a system. :param settings: Global cobbler settings as returned from ``CollectionManager.settings()`` :param object_action: The object action to add options for. May be "add", "edit", "find", "copy", "rename", "remove". If none of these options is given then this method does nothing. """ if object_action in ["add", "edit", "find", "copy", "rename"]: for field in fields: _add_parser_option_from_field(parser, field, settings) # system object if object_type == "system": for field in network_interface_fields: _add_parser_option_from_field(parser, field, settings) parser.add_option("--interface", dest="interface", help="the interface to operate on (can only be " "specified once per command line)") if object_action in ["add", "edit"]: parser.add_option("--delete-interface", dest="delete_interface", action="store_true") parser.add_option("--rename-interface", dest="rename_interface") if object_action in ["copy", "rename"]: parser.add_option("--newname", help="new object name") if object_action not in ["find"] and object_type != "setting": parser.add_option("--in-place", action="store_true", dest="in_place", help="edit items in kopts or autoinstall without clearing the other items") elif object_action == "remove": parser.add_option("--name", help="%s name to remove" % object_type) parser.add_option("--recursive", action="store_true", dest="recursive", help="also delete child objects")
[docs] def get_comma_separated_args(option: optparse.Option, opt_str, value: str, parser: optparse.OptionParser): """ Simple callback function to achieve option split with comma. Reference for the method signature can be found at: :param option: The option the callback is executed for :param opt_str: Unused for this callback function. Would be the extended option if the user used the short version. :param value: The value which should be split by comma. :param parser: The optparse instance which the callback should be added to. """ # TODO: Migrate to argparse if not isinstance(option, optparse.Option): raise optparse.OptionValueError("Option is not an optparse.Option object!") if not isinstance(value, str): raise optparse.OptionValueError("Value is not a string!") if not isinstance(parser, optparse.OptionParser): raise optparse.OptionValueError("Parser is not an optparse.OptionParser object!") setattr(parser.values, str(option.dest), value.split(','))
[docs] class CobblerCLI: """ Main CLI Class which contains the logic to communicate with the Cobbler Server. """ def __init__(self, cliargs): """ The constructor to create a Cobbler CLI. """ # Load server ip and ports from local config self.url_cobbler_api = utils.local_get_cobbler_api_url() self.url_cobbler_xmlrpc = utils.local_get_cobbler_xmlrpc_url() # FIXME: allow specifying other endpoints, and user+pass self.parser = optparse.OptionParser() self.remote = xmlrpc.client.Server(self.url_cobbler_api) self.shared_secret = utils.get_shared_secret() self.args = cliargs
[docs] def start_task(self, name: str, options: dict) -> str: r""" Start an asynchronous task in the background. :param name: "background\_" % name function must exist in This function will be called in a subthread. :param options: Dictionary of options passed to the newly started thread :return: Id of the newly started task """ options = utils.strip_none(vars(options), omit_none=True) fn = getattr(self.remote, "background_%s" % name) return fn(options, self.token)
[docs] def get_object_type(self, args) -> Optional[str]: """ If this is a CLI command about an object type, e.g. "cobbler distro add", return the type, like "distro" :param args: The args from the CLI. :return: The object type or None """ if len(args) < 2: return None elif args[1] in OBJECT_TYPES: return args[1] return None
[docs] def get_object_action(self, object_type, args) -> Optional[str]: """ If this is a CLI command about an object type, e.g. "cobbler distro add", return the action, like "add" :param object_type: The object type. :param args: The args from the CLI. :return: The action or None. """ if object_type is None or len(args) < 3: return None if args[2] in OBJECT_ACTIONS_MAP[object_type]: return args[2] return None
[docs] def get_direct_action(self, object_type, args) -> Optional[str]: """ If this is a general command, e.g. "cobbler hardlink", return the action, like "hardlink" :param object_type: Must be None or None is returned. :param args: The arg from the CLI. :return: The action key, "version" or None. """ if object_type is not None: return None elif len(args) < 2: return None elif args[1] == "--help": return None elif args[1] == "--version": return "version" else: return args[1]
[docs] def check_setup(self) -> int: """ Detect permissions and service accessibility problems and provide nicer error messages for them. """ with xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(self.url_cobbler_xmlrpc) as s: try: except Exception as e: print("cobblerd does not appear to be running/accessible: %s" % repr(e), file=sys.stderr) return 411 with xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(self.url_cobbler_api) as s: try: except: print("httpd does not appear to be running and proxying Cobbler, or SELinux is in the way. Original " "traceback:", file=sys.stderr) traceback.print_exc() return 411 if not os.path.exists("/var/lib/cobbler/"): print("Missing login credentials file. Has cobblerd failed to start?", file=sys.stderr) return 411 if not os.access("/var/lib/cobbler/", os.R_OK): print("User cannot run command line, need read access to /var/lib/cobbler/", file=sys.stderr) return 411 return 0
[docs] def run(self, args) -> int: """ Process the command line and do what the user asks. :param args: The args of the CLI """ self.token = self.remote.login("", self.shared_secret) object_type = self.get_object_type(args) object_action = self.get_object_action(object_type, args) direct_action = self.get_direct_action(object_type, args) try: if object_type is not None: if object_action is not None: return self.object_command(object_type, object_action) else: return self.print_object_help(object_type) elif direct_action is not None: return self.direct_command(direct_action) else: return self.print_help() except xmlrpc.client.Fault as err: if err.faultString.find("cobbler.cexceptions.CX") != -1: print(self.cleanup_fault_string(err.faultString)) else: print("### ERROR ###") print("Unexpected remote error, check the server side logs for further info") print(err.faultString) return 1
[docs] def cleanup_fault_string(self, fault_str: str) -> str: """ Make a remote exception nicely readable by humans so it's not evident that is a remote fault. Users should not have to understand tracebacks. :param fault_str: The stacktrace to niceify. :return: A nicer error messsage. """ if fault_str.find(">:") != -1: (first, rest) = fault_str.split(">:", 1) if rest.startswith("\"") or rest.startswith("\'"): rest = rest[1:] if rest.endswith("\"") or rest.endswith("\'"): rest = rest[:-1] return rest else: return fault_str
[docs] def get_fields(self, object_type: str) -> list: """ For a given name of an object type, return the FIELDS data structure. :param object_type: The object to return the fields of. :return: The fields or None """ if object_type == "distro": return DISTRO_FIELDS elif object_type == "profile": return PROFILE_FIELDS elif object_type == "system": return SYSTEM_FIELDS elif object_type == "repo": return REPO_FIELDS elif object_type == "image": return IMAGE_FIELDS elif object_type == "mgmtclass": return MGMTCLASS_FIELDS elif object_type == "package": return PACKAGE_FIELDS elif object_type == "file": return FILE_FIELDS elif object_type == "menu": return MENU_FIELDS elif object_type == "setting": return SETTINGS_FIELDS return []
[docs] def object_command(self, object_type: str, object_action: str) -> int: """ Process object-based commands such as "distro add" or "profile rename" :param object_type: The object type to execute an action for. :param object_action: The action to execute. :return: Depending on the object and action. :raises NotImplementedError: :raises RuntimeError: """ # if assigned, we must tail the logfile task_id = INVALID_TASK settings = self.remote.get_settings() fields = self.get_fields(object_type) network_interface_fields = None if object_type == "system": network_interface_fields = NETWORK_INTERFACE_FIELDS if object_action in ["add", "edit", "copy", "rename", "find", "remove"]: add_options_from_fields(object_type, self.parser, fields, network_interface_fields, settings, object_action) elif object_action in ["list", "autoadd"]: pass elif object_action not in ("reload", "update"): self.parser.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="name of object") elif object_action == "reload": self.parser.add_option("--filename", dest="filename", help="filename to load data from") (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) # the first three don't require a name if object_action == "report": if is not None: report_item(self.remote, object_type, None, else: report_items(self.remote, object_type) elif object_action == "list": list_items(self.remote, object_type) elif object_action == "find": items = self.remote.find_items(object_type, utils.strip_none(vars(options), omit_none=True), "name", False) for item in items: print(item) elif object_action == "autoadd" and object_type == "repo": try: self.remote.auto_add_repos(self.token) except xmlrpc.client.Fault as err: (_, emsg) = err.faultString.split(":", 1) print("exception on server: %s" % emsg) return 1 elif object_action in OBJECT_ACTIONS: if opt(options, "name") == "" and object_action not in ("reload", "update"): print("--name is required") return 1 if object_action in ["add", "edit", "copy", "rename", "remove"]: try: if object_type == "setting": settings = self.remote.get_settings() if options.value is None: raise RuntimeError("You must specify a --value when editing a setting") elif not settings.get('allow_dynamic_settings', False): raise RuntimeError("Dynamic settings changes are not enabled. Change the " "allow_dynamic_settings to True and restart cobblerd to enable dynamic " "settings changes") elif == 'allow_dynamic_settings': raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify that setting live") elif self.remote.modify_setting(, options.value, self.token): raise RuntimeError("Changing the setting failed") else: self.remote.xapi_object_edit(object_type,, object_action, utils.strip_none(vars(options), omit_none=True), self.token) except xmlrpc.client.Fault as error: (_, emsg) = error.faultString.split(":", 1) print("exception on server: %s" % emsg) return 1 except RuntimeError as error: print(error.args[0]) return 1 elif object_action == "get-autoinstall": if object_type == "profile": data = self.remote.generate_profile_autoinstall( elif object_type == "system": data = self.remote.generate_system_autoinstall( else: print('Invalid object type selected! Allowed are "profile" and "system".') return 1 print(data) elif object_action == "dumpvars": if object_type == "profile": data = self.remote.get_blended_data(, "") elif object_type == "system": data = self.remote.get_blended_data("", else: print('Invalid object type selected! Allowed are "profile" and "system".') return 1 # FIXME: pretty-printing and sorting here keys = list(data.keys()) keys.sort() for x in keys: print("%s: %s" % (x, data[x])) elif object_action in ["poweron", "poweroff", "powerstatus", "reboot"]: power = { "power": object_action.replace("power", ""), "systems": [] } task_id = self.remote.background_power_system(power, self.token) elif object_action == "update": task_id = self.remote.background_signature_update(utils.strip_none(vars(options), omit_none=True), self.token) elif object_action == "reload": filename = opt(options, "filename", "/var/lib/cobbler/distro_signatures.json") try: utils.load_signatures(filename, cache=True) except: print("There was an error loading the signature data in %s." % filename) print("Please check the JSON file or run 'cobbler signature update'.") return 1 else: print("Signatures were successfully loaded") else: raise NotImplementedError() else: raise NotImplementedError() # FIXME: add tail/polling code here if task_id != INVALID_TASK: self.print_task(task_id) return self.follow_task(task_id) return 0
[docs] def direct_command(self, action_name: str): """ Process non-object based commands like "sync" and "hardlink". :param action_name: The action to execute. :return: Depending on the action. """ task_id = INVALID_TASK self.parser.set_usage('Usage: %%prog %s [options]' % (action_name)) if action_name == "buildiso": defaultiso = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "generated.iso") self.parser.add_option("--iso", dest="iso", default=defaultiso, help="(OPTIONAL) output ISO to this file") self.parser.add_option("--profiles", dest="profiles", help="(OPTIONAL) use these profiles only") self.parser.add_option("--systems", dest="systems", help="(OPTIONAL) use these systems only") self.parser.add_option("--tempdir", dest="buildisodir", help="(OPTIONAL) working directory") self.parser.add_option("--distro", dest="distro", help="Must be specified to choose the Kernel and Initrd for the ISO being built.") self.parser.add_option("--standalone", dest="standalone", action="store_true", help="(OPTIONAL) creates a standalone ISO with all required distro files, " "but without any added repos") self.parser.add_option("--airgapped", dest="airgapped", action="store_true", help="(OPTIONAL) implies --standalone but additionally includes the repository files" " into ISO") self.parser.add_option("--source", dest="source", help="(OPTIONAL) used with --standalone/--airgapped to specify a source for the " "distribution files") self.parser.add_option("--exclude-dns", dest="exclude_dns", action="store_true", help="(OPTIONAL) prevents addition of name server addresses to the kernel boot" "options") self.parser.add_option("--mkisofs-opts", dest="mkisofs_opts", help="(OPTIONAL) extra options for xorrisofs") (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) task_id = self.start_task("buildiso", options) elif action_name == "replicate": self.parser.add_option("--master", dest="master", help="Cobbler server to replicate from.") self.parser.add_option("--port", dest="port", help="Remote port.") self.parser.add_option("--distros", dest="distro_patterns", help="patterns of distros to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--profiles", dest="profile_patterns", help="patterns of profiles to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--systems", dest="system_patterns", help="patterns of systems to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--repos", dest="repo_patterns", help="patterns of repos to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--image", dest="image_patterns", help="patterns of images to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--mgmtclasses", dest="mgmtclass_patterns", help="patterns of mgmtclasses to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--packages", dest="package_patterns", help="patterns of packages to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--files", dest="file_patterns", help="patterns of files to replicate") self.parser.add_option("--omit-data", dest="omit_data", action="store_true", help="do not rsync data") self.parser.add_option("--sync-all", dest="sync_all", action="store_true", help="sync all data") self.parser.add_option("--prune", dest="prune", action="store_true", help="remove objects (of all types) not found on the master") self.parser.add_option("--use-ssl", dest="use_ssl", action="store_true", help="use ssl to access the Cobbler master server api") (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) task_id = self.start_task("replicate", options) elif action_name == "aclsetup": self.parser.add_option("--adduser", dest="adduser", help="give acls to this user") self.parser.add_option("--addgroup", dest="addgroup", help="give acls to this group") self.parser.add_option("--removeuser", dest="removeuser", help="remove acls from this user") self.parser.add_option("--removegroup", dest="removegroup", help="remove acls from this group") (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) task_id = self.start_task("aclsetup", options) elif action_name == "version": version = self.remote.extended_version() print("Cobbler %s" % version["version"]) print(" source: %s, %s" % (version["gitstamp"], version["gitdate"])) print(" build time: %s" % version["builddate"]) elif action_name == "hardlink": (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) task_id = self.start_task("hardlink", options) elif action_name == "status": (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) print(self.remote.get_status("text", self.token)) elif action_name == "validate-autoinstalls": (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) task_id = self.start_task("validate_autoinstall_files", options) elif action_name == "import": self.parser.add_option("--arch", dest="arch", help="OS architecture being imported") self.parser.add_option("--breed", dest="breed", help="the breed being imported") self.parser.add_option("--os-version", dest="os_version", help="the version being imported") self.parser.add_option("--path", dest="path", help="local path or rsync location") self.parser.add_option("--name", dest="name", help="name, ex 'RHEL-5'") self.parser.add_option("--available-as", dest="available_as", help="tree is here, don't mirror") self.parser.add_option("--autoinstall", dest="autoinstall_file", help="assign this autoinstall file") self.parser.add_option("--rsync-flags", dest="rsync_flags", help="pass additional flags to rsync") (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) if options.path and "rsync://" not in options.path: # convert relative path to absolute path options.path = os.path.abspath(options.path) task_id = self.start_task("import", options) elif action_name == "reposync": self.parser.add_option("--only", dest="only", help="update only this repository name") self.parser.add_option("--tries", dest="tries", help="try each repo this many times", default=1) self.parser.add_option("--no-fail", dest="nofail", help="don't stop reposyncing if a failure occurs", action="store_true") (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) task_id = self.start_task("reposync", options) elif action_name == "check": results = self.remote.check(self.token) ct = 0 if len(results) > 0: print("The following are potential configuration items that you may want to fix:\n") for r in results: ct += 1 print("%s: %s" % (ct, r)) print("\nRestart cobblerd and then run 'cobbler sync' to apply changes.") else: print("No configuration problems found. All systems go.") elif action_name == "sync": self.parser.add_option("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="run sync with more output") self.parser.add_option("--dhcp", dest="dhcp", action="store_true", help="write DHCP config files and restart service") self.parser.add_option("--dns", dest="dns", action="store_true", help="write DNS config files and restart service") self.parser.add_option("--systems", dest="systems", type='string', action="callback", callback=get_comma_separated_args, help="run a sync only on specified systems") # ToDo: Add tftp syncing when it's cleaned up (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) if is not None: task_id = self.start_task("syncsystems", options) else: task_id = self.start_task("sync", options) elif action_name == "report": (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) print("distros:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "distro") print("\nprofiles:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "profile") print("\nsystems:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "system") print("\nrepos:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "repo") print("\nimages:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "image") print("\nmgmtclasses:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "mgmtclass") print("\npackages:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "package") print("\nfiles:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "file") print("\nmenus:\n==========") report_items(self.remote, "menu") elif action_name == "list": # no tree view like 1.6? This is more efficient remotely # for large configs and prevents xfering the whole config # though we could consider that... (options, args) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) print("distros:") list_items(self.remote, "distro") print("\nprofiles:") list_items(self.remote, "profile") print("\nsystems:") list_items(self.remote, "system") print("\nrepos:") list_items(self.remote, "repo") print("\nimages:") list_items(self.remote, "image") print("\nmgmtclasses:") list_items(self.remote, "mgmtclass") print("\npackages:") list_items(self.remote, "package") print("\nfiles:") list_items(self.remote, "file") print("\nmenus:") list_items(self.remote, "menu") elif action_name == "mkloaders": (options, _) = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) task_id = self.start_task("mkloaders", options) else: print("No such command: %s" % action_name) return 1 # FIXME: add tail/polling code here if task_id != INVALID_TASK: self.print_task(task_id) return self.follow_task(task_id) return 0
[docs] def print_task(self, task_id): """ Pretty print a task executed on the server. This prints to stdout. :param task_id: The id of the task to be pretty printed. """ print("task started: %s" % task_id) events = self.remote.get_events() (etime, name, status, who_viewed) = events[task_id] atime = time.asctime(time.localtime(etime)) print("task started (id=%s, time=%s)" % (name, atime))
[docs] def follow_task(self, task_id): """ Parse out this task's specific messages from the global log :param task_id: The id of the task to follow. """ logfile = "/var/log/cobbler/cobbler.log" # adapted from: with open(logfile, 'r') as file: # Find the size of the file and move to the end # st_results = os.stat(filename) # st_size = st_results[6] # while 1: where = file.tell() line = file.readline() if not line.startswith("[" + task_id + "]"): continue if line.find("### TASK COMPLETE ###") != -1: print("*** TASK COMPLETE ***") return 0 if line.find("### TASK FAILED ###") != -1: print("!!! TASK FAILED !!!") return 1 if not line: time.sleep(1) else: if line.find(" | "): line = line.split(" | ")[-1] print(line, end='')
[docs] def print_object_help(self, object_type) -> int: """ Prints the subcommands for a given object, e.g. "cobbler distro --help" :param object_type: The object type to print the help for. """ commands = OBJECT_ACTIONS_MAP[object_type] commands.sort() print("usage\n=====") for c in commands: print("cobbler %s %s" % (object_type, c)) return 2
[docs] def print_help(self) -> int: """ Prints general-top level help, e.g. "cobbler --help" or "cobbler" or "cobbler command-does-not-exist" """ print("usage\n=====") print("cobbler <distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file|menu> ... ") print(" [add|edit|copy|get-autoinstall*|list|remove|rename|report] [options|--help]") print("cobbler setting [edit|report]") print("cobbler <%s> [options|--help]" % "|".join(DIRECT_ACTIONS)) return 2
[docs] def main() -> int: """ CLI entry point """ cli = CobblerCLI(sys.argv) return_code = cli.check_setup() if return_code != 0: return return_code return_code = if return_code is None: return 0 return return_code
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())