Source code for cobbler.tftpgen

Generate files provided by TFTP server based on Cobbler object tree.
This is the code behind 'cobbler sync'.

Copyright 2006-2009, Red Hat, Inc and Others
Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan AT gmail>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301  USA
import logging
import os
import os.path
import re
import socket
from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from cobbler import enums, templar, utils, grub
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX
from cobbler.enums import Archs
from cobbler.validate import validate_autoinstall_script_name

[docs] class TFTPGen: """ Generate files provided by TFTP server """ def __init__(self, api): """ Constructor """ self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.api = api self.distros = api.distros() self.profiles = api.profiles() = self.settings = api.settings() self.repos = api.repos() self.images = api.images() self.menus = api.menus() self.templar = templar.Templar(self.api) self.bootloc = self.settings.tftpboot_location
[docs] def copy_bootloaders(self, dest): """ Copy bootloaders to the configured tftpboot directory NOTE: we support different arch's if defined in our settings file. """ src = self.settings.bootloaders_dir dest = self.bootloc # Unfortunately using shutils copy_tree the dest directory must not exist, but we must not delete an already # partly synced /srv/tftp dir here. rsync is very convenient here, being very fast on an already copied folder. utils.subprocess_call( ["rsync", "-rpt", "--copy-links", "--exclude=.cobbler_postun_cleanup", "{src}/".format(src=src), dest], shell=False ) src = self.settings.grubconfig_dir utils.subprocess_call( ["rsync", "-rpt", "--copy-links", "--exclude=README.grubconfig", "{src}/".format(src=src), dest], shell=False )
[docs] def copy_images(self): """ Like copy_distros except for images. """ errors = list() for i in self.images: try: self.copy_single_image_files(i) except CX as e: errors.append(e) self.logger.error(e.value)
[docs] def copy_single_distro_file(self, d_file: str, distro_dir: str, symlink_ok: bool): """ Copy a single file (kernel/initrd) to distro's images directory :param d_file: distro's kernel/initrd absolut or remote file path value :param distro_dir: directory (typically in {www,tftp}/images) where to copy the file :param symlink_ok: whethere it is ok to symlink the file. Typically false in case the file is used by daemons run in chroot environments (tftpd,..) :raises FileNotFoundError: Raised in case no kernel was found. """ full_path = utils.find_kernel(d_file) if not full_path: full_path = utils.find_initrd(d_file) if full_path is None or not full_path: # Will raise if None or an empty str raise FileNotFoundError("No kernel found at \"%s\", tried to copy to: \"%s\"" % (d_file, distro_dir)) # Koan manages remote kernel/initrd itself, but for consistent PXE # configurations the synchronization is still necessary if not utils.file_is_remote(full_path): b_file = os.path.basename(full_path) dst = os.path.join(distro_dir, b_file) utils.linkfile(full_path, dst, symlink_ok=symlink_ok, api=self.api) else: b_file = os.path.basename(full_path) dst = os.path.join(distro_dir, b_file) utils.copyremotefile(full_path, dst, api=None)
[docs] def copy_single_distro_files(self, d, dirtree, symlink_ok: bool): """ Copy the files needed for a single distro. :param d: The distro to copy. :param dirtree: This is the root where the images are located. The folder "images" gets automatically appended. :param symlink_ok: If it is okay to use a symlink to link the destination to the source. """ distros = os.path.join(dirtree, "images") distro_dir = os.path.join(distros, utils.mkdir(distro_dir) self.copy_single_distro_file(d.kernel, distro_dir, symlink_ok) self.copy_single_distro_file(d.initrd, distro_dir, symlink_ok)
[docs] def copy_single_image_files(self, img): """ Copies an image to the images directory of Cobbler. :param img: The image to copy. """ images_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "images2") filename = img.file if not os.path.exists(filename): # likely for virtual usage, cannot use return if not os.path.exists(images_dir): os.makedirs(images_dir) newfile = os.path.join(images_dir, utils.linkfile(filename, newfile, api=self.api)
[docs] def write_all_system_files(self, system, menu_items): """ Writes all files for tftp for a given system with the menu items handed to this method. The system must have a profile attached. Otherwise this method throws an error. :param system: The system to generate files for. :param menu_items: TODO """ profile = system.get_conceptual_parent() if profile is None: raise CX("system %(system)s references a missing profile %(profile)s" % {"system":, "profile": system.profile}) distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() image_based = False image = None if distro is None: if profile.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile": raise CX("profile %(profile)s references a missing distro %(distro)s" % {"profile": system.profile, "distro": profile.distro}) else: image_based = True image = profile pxe_metadata = {'menu_items': menu_items} # hack: s390 generates files per system not per interface if not image_based and distro.arch in (enums.Archs.S390, enums.Archs.S390X): short_name ='.')[0] s390_name = 'linux' + short_name[7:10]"Writing s390x pxe config for %s", short_name) # Always write a system specific _conf and _parm file pxe_f = os.path.join(self.bootloc, enums.Archs.S390X, "s_%s" % s390_name) conf_f = "%s_conf" % pxe_f parm_f = "%s_parm" % pxe_f"Files: (conf,param) - (%s,%s)", conf_f, parm_f) blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system) # FIXME: profiles also need this data! # gather default kernel_options and default kernel_options_s390x kernel_options = self.build_kernel_options(system, profile, distro, image, "s390x", blended.get("autoinstall", "")) kopts_aligned = "" column = 0 for option in kernel_options.split(): opt_len = len(option) if opt_len > 78: kopts_aligned += '\n' + option + ' ' column = opt_len + 1 self.logger.error("Kernel paramer [%s] too long %s" % (option, opt_len)) continue if column + opt_len > 78: kopts_aligned += '\n' + option + ' ' column = opt_len + 1 else: kopts_aligned += option + ' ' column += opt_len + 1 # Write system specific zPXE file if system.is_management_supported(): if system.netboot_enabled:"S390x: netboot_enabled") kernel_path = os.path.join("/images",, os.path.basename(distro.kernel)) initrd_path = os.path.join("/images",, os.path.basename(distro.initrd)) with open(pxe_f, 'w') as out: out.write(kernel_path + '\n' + initrd_path + '\n') with open(parm_f, 'w') as out: out.write(kopts_aligned) # Write conf file with one newline in it if netboot is enabled with open(conf_f, 'w') as out: out.write('\n') else:"S390x: netboot_disabled") # Write empty conf file if netboot is disabled open(conf_f, 'w').close() else: # ensure the files do exist"S390x: management not supported") utils.rmfile(pxe_f) utils.rmfile(conf_f) utils.rmfile(parm_f)"S390x: pxe: [%s], conf: [%s], parm: [%s]", pxe_f, conf_f, parm_f) return # generate one record for each described NIC .. for (name, _) in list(system.interfaces.items()): # Passing "pxe" here is a hack, but we need to make sure that # get_config_filename() will return a filename in the pxelinux # format. pxe_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name, loader="pxe") grub_name = system.get_config_filename(interface=name, loader="grub") if pxe_name is not None: pxe_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", pxe_name) else: pxe_path = "" if grub_name is not None: grub_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system", grub_name) else: grub_path = "" if grub_path == "" and pxe_path == "": self.logger.warning("invalid interface recorded for system (%s,%s)",, name) continue if image_based: working_arch = image.arch else: working_arch = distro.arch if working_arch is None: raise CX("internal error, invalid arch supplied") # for tftp only ... if working_arch in [Archs.I386, Archs.X86_64, Archs.ARM, Archs.AARCH64, Archs.PPC, Archs.PPC64, Archs.PPC64LE, Archs.PPC64EL]: # ToDo: This is old, move this logic into item_system.get_config_filename() pass else: continue if system.is_management_supported(): if not image_based: if pxe_path: self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, metadata=pxe_metadata) if grub_path: self.write_pxe_file(grub_path, system, profile, distro, working_arch, format="grub") # Generate a link named after system to the mac file for easier lookup link_path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "system_link", utils.rmfile(link_path) utils.mkdir(os.path.dirname(link_path)) os.symlink(os.path.join("..", "system", grub_name), link_path) else: self.write_pxe_file(pxe_path, system, None, None, working_arch, image=profile, metadata=pxe_metadata) else: # ensure the file doesn't exist utils.rmfile(pxe_path) if grub_path: utils.rmfile(grub_path)
[docs] def make_pxe_menu(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Generates pxe, ipxe and grub boot menus. """ # only do this if there is NOT a system named default. default ="default") if default is None: timeout_action = "local" else: timeout_action = default.profile boot_menu = {} metadata = self.get_menu_items() loader_metadata = metadata menu_items = metadata["menu_items"] menu_labels = metadata["menu_labels"] loader_metadata["pxe_timeout_profile"] = timeout_action # Write the PXE menu: if 'pxe' in menu_items: loader_metadata["menu_items"] = menu_items['pxe'] loader_metadata["menu_labels"] = {} outfile = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", "default") template_src = open(os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "pxe_menu.template")) template_data = boot_menu['pxe'] = self.templar.render(template_data, loader_metadata, outfile) template_src.close() # Write the iPXE menu: if 'ipxe' in menu_items: loader_metadata["menu_items"] = menu_items['ipxe'] loader_metadata["menu_labels"] = menu_labels['ipxe'] outfile = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ipxe", "default.ipxe") template_src = open(os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "ipxe_menu.template")) template_data = boot_menu['ipxe'] = self.templar.render(template_data, loader_metadata, outfile) template_src.close() # Write the grub menu: for arch in enums.Archs: arch_metadata = self.get_menu_items(arch) arch_menu_items = arch_metadata["menu_items"] if 'grub' in arch_menu_items: boot_menu["grub"] = arch_menu_items outfile = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "grub", "{0}_menu_items.cfg".format(arch.value)) with open(outfile, "w+") as fd: fd.write(arch_menu_items["grub"]) return boot_menu
[docs] def get_menu_items(self, arch: Optional[enums.Archs] = None) -> dict: """ Generates menu items for pxe, ipxe and grub. Grub menu items are grouped into submenus by profile. :param arch: The processor architecture to generate the menu items for. (Optional) :returns: A dictionary with the pxe, ipxe and grub menu items. It has the keys from utils.get_supported_system_boot_loaders(). """ return self.get_menu_level(None, arch)
[docs] def get_submenus(self, menu, metadata: dict, arch: enums.Archs): """ Generates submenus metatdata for pxe, ipxe and grub. :param menu: The menu for which boot files are generated. (Optional) :param metadata: Pass additional parameters to the ones being collected during the method. :param arch: The processor architecture to generate the menu items for. (Optional) """ if menu: child_names = menu.get_children(sort_list=True) childs = [] for child in child_names: child = self.api.find_menu(name=child) if child is not None: childs.append(child) else: childs = [child for child in self.menus if child.parent is None] nested_menu_items = {} menu_labels = {} boot_loaders = utils.get_supported_system_boot_loaders() for child in childs: temp_metadata = self.get_menu_level(child, arch) temp_items = temp_metadata["menu_items"] for boot_loader in boot_loaders: if boot_loader in temp_items: if boot_loader in nested_menu_items: nested_menu_items[boot_loader] += temp_items[boot_loader] else: nested_menu_items[boot_loader] = temp_items[boot_loader] if "ipxe" in temp_items: if "ipxe" not in menu_labels: menu_labels["ipxe"] = [] display_name = child.display_name if child.display_name and child.display_name != "" else menu_labels["ipxe"].append({"name":, "display_name": display_name}) for boot_loader in boot_loaders: if boot_loader in nested_menu_items and nested_menu_items[boot_loader] != "": nested_menu_items[boot_loader] = nested_menu_items[boot_loader][:-1] metadata["menu_items"] = nested_menu_items metadata["menu_labels"] = menu_labels
[docs] def get_profiles_menu(self, menu, metadata, arch: enums.Archs): """ Generates profiles metadata for pxe, ipxe and grub. :param menu: The menu for which boot files are generated. (Optional) :param metadata: Pass additional parameters to the ones being collected during the method. :param arch: The processor architecture to generate the menu items for. (Optional) """ if menu: profile_list = [profile for profile in self.profiles if ==] else: profile_list = [profile for profile in self.profiles if is None or == ""] profile_list = sorted(profile_list, key=lambda profile: if arch: profile_list = [profile for profile in profile_list if profile.arch == arch] current_menu_items = {} menu_labels = metadata["menu_labels"] for profile in profile_list: if not profile.enable_menu: # This profile has been excluded from the menu continue arch = None distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() boot_loaders = profile.boot_loaders if distro: arch = distro.arch for boot_loader in boot_loaders: if boot_loader not in profile.boot_loaders: continue contents = self.write_pxe_file(filename=None, system=None, profile=profile, distro=distro, arch=arch, image=None, format=boot_loader) if contents and contents != "": if boot_loader not in current_menu_items: current_menu_items[boot_loader] = "" current_menu_items[boot_loader] += contents # iPXE Level menu if boot_loader == "ipxe": current_menu_items[boot_loader] += "\n" if "ipxe" not in menu_labels: menu_labels["ipxe"] = [] menu_labels["ipxe"].append({"name":, "display_name":}) metadata["menu_items"] = current_menu_items metadata["menu_labels"] = menu_labels
[docs] def get_images_menu(self, menu, metadata, arch: enums.Archs): """ Generates profiles metadata for pxe, ipxe and grub. :param menu: The menu for which boot files are generated. (Optional) :param metadata: Pass additional parameters to the ones being collected during the method. :param arch: The processor architecture to generate the menu items for. (Optional) """ if menu: image_list = [image for image in self.images if ==] else: image_list = [image for image in self.images if is None or == ""] image_list = sorted(image_list, key=lambda image: current_menu_items = metadata["menu_items"] menu_labels = metadata["menu_labels"] # image names towards the bottom for image in image_list: if os.path.exists(image.file): arch = image.arch boot_loaders = image.boot_loaders for boot_loader in boot_loaders: if boot_loader not in image.boot_loaders: continue contents = self.write_pxe_file(filename=None, system=None, profile=None, distro=None, arch=arch, image=image, format=boot_loader) if contents and contents != "": if boot_loader not in current_menu_items: current_menu_items[boot_loader] = "" current_menu_items[boot_loader] += contents # iPXE Level menu if boot_loader == "ipxe": current_menu_items[boot_loader] += "\n" if "ipxe" not in menu_labels: menu_labels["ipxe"] = [] menu_labels["ipxe"].append({"name":, "display_name":}) boot_loaders = utils.get_supported_system_boot_loaders() for boot_loader in boot_loaders: if boot_loader in current_menu_items and current_menu_items[boot_loader] != "": current_menu_items[boot_loader] = current_menu_items[boot_loader][:-1] metadata["menu_items"] = current_menu_items metadata["menu_labels"] = menu_labels
[docs] def get_menu_level(self, menu=None, arch: enums.Archs = None) -> dict: """ Generates menu items for submenus, pxe, ipxe and grub. :param menu: The menu for which boot files are generated. (Optional) :param arch: The processor architecture to generate the menu items for. (Optional) :returns: A dictionary with the pxe and grub menu items. It has the keys from utils.get_supported_system_boot_loaders(). """ metadata = {} template_data = {} boot_loaders = utils.get_supported_system_boot_loaders() for boot_loader in boot_loaders: template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "%s_submenu.template" % boot_loader) if os.path.exists(template): with open(template) as template_fh: template_data[boot_loader] = if menu: parent_menu = menu.parent metadata["menu_name"] = metadata["menu_label"] = \ menu.display_name if menu.display_name and menu.display_name != "" else if parent_menu: metadata["parent_menu_name"] = if parent_menu.display_name and parent_menu.display_name != "": metadata["parent_menu_label"] = parent_menu.display_name else: metadata["parent_menu_label"] = else: metadata["parent_menu_name"] = "Cobbler" metadata["parent menu_label"] = "Cobbler" else: self.logger.warning("Template for building a submenu not found for bootloader \"%s\"! Submenu " "structure thus missing for this bootloader.", boot_loader) self.get_submenus(menu, metadata, arch) nested_menu_items = metadata["menu_items"] self.get_profiles_menu(menu, metadata, arch) current_menu_items = metadata["menu_items"] self.get_images_menu(menu, metadata, arch) current_menu_items = metadata["menu_items"] menu_items = {} menu_labels = metadata["menu_labels"] line_pat = re.compile(r"^(.+)$", re.MULTILINE) line_sub = "\t\\g<1>" for boot_loader in boot_loaders: if boot_loader not in nested_menu_items and boot_loader not in current_menu_items: continue menu_items[boot_loader] = "" if boot_loader == "ipxe": if menu: if boot_loader in current_menu_items: menu_items[boot_loader] = current_menu_items[boot_loader] if boot_loader in nested_menu_items: menu_items[boot_loader] += nested_menu_items[boot_loader] else: if boot_loader in nested_menu_items: menu_items[boot_loader] = nested_menu_items[boot_loader] if boot_loader in current_menu_items: menu_items[boot_loader] += '\n' + current_menu_items[boot_loader] else: if boot_loader in nested_menu_items: menu_items[boot_loader] = nested_menu_items[boot_loader] if boot_loader in current_menu_items: if menu is None: menu_items[boot_loader] += '\n' menu_items[boot_loader] += current_menu_items[boot_loader] # Indentation for nested pxe and grub menu items. if menu: menu_items[boot_loader] = line_pat.sub(line_sub, menu_items[boot_loader]) if menu and boot_loader in template_data: metadata["menu_items"] = menu_items[boot_loader] if boot_loader in menu_labels: metadata["menu_labels"] = menu_labels[boot_loader] menu_items[boot_loader] = self.templar.render(template_data[boot_loader], metadata, None) if boot_loader == "ipxe": menu_items[boot_loader] += '\n' metadata["menu_items"] = menu_items metadata["menu_labels"] = menu_labels return metadata
[docs] def write_pxe_file(self, filename, system, profile, distro, arch: Archs, image=None, metadata=None, format: str = "pxe") -> str: """ Write a configuration file for the boot loader(s). More system-specific configuration may come in later, if so that would appear inside the system object in Can be used for different formats, "pxe" (default) and "grub". :param filename: If present this writes the output into the giving filename. If not present this method just returns the generated configuration. :param system: If you supply a system there are other templates used then when using only a profile/image/ distro. :param profile: The profile to generate the pxe-file for. :param distro: If you don't ship an image, this is needed. Otherwise this just supplies information needed for the templates. :param arch: The processor architecture to generate the pxefile for. :param image: If you want to be able to deploy an image, supply this parameter. :param metadata: Pass additional parameters to the ones being collected during the method. :param format: Can be any of those returned by utils.get_supported_system_boot_loaders(). :return: The generated filecontent for the required item. """ if arch is None: raise CX("missing arch") if image and not os.path.exists(image.file): return None # nfs:// URLs or something, can't use for TFTP if metadata is None: metadata = {} boot_loaders = None if system: boot_loaders = system.boot_loaders metadata["menu_label"] = metadata["menu_name"] = elif profile: boot_loaders = profile.boot_loaders metadata["menu_label"] = metadata["menu_name"] = elif image: boot_loaders = image.boot_loaders metadata["menu_label"] = metadata["menu_name"] = if boot_loaders is None or format not in boot_loaders: return None settings = utils.input_string_or_dict(self.settings.to_dict()) metadata.update(settings) # --- # just some random variables buffer = "" template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, format + ".template") self.build_kernel(metadata, system, profile, distro, image, format) # generate the kernel options and append line: kernel_options = self.build_kernel_options(system, profile, distro, image, arch, metadata["autoinstall"]) metadata["kernel_options"] = kernel_options if distro and distro.os_version.startswith("esxi") and filename is not None: append_line = "BOOTIF=%s" % (os.path.basename(filename)) elif "initrd_path" in metadata: append_line = "append initrd=%s" % (metadata["initrd_path"]) else: append_line = "append " append_line = "%s%s" % (append_line, kernel_options) if distro and distro.os_version.startswith("xenserver620"): append_line = "%s" % (kernel_options) metadata["append_line"] = append_line # store variables for templating if system: if system.serial_device > -1 or system.serial_baud_rate != enums.BaudRates.DISABLED: if system.serial_device == -1: serial_device = 0 else: serial_device = system.serial_device if system.serial_baud_rate == enums.BaudRates.DISABLED: serial_baud_rate = 115200 else: serial_baud_rate = system.serial_baud_rate.value if format == "pxe": buffer += "serial %d %d\n" % (serial_device, serial_baud_rate) elif format == "grub": buffer += "set serial_console=true\nset serial_baud={baud}\nset serial_line={device}\n" \ .format(baud=serial_baud_rate, device=serial_device) # get the template if metadata["kernel_path"] is not None: template_fh = open(template) template_data = template_fh.close() else: # this is something we can't PXE boot template_data = "\n" # save file and/or return results, depending on how called. buffer += self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, None) if filename is not None:"generating: %s", filename) # Ensure destination path exists to avoid race condition if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): utils.mkdir(os.path.dirname(filename)) with open(filename, "w") as fd: fd.write(buffer) return buffer
[docs] def build_kernel(self, metadata, system, profile, distro, image=None, boot_loader: str = "pxe"): """ Generates kernel and initrd metadata. :param metadata: Pass additional parameters to the ones being collected during the method. :param profile: The profile to generate the pxe-file for. :param distro: If you don't ship an image, this is needed. Otherwise this just supplies information needed for the templates. :param image: If you want to be able to deploy an image, supply this parameter. :param boot_loader: Can be any of those returned by utils.get_supported_system_boot_loaders(). """ kernel_path = None initrd_path = None img_path = None # --- if system: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system) meta_blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, system) elif profile: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, profile) meta_blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, profile) elif image: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, image) meta_blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, image) else: blended = {} meta_blended = {} autoinstall_meta = meta_blended.get("autoinstall_meta", {}) metadata.update(blended) if image is None: # not image based, it's something normalish img_path = os.path.join("/images", if boot_loader in ["grub", "ipxe"]: if distro.remote_grub_kernel: kernel_path = distro.remote_grub_kernel if distro.remote_grub_initrd: initrd_path = distro.remote_grub_initrd if 'http' in distro.kernel and 'http' in distro.initrd: if not kernel_path: kernel_path = distro.kernel if not initrd_path: initrd_path = distro.initrd if not kernel_path: kernel_path = os.path.join(img_path, os.path.basename(distro.kernel)) if not initrd_path: initrd_path = os.path.join(img_path, os.path.basename(distro.initrd)) else: # this is an image we are making available, not kernel+initrd if image.image_type == "direct": kernel_path = os.path.join("/images2", elif image.image_type == "memdisk": kernel_path = "/memdisk" initrd_path = os.path.join("/images2", else: # CD-ROM ISO or virt-clone image? We can't PXE boot it. kernel_path = None initrd_path = None if "img_path" not in metadata: metadata["img_path"] = img_path if "kernel_path" not in metadata: metadata["kernel_path"] = kernel_path if "initrd_path" not in metadata: metadata["initrd_path"] = initrd_path if "kernel" in autoinstall_meta: kernel_path = autoinstall_meta["kernel"] if not utils.file_is_remote(kernel_path): kernel_path = os.path.join(img_path, os.path.basename(kernel_path)) metadata["kernel_path"] = kernel_path metadata["initrd"] = self._generate_initrd(autoinstall_meta, kernel_path, initrd_path, boot_loader) if boot_loader == "grub" and utils.file_is_remote(kernel_path): metadata["kernel_path"] = grub.parse_grub_remote_file(kernel_path)
[docs] def build_kernel_options(self, system, profile, distro, image, arch: enums.Archs, autoinstall_path) -> str: """ Builds the full kernel options line. :param system: The system to generate the kernel options for. :param profile: Although the system contains the profile please specify it explicitly here. :param distro: Although the profile contains the distribution please specify it explicitly here. :param image: The image to generate the kernel options for. :param arch: The processor architecture to generate the kernel options for. :param autoinstall_path: The autoinstallation path. Normally this will be a URL because you want to pass a link to an autoyast, preseed or kickstart file. :return: The generated kernel line options. """ management_interface = None management_mac = None if system is not None: blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, system) # find the first management interface try: for intf in list(system.interfaces.keys()): if system.interfaces[intf].management: management_interface = intf if system.interfaces[intf].mac_address: management_mac = system.interfaces[intf].mac_address break except: # just skip this then pass elif profile is not None: blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, profile) else: blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, image) append_line = "" kopts = blended.get("kernel_options", dict()) kopts = utils.revert_strip_none(kopts) # SUSE and other distro specific kernel additions or modifications if distro is not None: if system is None: utils.kopts_overwrite(kopts, self.settings.server, distro.breed) else: utils.kopts_overwrite(kopts, self.settings.server, distro.breed, # support additional initrd= entries in kernel options. if "initrd" in kopts: append_line = ",%s" % kopts.pop("initrd") hkopts = utils.dict_to_string(kopts) append_line = "%s %s" % (append_line, hkopts) # automatic installation file path rewriting (get URLs for local files) if autoinstall_path: # FIXME: need to make shorter rewrite rules for these URLs # changing http_server's server component to its IP address was intruduced with # # to shorten the message length for S390 systems. # On multi-homed cobbler servers, this can lead to serious problems when installing # systems in a dedicated isolated installation subnet: # - typically, $server is reachable by name (DNS resolution assumed) both during PXE # install and during production, but via different IP addresses # - $http_server is explicitly constructed from $server # - the IP address for $server may resolv differently between cobbler server (production) # and installing system # - using IP($http_server) below may need to set $server in a way that matches the installation # network # - using $server for later repository access then will fail, because the installation address # isn't reachable for production systems # # In order to make the revert less intrusive, it'll depend on a configuration setting if self.settings and self.settings.convert_server_to_ip: try: httpserveraddress = socket.gethostbyname_ex(blended["http_server"])[2][0] except socket.gaierror: httpserveraddress = blended["http_server"] else: httpserveraddress = blended["http_server"] URL_REGEX = "[a-zA-Z]*://.*" local_autoinstall_file = not re.match(URL_REGEX, autoinstall_path) if local_autoinstall_file: if system is not None: autoinstall_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/autoinstall/system/%s" % (httpserveraddress, else: autoinstall_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/autoinstall/profile/%s" \ % (httpserveraddress, if distro.breed is None or distro.breed == "redhat": if distro.os_version in ["rhel4", "rhel5", "rhel6", "fedora16"]: append_line += f" kssendmac ks={autoinstall_path}" if blended["autoinstall_meta"].get("tree"): append_line += f" repo={blended['autoinstall_meta']['tree']}" else: append_line += f" inst.ks.sendmac inst.ks={autoinstall_path}" if blended["autoinstall_meta"].get("tree"): append_line += ( f" inst.repo={blended['autoinstall_meta']['tree']}" ) ipxe = blended["enable_ipxe"] if ipxe: append_line = append_line.replace('ksdevice=bootif', 'ksdevice=${net0/mac}') elif distro.breed == "suse": append_line = "%s autoyast=%s" % (append_line, autoinstall_path) if management_mac and distro.arch not in (enums.Archs.S390, enums.Archs.S390X): append_line += " netdevice=%s" % management_mac elif distro.breed == "debian" or distro.breed == "ubuntu": append_line = "%s auto-install/enable=true priority=critical netcfg/choose_interface=auto url=%s" \ % (append_line, autoinstall_path) if management_interface: append_line += " netcfg/choose_interface=%s" % management_interface elif distro.breed == "freebsd": append_line = "%s ks=%s" % (append_line, autoinstall_path) # rework kernel options for debian distros translations = {'ksdevice': "interface", 'lang': "locale"} for k, v in list(translations.items()): append_line = append_line.replace("%s=" % k, "%s=" % v) # interface=bootif causes a failure append_line = append_line.replace("interface=bootif", "") elif distro.breed == "vmware": if distro.os_version.find("esxi") != -1: # ESXi is very picky, it's easier just to redo the # entire append line here since append_line = " ks=%s %s" % (autoinstall_path, hkopts) # ESXi likes even fewer options, so we remove them too append_line = append_line.replace("kssendmac", "") else: append_line = "%s vmkopts=debugLogToSerial:1 mem=512M ks=%s" % \ (append_line, autoinstall_path) # interface=bootif causes a failure append_line = append_line.replace("ksdevice=bootif", "") elif distro.breed == "xen": if distro.os_version.find("xenserver620") != -1: img_path = os.path.join("/images", append_line = "append %s/xen.gz dom0_max_vcpus=2 dom0_mem=752M com1=115200,8n1 console=com1," \ "vga --- %s/vmlinuz xencons=hvc console=hvc0 console=tty0 install answerfile=%s ---" \ " %s/install.img" % (img_path, img_path, autoinstall_path, img_path) return append_line elif distro.breed == "powerkvm": append_line += " kssendmac" append_line = "%s" % (append_line, autoinstall_path) if distro is not None and (distro.breed in ["debian", "ubuntu"]): # Hostname is required as a parameter, the one in the preseed is not respected, so calculate if we have one # here. # We're trying: first part of FQDN in hostname field, then system name, then profile name. # In Ubuntu, this is at least used for the volume group name when using LVM. domain = "local.lan" if system is not None: if system.hostname is not None and system.hostname != "": # If this is a FQDN, grab the first bit hostname = system.hostname.split(".")[0] _domain = system.hostname.split(".")[1:] if _domain: domain = ".".join(_domain) else: hostname = else: # ubuntu at the very least does not like having underscores # in the hostname. # FIXME: Really this should remove all characters that are # forbidden in hostnames hostname ="_", "") # At least for debian deployments configured for DHCP networking this values are not used, but specifying # here avoids questions append_line = "%s hostname=%s" % (append_line, hostname) append_line = "%s domain=%s" % (append_line, domain) # A similar issue exists with suite name, as installer requires the existence of "stable" in the dists # directory append_line = "%s suite=%s" % (append_line, distro.os_version) # append necessary kernel args for arm architectures if arch is enums.Archs.ARM: append_line = "%s fixrtc vram=48M omapfb.vram=0:24M" % append_line # do variable substitution on the append line # promote all of the autoinstall_meta variables if "autoinstall_meta" in blended: blended.update(blended["autoinstall_meta"]) append_line = self.templar.render(append_line, utils.flatten(blended), None) # For now console=ttySx,BAUDRATE are only set for systems # This could get enhanced for profile/distro via utils.blender (inheritance) # This also is architecture specific. E.g: Some ARM consoles need: console=ttyAMAx,BAUDRATE # I guess we need a serial_kernel_dev = param, that can be set to "ttyAMA" if needed. if system and arch == Archs.X86_64: if system.serial_device > -1 or system.serial_baud_rate != enums.BaudRates.DISABLED: if system.serial_device == -1: serial_device = 0 else: serial_device = system.serial_device if system.serial_baud_rate == enums.BaudRates.DISABLED: serial_baud_rate = 115200 else: serial_baud_rate = system.serial_baud_rate.value append_line = "%s console=ttyS%s,%s" % (append_line, serial_device, serial_baud_rate) # FIXME - the append_line length limit is architecture specific if len(append_line) >= 1023: self.logger.warning("warning: kernel option length exceeds 1023") return append_line
[docs] def write_templates(self, obj, write_file: bool = False, path=None) -> Dict[str, str]: """ A semi-generic function that will take an object with a template_files dict {source:destiation}, and generate a rendered file. The write_file option allows for generating of the rendered output without actually creating any files. :param obj: The object to write the template files for. :param write_file: If the generated template should be written to the disk. :param path: TODO: A useless parameter? :return: A dict of the destination file names (after variable substitution is done) and the data in the file. """"Writing template files for %s", results = {} try: templates = obj.template_files except: return results blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj) if obj.COLLECTION_TYPE == "distro": if"esxi[567]", obj.os_version) is not None: realbootcfg = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(obj.kernel), 'boot.cfg')).read() bootmodules = re.findall(r'modules=(.*)', realbootcfg) for modules in bootmodules: blended['esx_modules'] = modules.replace('/', '') autoinstall_meta = blended.get("autoinstall_meta", {}) try: del blended["autoinstall_meta"] except: pass blended.update(autoinstall_meta) # make available at top level templates = blended.get("template_files", {}) try: del blended["template_files"] except: pass blended.update(templates) # make available at top level templates = utils.input_string_or_dict(templates) # FIXME: img_path and local_img_path should probably be moved up into the blender function to ensure they're # consistently available to templates across the board. if blended["distro_name"]: blended['img_path'] = os.path.join("/images", blended["distro_name"]) blended['local_img_path'] = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "images", blended["distro_name"]) for template in list(templates.keys()): dest = templates[template] if dest is None: continue # Run the source and destination files through templar first to allow for variables in the path template = self.templar.render(template, blended, None).strip() dest = os.path.normpath(self.templar.render(dest, blended, None).strip()) # Get the path for the destination output dest_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(dest)) # If we're looking for a single template, skip if this ones destination is not it. if path is not None and path != dest: continue # If we are writing output to a file, we allow files tobe written into the tftpboot directory, otherwise # force all templated configs into the rendered directory to ensure that a user granted cobbler privileges # via sudo can't overwrite arbitrary system files (This also makes cleanup easier). if os.path.isabs(dest_dir) and write_file: if dest_dir.find(self.bootloc) != 0: raise CX(" warning: template destination (%s) is outside %s, skipping." % (dest_dir, self.bootloc)) elif write_file: dest_dir = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "rendered", dest_dir) dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(dest)) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): utils.mkdir(dest_dir) # Check for problems if not os.path.exists(template): raise CX("template source %s does not exist" % template) elif write_file and not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): raise CX("template destination (%s) is invalid" % dest_dir) elif write_file and os.path.exists(dest): raise CX("template destination (%s) already exists" % dest) elif write_file and os.path.isdir(dest): raise CX("template destination (%s) is a directory" % dest) elif template == "" or dest == "": raise CX("either the template source or destination was blank (unknown variable used?)") template_fh = open(template) template_data = template_fh.close() buffer = self.templar.render(template_data, blended, None) results[dest] = buffer if write_file:"generating: %s", dest) fd = open(dest, "w") fd.write(buffer) fd.close() return results
[docs] def generate_ipxe(self, what: str, name: str) -> str: """ Generate the ipxe files. :param what: Either "profile" or "system". All other item types not valid. :param name: The name of the profile or system. :return: The rendered template. """ if what.lower() not in ("profile", "image", "system"): return "# ipxe is only valid for profiles, images and systems" distro = None image = None profile = None system = None if what == "profile": profile = self.api.find_profile(name=name) if profile: distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() elif what == "image": image = self.api.find_image(name=name) else: system = self.api.find_system(name=name) if system: profile = system.get_conceptual_parent() if profile and profile.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile": distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() else: image = profile profile = None if distro: arch = distro.arch elif image: arch = image.arch else: return "" result = self.write_pxe_file(None, system, profile, distro, arch, image, format='ipxe') return "" if not result else result
[docs] def generate_bootcfg(self, what: str, name: str) -> str: """ Generate a bootcfg for a system of profile. :param what: The type for what the bootcfg is generated for. Must be "profile" or "system". :param name: The name of the item which the bootcfg should be generated for. :return: The fully rendered bootcfg as a string. """ if what.lower() not in ("profile", "system"): return "# bootcfg is only valid for profiles and systems" if what == "profile": obj = self.api.find_profile(name=name) distro = obj.get_conceptual_parent() else: obj = self.api.find_system(name=name) distro = obj.get_conceptual_parent().get_conceptual_parent() # For multi-arch distros, the distro name in distro_mirror may not contain the arch string, so we need to figure # out the path based on where the kernel is stored. We do this because some distros base future downloads on the # initial URL passed in, so all of the files need to be at this location (which is why we can't use the images # link, which just contains the kernel and initrd). distro_mirror_name = ''.join(distro.kernel.split('/')[-2:-1]) blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj) if distro.os_version.startswith("esxi"): with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(distro.kernel), 'boot.cfg')) as f: bootmodules = re.findall(r'modules=(.*)', for modules in bootmodules: blended['esx_modules'] = modules.replace('/', '') autoinstall_meta = blended.get("autoinstall_meta", {}) try: del blended["autoinstall_meta"] except: pass blended.update(autoinstall_meta) # make available at top level blended['distro'] = distro_mirror_name # FIXME: img_path should probably be moved up into the blender function to ensure they're consistently # available to templates across the board if obj.enable_ipxe: blended['img_path'] = 'http://%s:%s/cobbler/links/%s' % (self.settings.server, self.settings.http_port, else: blended['img_path'] = os.path.join("/images", template = os.path.join(self.settings.boot_loader_conf_template_dir, "bootcfg.template") if not os.path.exists(template): return "# boot.cfg template not found for the %s named %s (filename=%s)" % (what, name, template) template_fh = open(template) template_data = template_fh.close() return self.templar.render(template_data, blended, None)
[docs] def generate_script(self, what: str, objname: str, script_name: str) -> str: """ Generate a script from a autoinstall script template for a given profile or system. :param what: The type for what the bootcfg is generated for. Must be "profile" or "system". :param objname: The name of the item which the bootcfg should be generated for. :param script_name: The name of the template which should be rendered for the system or profile. :return: The fully rendered script as a string. """ if what == "profile": obj = self.api.find_profile(name=objname) elif what == "system": obj = self.api.find_system(name=objname) else: raise ValueError("\"what\" needs to be either \"profile\" or \"system\"!") if not validate_autoinstall_script_name(script_name): raise ValueError("\"script_name\" handed to generate_script was not valid!") if not obj: return "# \"%s\" named \"%s\" not found" % (what, objname) distro = obj.get_conceptual_parent() while distro.get_conceptual_parent(): distro = distro.get_conceptual_parent() blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj) autoinstall_meta = blended.get("autoinstall_meta", {}) try: del blended["autoinstall_meta"] except: pass blended.update(autoinstall_meta) # make available at top level # FIXME: img_path should probably be moved up into the blender function to ensure they're consistently # available to templates across the board if obj.enable_ipxe: blended['img_path'] = 'http://%s:%s/cobbler/links/%s' % (self.settings.server, self.settings.http_port, else: blended['img_path'] = os.path.join("/images", scripts_root = "/var/lib/cobbler/scripts" template = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(scripts_root, script_name)) if not template.startswith(scripts_root): return "# script template \"%s\" could not be found in the script root" % script_name if not os.path.exists(template): return "# script template \"%s\" not found" % script_name with open(template) as template_fh: template_data = return self.templar.render(template_data, blended, None)
def _build_windows_initrd(self, loader_name: str, custom_loader_name: str, format: str) -> str: """ Generate a initrd metadata for Windows. :param loader_name: The loader name. :param custom_loader_name: The loader name in profile or system. :param format: Can be any of those returned by get_supported_system_boot_loaders. :return: The fully generated initrd string for the boot loader. """ initrd_line = custom_loader_name if format == "ipxe": initrd_line = f"--name {loader_name} {custom_loader_name} {loader_name}" elif format == "pxe": initrd_line = f"{custom_loader_name}@{loader_name}" elif format == "grub": loader_path = custom_loader_name if utils.file_is_remote(loader_path): loader_path = grub.parse_grub_remote_file(custom_loader_name) initrd_line = f"newc:{loader_name}:{loader_path}" return initrd_line def _generate_initrd(self, autoinstall_meta: dict, kernel_path, initrd_path, format: str) -> List[str]: """ Generate a initrd metadata. :param autoinstall_meta: The kernel options. :param kernel_path: Path to the kernel. :param initrd_path: Path to the initrd. :param format: Can be any of those returned by get_supported_system_boot_loaders. :return: The array of additional boot load files. """ initrd = [] if "initrd" in autoinstall_meta: initrd = autoinstall_meta["initrd"] if kernel_path and "wimboot" in kernel_path: remote_boot_files = utils.file_is_remote(kernel_path) if remote_boot_files: loaders_path = 'http://@@http_server@@/cobbler/images/@@distro_name@@/' initrd_path = loaders_path + os.path.basename(initrd_path) else: (loaders_path, kernel_name) = os.path.split(kernel_path) loaders_path += '/' bootmgr_path = bcd_path = wim_path = loaders_path if initrd_path: initrd.append(self._build_windows_initrd("boot.sdi", initrd_path, format)) if "bootmgr" in autoinstall_meta: initrd.append(self._build_windows_initrd("bootmgr.exe", bootmgr_path + autoinstall_meta["bootmgr"], format)) if "bcd" in autoinstall_meta: initrd.append(self._build_windows_initrd("bcd", bcd_path + autoinstall_meta["bcd"], format)) if "winpe" in autoinstall_meta: initrd.append( self._build_windows_initrd( autoinstall_meta["winpe"], wim_path + autoinstall_meta["winpe"], format, ) ) else: if initrd_path: initrd.append(initrd_path) return initrd