This module contains the specific code to generate a network bootable ISO.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import pathlib
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from cobbler import utils
from cobbler.actions import buildiso
from cobbler.actions.buildiso import BootFilesCopyset, LoaderCfgsParts
from cobbler.enums import Archs
from cobbler.utils import filesystem_helpers
from cobbler.items.distro import Distro
from cobbler.items.profile import Profile
from cobbler.items.system import System
[docs]class AppendLineBuilder:
This class is meant to be initiated for a single append line. Afterwards the object should be disposed.
def __init__(self, distro_name: str, data: Dict[str, Any]):
self.append_line = ""
self.data = data
self.distro_name = distro_name
self.dist: Optional["Distro"] = None
self.system_interface: Optional[str] = None
self.system_ip = None
self.system_netmask = None
self.system_gw = None
self.system_dns: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None
def _system_int_append_line(self) -> None:
This generates the interface configuration for the system to boot for the append line.
if self.dist is None:
if self.system_interface is not None:
intmac = "mac_address_" + self.system_interface
if self.dist.breed == "suse":
if self.data.get(intmac, "") != "":
self.append_line += f" netdevice={self.data['mac_address_' + self.system_interface].lower()}"
self.append_line += f" netdevice={self.system_interface}"
elif self.dist.breed == "redhat":
if self.data.get(intmac, "") != "":
self.append_line += (
f" ksdevice={self.data['mac_address_' + self.system_interface]}"
self.append_line += f" ksdevice={self.system_interface}"
elif self.dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
self.append_line += f" netcfg/choose_interface={self.system_interface}"
def _system_ip_append_line(self) -> None:
This generates the IP configuration for the system to boot for the append line.
if self.dist is None:
if self.system_ip is not None:
if self.dist.breed == "suse":
self.append_line += f" hostip={self.system_ip}"
elif self.dist.breed == "redhat":
self.append_line += f" ip={self.system_ip}"
elif self.dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
self.append_line += f" netcfg/get_ipaddress={self.system_ip}"
def _system_mask_append_line(self) -> None:
This generates the netmask configuration for the system to boot for the append line.
if self.dist is None:
if self.system_netmask is not None:
if self.dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
self.append_line += f" netmask={self.system_netmask}"
elif self.dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
self.append_line += f" netcfg/get_netmask={self.system_netmask}"
def _system_gw_append_line(self) -> None:
This generates the gateway configuration for the system to boot for the append line.
if self.dist is None:
if self.system_gw is not None:
if self.dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
self.append_line += f" gateway={self.system_gw}"
elif self.dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
self.append_line += f" netcfg/get_gateway={self.system_gw}"
def _system_dns_append_line(self, exclude_dns: bool) -> None:
This generates the DNS configuration for the system to boot for the append line.
:param exclude_dns: If this flag is set to True, the DNS configuration is skipped.
if self.dist is None:
if not exclude_dns and self.system_dns is not None:
if self.dist.breed == "suse":
nameserver_key = "nameserver"
elif self.dist.breed == "redhat":
nameserver_key = "dns"
elif self.dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
nameserver_key = "netcfg/get_nameservers"
if isinstance(self.system_dns, list):
joined_nameservers = ",".join(self.system_dns)
if joined_nameservers != "":
self.append_line += f" {nameserver_key}={joined_nameservers}"
self.append_line += f" {nameserver_key}={self.system_dns}"
def _generate_static_ip_boot_interface(self) -> None:
The interface to use when the system boots.
if self.dist is None:
if self.dist.breed == "redhat":
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("ksdevice", "") != "":
self.system_interface = self.data["kernel_options"]["ksdevice"]
if self.system_interface == "bootif":
self.system_interface = None
del self.data["kernel_options"]["ksdevice"]
elif self.dist.breed == "suse":
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("netdevice", "") != "":
self.system_interface = self.data["kernel_options"]["netdevice"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["netdevice"]
elif self.dist.breed in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("netcfg/choose_interface", "") != "":
self.system_interface = self.data["kernel_options"][
del self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/choose_interface"]
def _generate_static_ip_boot_ip(self) -> None:
Generate the IP which is used during the installation process. This respects overrides.
if self.dist is None:
if self.dist.breed == "redhat":
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("ip", "") != "":
self.system_ip = self.data["kernel_options"]["ip"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["ip"]
elif self.dist.breed == "suse":
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("hostip", "") != "":
self.system_ip = self.data["kernel_options"]["hostip"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["hostip"]
elif self.dist.breed in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("netcfg/get_ipaddress", "") != "":
self.system_ip = self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_ipaddress"]
def _generate_static_ip_boot_mask(self) -> None:
Generate the Netmask which is used during the installation process. This respects overrides.
if self.dist is None:
if self.dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("netmask", "") != "":
self.system_netmask = self.data["kernel_options"]["netmask"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["netmask"]
elif self.dist.breed in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("netcfg/get_netmask", "") != "":
self.system_netmask = self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_netmask"]
def _generate_static_ip_boot_gateway(self) -> None:
Generate the Gateway which is used during the installation process. This respects overrides.
if self.dist is None:
if self.dist.breed in ["suse", "redhat"]:
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("gateway", "") != "":
self.system_gw = self.data["kernel_options"]["gateway"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["gateway"]
elif self.dist.breed in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("netcfg/get_gateway", "") != "":
self.system_gw = self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_gateway"]
def _generate_static_ip_boot_dns(self) -> None:
Generates the static Boot DNS Server which is used for resolving Domains.
if self.dist is None:
if self.dist.breed == "redhat":
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("dns", "") != "":
self.system_dns = self.data["kernel_options"]["dns"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["dns"]
elif self.dist.breed == "suse":
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("nameserver", "") != "":
self.system_dns = self.data["kernel_options"]["nameserver"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["nameserver"]
elif self.dist.breed in ["debian", "ubuntu"]:
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("netcfg/get_nameservers", "") != "":
self.system_dns = self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_nameservers"]
del self.data["kernel_options"]["netcfg/get_nameservers"]
def _generate_static_ip_boot_options(self) -> None:
Try to add static ip boot options to avoid DHCP (interface/ip/netmask/gw/dns)
Check for overrides first and clear them from kernel_options
def _generate_append_redhat(self) -> None:
Generate additional content for the append line in case that dist is a RedHat based one.
if self.data.get("proxy", "") != "":
self.append_line += (
f" proxy={self.data['proxy']} http_proxy={self.data['proxy']}"
if self.dist and self.dist.os_version in [
self.append_line += f" ks={self.data['autoinstall']}"
if self.data["autoinstall_meta"].get("tree"):
self.append_line += f" repo={self.data['autoinstall_meta']['tree']}"
self.append_line += f" inst.ks={self.data['autoinstall']}"
if self.data["autoinstall_meta"].get("tree"):
self.append_line += (
f" inst.repo={self.data['autoinstall_meta']['tree']}"
def _generate_append_debian(self, system: "System") -> None:
Generate additional content for the append line in case that dist is Ubuntu or Debian.
:param system: The system which the append line should be generated for.
if self.dist is None:
self.append_line += f" auto-install/enable=true url={self.data['autoinstall']} netcfg/disable_autoconfig=true"
if self.data.get("proxy", "") != "":
self.append_line += f" mirror/http/proxy={self.data['proxy']}"
# hostname is required as a parameter, the one in the preseed is not respected
my_domain = "local.lan"
if system.hostname != "":
# if this is a FQDN, grab the first bit
my_hostname = system.hostname.split(".")[0]
_domain = system.hostname.split(".")[1:]
if _domain:
my_domain = ".".join(_domain)
my_hostname = system.name.split(".")[0]
_domain = system.name.split(".")[1:]
if _domain:
my_domain = ".".join(_domain)
# At least for debian deployments configured for DHCP networking this values are not used, but
# specifying here avoids questions
self.append_line += f" hostname={my_hostname} domain={my_domain}"
# A similar issue exists with suite name, as installer requires the existence of "stable" in the dists
# directory
self.append_line += f" suite={self.dist.os_version}"
def _generate_append_suse(self, scheme: str = "http") -> None:
Special adjustments for generating the append line for suse.
:param scheme: This can be either ``http`` or ``https``.
:return: The updated append line. If the distribution is not SUSE, then nothing is changed.
if self.dist is None:
if self.data.get("proxy", "") != "":
self.append_line += f" proxy={self.data['proxy']}"
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("install", "") != "":
self.append_line += f" install={self.data['kernel_options']['install']}"
del self.data["kernel_options"]["install"]
self.append_line += (
f" install={scheme}://{self.data['server']}:{self.data['http_port']}/cblr/"
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("autoyast", "") != "":
self.append_line += f" autoyast={self.data['kernel_options']['autoyast']}"
del self.data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
self.append_line += f" autoyast={self.data['autoinstall']}"
def _adjust_interface_config(self) -> None:
If no kernel_options overrides are present find the management interface do nothing when zero or multiple
management interfaces are found.
if self.system_interface is None:
mgmt_ints: List[str] = []
mgmt_ints_multi: List[str] = []
slave_ints: List[str] = []
for iname, idata in self.data["interfaces"].items():
if idata["management"] and idata["interface_type"] in [
# bonded/bridged management interface
if idata["management"] and idata["interface_type"] not in [
# single management interface
if len(mgmt_ints_multi) == 1 and len(mgmt_ints) == 0:
# Bonded/bridged management interface, find a slave interface if eth0 is a slave use that (it's what
# people expect)
for iname, idata in self.data["interfaces"].items():
if (
in ["bond_slave", "bridge_slave", "bonded_bridge_slave"]
and idata["interface_master"] == mgmt_ints_multi[0]
if "eth0" in slave_ints:
self.system_interface = "eth0"
self.system_interface = slave_ints[0]
# Set self.system_ip from the bonded/bridged interface here
self.system_ip = self.data[
+ self.data["interface_master_" + self.system_interface]
self.system_netmask = self.data[
"netmask_" + self.data["interface_master_" + self.system_interface]
if len(mgmt_ints) == 1 and len(mgmt_ints_multi) == 0:
# Single management interface
self.system_interface = mgmt_ints[0]
def _get_tcp_ip_config(self) -> None:
Lookup tcp/ip configuration data. If not present already present this adds it from the previously blenderd data.
if self.system_ip is None and self.system_interface is not None:
intip = "ip_address_" + self.system_interface
if self.data.get(intip, "") != "":
self.system_ip = self.data["ip_address_" + self.system_interface]
if self.system_netmask is None and self.system_interface is not None:
intmask = "netmask_" + self.system_interface
if self.data.get(intmask, "") != "":
self.system_netmask = self.data["netmask_" + self.system_interface]
if self.system_gw is None:
if self.data.get("gateway", "") != "":
self.system_gw = self.data["gateway"]
if self.system_dns is None:
if self.data.get("name_servers") != "":
self.system_dns = self.data["name_servers"]
[docs] def generate_system(
self, dist: "Distro", system: "System", exclude_dns: bool, scheme: str = "http"
) -> str:
Generate the append-line for a net-booting system.
:param dist: The distribution associated with the system.
:param system: The system itself
:param exclude_dns: Whether to include the DNS config or not.
:param scheme: The scheme that is used to read the autoyast file from the server
self.dist = dist
self.append_line = f" APPEND initrd=/{self.distro_name}.img"
if self.dist.breed == "suse":
elif self.dist.breed == "redhat":
elif dist.breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
# Add information to the append_line
# Add remaining kernel_options to append_line
self.append_line += buildiso.add_remaining_kopts(self.data["kernel_options"])
return self.append_line
[docs] def generate_profile(
self, distro_breed: str, os_version: str, protocol: str = "http"
) -> str:
Generate the append line for the kernel for a network installation.
:param distro_breed: The name of the distribution breed.
:param os_version: The OS version of the distribution.
:param protocol: The scheme that is used to read the autoyast file from the server
:return: The generated append line.
self.append_line = f" append initrd=/{self.distro_name}.img"
if distro_breed == "suse":
if self.data.get("proxy", "") != "":
self.append_line += f" proxy={self.data['proxy']}"
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("install", "") != "":
install_options: Union[str, List[str]] = self.data["kernel_options"][
if isinstance(install_options, list):
install_options = install_options[0]
self.append_line += f" install={install_options}"
del self.data["kernel_options"]["install"]
self.append_line += (
f" install={protocol}://{self.data['server']}:{self.data['http_port']}/cblr/"
if self.data["kernel_options"].get("autoyast", "") != "":
self.append_line += (
f" autoyast={self.data['kernel_options']['autoyast']}"
del self.data["kernel_options"]["autoyast"]
self.append_line += f" autoyast={self.data['autoinstall']}"
elif distro_breed == "redhat":
if self.data.get("proxy", "") != "":
self.append_line += (
f" proxy={self.data['proxy']} http_proxy={self.data['proxy']}"
if os_version in ["rhel4", "rhel5", "rhel6", "fedora16"]:
self.append_line += f" ks={self.data['autoinstall']}"
if self.data["autoinstall_meta"].get("tree"):
self.append_line += f" repo={self.data['autoinstall_meta']['tree']}"
self.append_line += f" inst.ks={self.data['autoinstall']}"
if self.data["autoinstall_meta"].get("tree"):
self.append_line += (
f" inst.repo={self.data['autoinstall_meta']['tree']}"
elif distro_breed in ["ubuntu", "debian"]:
self.append_line += (
f" auto-install/enable=true url={self.data['autoinstall']}"
if self.data.get("proxy", "") != "":
self.append_line += f" mirror/http/proxy={self.data['proxy']}"
self.append_line += buildiso.add_remaining_kopts(self.data["kernel_options"])
return self.append_line
[docs]class NetbootBuildiso(buildiso.BuildIso):
This class contains all functionality related to building network installation images.
[docs] def make_shorter(self, distname: str) -> str:
Return a short distro identifier which is basically an internal counter which is mapped via the real distro
:param distname: The distro name to return an identifier for.
:return: A short distro identifier
if distname in self.distmap:
return self.distmap[distname]
self.distctr += 1
self.distmap[distname] = str(self.distctr)
return str(self.distctr)
def _generate_boot_loader_configs(
self, profiles: List["Profile"], systems: List["System"], exclude_dns: bool
) -> LoaderCfgsParts:
"""Generate boot loader configuration.
The configuration is placed as parts into a list. The elements expect to
be joined by newlines for writing.
:param profiles: List of profiles to prepare.
:param systems: List of systems to prepare.
:param exclude_dns: Used for system kernel cmdline.
loader_config_parts = LoaderCfgsParts([self.iso_template], [], [])
loader_config_parts.isolinux.append("MENU SEPARATOR")
self._generate_profiles_loader_configs(profiles, loader_config_parts)
self._generate_systems_loader_configs(systems, exclude_dns, loader_config_parts)
return loader_config_parts
def _generate_profiles_loader_configs(
self, profiles: List["Profile"], loader_cfg_parts: LoaderCfgsParts
) -> None:
"""Generate isolinux configuration for profiles.
The passed in isolinux_cfg_parts list is changed in-place.
:param profiles: List of profiles to prepare.
:param isolinux_cfg_parts: Output parameter for isolinux configuration.
:param bootfiles_copyset: Output parameter for bootfiles copyset.
for profile in profiles:
isolinux, grub, to_copy = self._generate_profile_config(profile)
def _generate_profile_config(
self, profile: "Profile"
) -> Tuple[str, str, BootFilesCopyset]:
"""Generate isolinux configuration for a single profile.
:param profile: Profile object to generate the configuration for.
distro: Optional["Distro"] = profile.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
if distro is None:
raise ValueError("Distro of a Profile must not be None!")
distroname = self.make_shorter(distro.name)
data = utils.blender(self.api, False, profile)
# SUSE uses 'textmode' instead of 'text'
data["kernel_options"], self.api.settings().server, distro.breed
if not re.match(r"[a-z]+://.*", data["autoinstall"]):
autoinstall_scheme = self.api.settings().autoinstall_scheme
data["autoinstall"] = (
append_line = AppendLineBuilder(
distro_name=distroname, data=data
).generate_profile(distro.breed, distro.os_version)
kernel_path = f"/{distroname}.krn"
initrd_path = f"/{distroname}.img"
isolinux_cfg = self._render_isolinux_entry(
append_line, menu_name=distro.name, kernel_path=kernel_path
grub_cfg = self._render_grub_entry(
return (
BootFilesCopyset(distro.kernel, distro.initrd, distroname),
def _generate_systems_loader_configs(
systems: List["System"],
exclude_dns: bool,
loader_cfg_parts: LoaderCfgsParts,
) -> None:
"""Generate isolinux configuration for systems.
The passed in isolinux_cfg_parts list is changed in-place.
:param systems: List of systems to prepare
:param isolinux_cfg_parts: Output parameter for isolinux configuration.
:param bootfiles_copyset: Output parameter for bootfiles copyset.
for system in systems:
isolinux, grub, to_copy = self._generate_system_config(
system, exclude_dns=exclude_dns
def _generate_system_config(
self, system: "System", exclude_dns: bool
) -> Tuple[str, str, BootFilesCopyset]:
"""Generate isolinux configuration for a single system.
:param system: System object to generate the configuration for.
:exclude_dns: Control if DNS configuration is part of the kernel cmdline.
profile = system.get_conceptual_parent()
# FIXME: pass distro, it's known from CLI
distro: Optional["Distro"] = profile.get_conceptual_parent() # type: ignore
if distro is None:
raise ValueError("Distro of Profile may never be None!")
distroname = self.make_shorter(distro.name) # type: ignore
data = utils.blender(self.api, False, system)
autoinstall_scheme = self.api.settings().autoinstall_scheme
if not re.match(r"[a-z]+://.*", data["autoinstall"]):
data["autoinstall"] = (
append_line = AppendLineBuilder(
distro_name=distroname, data=data
distro, system, exclude_dns # type: ignore
kernel_path = f"/{distroname}.krn"
initrd_path = f"/{distroname}.img"
isolinux_cfg = self._render_isolinux_entry(
append_line, menu_name=system.name, kernel_path=kernel_path
grub_cfg = self._render_grub_entry(
menu_name=distro.name, # type: ignore
return (
BootFilesCopyset(distro.kernel, distro.initrd, distroname), # type: ignore
def _copy_esp(self, esp_source: str, buildisodir: str):
"""Copy existing EFI System Partition into the buildisodir."""
filesystem_helpers.copyfile(esp_source, buildisodir + "/efi")
[docs] def run(
iso: str = "autoinst.iso",
buildisodir: str = "",
profiles: Optional[List[str]] = None,
xorrisofs_opts: str = "",
distro_name: Optional[str] = None,
systems: Optional[List[str]] = None,
exclude_dns: bool = False,
esp: Optional[str] = None,
exclude_systems: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
Generate a net-installer for a distribution.
By default, the ISO includes all available systems and profiles. Specify
``profiles`` and ``systems`` to only include the selected systems and
profiles. Both parameters can be provided at the same time.
:param iso: The name of the iso. Defaults to "autoinst.iso".
:param buildisodir: This overwrites the directory from the settings in which the iso is built in.
:param profiles: The filter to generate the ISO only for selected profiles.
:param xorrisofs_opts: ``xorrisofs`` options to include additionally.
:param distro_name: For detecting the architecture of the ISO.
If not provided, taken from first profile or system item
:param systems: The filter to generate the ISO only for selected systems.
:param exclude_dns: Whether the repositories have to be locally available or the internet is reachable.
:param exclude_systems: Whether system entries should not be exported.
del kwargs # just accepted for polymorphism
distro_obj, profile_list, system_list = self.prepare_sources(
distro_name, profiles, systems, exclude_systems
loader_config_parts = self._generate_boot_loader_configs(
profile_list, system_list, exclude_dns
buildisodir = self._prepare_buildisodir(buildisodir)
buildiso_dirs = None
distro_mirrordir = pathlib.Path(self.api.settings().webdir) / "distro_mirror"
xorriso_func = None
esp_location = ""
if distro_obj.arch == Archs.X86_64:
xorriso_func = self._xorriso_x86_64
buildiso_dirs = self.create_buildiso_dirs_x86_64(buildisodir)
# fill temporary directory with arch-specific binaries
if esp:
self.logger.info("esp=%s", esp)
distro_esp = esp
filesource = self._find_distro_source(
distro_obj.kernel, str(distro_mirrordir)
self.logger.info("filesource=%s", filesource)
distro_esp = self._find_esp(pathlib.Path(filesource))
self.logger.info("esp=%s", distro_esp)
except ValueError:
distro_esp = None
if distro_esp is not None:
self._copy_esp(distro_esp, buildisodir)
esp_location = self._create_esp_image_file(buildisodir)
self._copy_grub_into_esp(esp_location, distro_obj.arch)
self._write_grub_cfg(loader_config_parts.grub, buildiso_dirs.grub)
loader_config_parts.isolinux, buildiso_dirs.isolinux
elif distro_obj.arch in (Archs.PPC, Archs.PPC64, Archs.PPC64LE, Archs.PPC64EL):
xorriso_func = self._xorriso_ppc64le
buildiso_dirs = self.create_buildiso_dirs_ppc64le(buildisodir)
grub_bin = (
/ "grub"
/ "grub.ppc64le"
bootinfo_txt = self._render_bootinfo_txt(distro_obj.name)
# fill temporary directory with arch-specific binaries
str(grub_bin), str(buildiso_dirs.grub / "grub.elf")
self._write_grub_cfg(loader_config_parts.grub, buildiso_dirs.grub)
self._write_bootinfo(bootinfo_txt, buildiso_dirs.ppc)
raise ValueError(
"cobbler buildiso does not work for arch={distro_obj.arch}"
for copyset in loader_config_parts.bootfiles_copysets:
xorriso_func(xorrisofs_opts, iso, buildisodir, buildisodir + "/efi")