Source code for cobbler.modules.serializers.sqlite

Cobbler's SQLite database based object serializer.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2024 Yuriy Chelpanov <>

import json
import logging
import os
import sqlite3
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from cobbler import settings
from cobbler.cexceptions import CX
from cobbler.modules.serializers import StorageBase

    from cobbler.api import CobblerAPI
    from cobbler.cobbler_collections.collection import ITEM, Collection

[docs]def register() -> str: """ The mandatory Cobbler module registration hook. """ return "serializer"
[docs]def what() -> str: """ Module identification function """ return "serializer/sqlite"
[docs]class SQLiteSerializer(StorageBase): """ Each collection is stored in a separate table named distros, profiles, etc. Tables are created on demand, when the first object of this type is written. TABLE name // name from collection.collection_types() ( name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, // name from item TEXT // JSON representation of an object ) """ def __init__(self, api: "CobblerAPI"): super().__init__(api) self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.connection: Optional[sqlite3.Connection] = None self.arraysize = 1000 self.database_file = "/var/lib/cobbler/collections/collections.db" def __connect(self) -> None: """ Connect to the sqlite. """ if self.connection is not None: return is_new_database = not os.path.isfile(self.database_file) conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") threadsafety_option = conn.execute( """ select * from pragma_compile_options where compile_options like 'THREADSAFE=%' """ ).fetchone()[0] conn.close() threadsafety = int(threadsafety_option.split("=")[1]) if threadsafety != 1: raise CX( f"You cannot use SQLite compiled with SQLITE_THREADSAFE={threadsafety} with Cobbler.\n" "Please compile the code with the option SQLITE_THREADSAFE=1" ) try: self.connection = sqlite3.connect( self.database_file, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, check_same_thread=False, ) except sqlite3.DatabaseError as error: raise CX( f'Unable to connect to SQLite database "{self.database_file}": {error}' ) from error if is_new_database: 'Database with name "{%s}" was not found and will be created.', self.database_file, ) def __create_table(self, table_name: str) -> None: """ Creates a new SQLite table. :param table_name: The table name. """ try: self.connection.execute(f"CREATE TABLE {table_name}(name text primary key, item text)") # type: ignore except sqlite3.DatabaseError as error: raise CX(f'Unable to create table "{table_name}": {error}') from error def __is_table_exists(self, table_name: str) -> bool: """ Return True if the table exists. :param table_name: The table name. :return: True if the table exists. Otherwise false. """ cursor = self.connection.execute( # type: ignore "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=:name", {"name": table_name} ) if cursor.fetchone() is None: return False return True def __upsert_items( self, table_name: str, bind_vars: List[Optional[Dict[str, str]]] ) -> None: """ Insert/Update values into the table. :param table_name: The table name. :param bind_vars: The list of bind variables for SQL statement. """ if len(bind_vars) == 0: return self.__connect() if not self.__is_table_exists(table_name): self.__create_table(table_name) try: self.connection.executemany( # type: ignore f"INSERT INTO {table_name}(name, item) " # nosec "VALUES(:name, :item) " "ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET item=excluded.item", bind_vars, # type: ignore ) self.connection.commit() # type: ignore except sqlite3.DatabaseError as error: raise CX(f'Unable to upsert into table "{table_name}": {error}') from error def __build_bind_vars(self, item: "ITEM") -> Dict[str, str]: """ Build the bind variables for Insert/Update. :param item: The object for Insert/Update. :return: The bind variables dict. """ if self.api.settings().serializer_pretty_json: sort_keys = True indent = 4 else: sort_keys = False indent = None _dict = item.serialize() data = json.dumps(_dict, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent) return {"name":, "item": data}
[docs] def serialize_item(self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", item: "ITEM") -> None: """ Save a collection item to table :param collection: The Cobbler collection to know the type of the item. :param item: The collection item to serialize. """ if not raise CX("name unset for item!") self.__connect() self.__upsert_items( collection.collection_types(), [self.__build_bind_vars(item)] )
[docs] def serialize(self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]") -> None: """ Save a collection to disk :param collection: The collection to serialize. """ self.__connect() ctype = collection.collection_types() if ctype != "settings": bind_vars: List[Optional[Dict[str, str]]] = [] for item in collection: bind_vars.append(self.__build_bind_vars(item)) self.__upsert_items(ctype, bind_vars)
[docs] def serialize_delete(self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", item: "ITEM") -> None: """ Delete a collection item from table :param collection: The Cobbler collection to know the type of the item. :param item: The collection item to delete. """ self.__connect() table_name = collection.collection_types() try: self.connection.execute( # type: ignore f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE name=:name", # nosec {"name":}, ) self.connection.commit() # type: ignore except sqlite3.DatabaseError as error: raise CX( f'Unable to delete from table "{table_name}": {error}' # nosec ) from error
[docs] def deserialize_raw( self, collection_type: str ) -> Union[List[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[str, Any]]: """ Read the collection from the table or read the settings file. :param collection_type: The collection type to read. :return: The list of collection dicts or settings dict. """ if collection_type == "settings": return settings.read_settings_file() self.__connect() results: List[Optional[Dict[str, Any]]] = [] if not self.__is_table_exists(collection_type): return results projection = "item" lazy_start = self.api.settings().lazy_start if lazy_start: projection = "name" try: cursor = self.connection.execute( # type: ignore f"SELECT {projection} FROM {collection_type}" # nosec ) except sqlite3.DatabaseError as error: raise CX( f'Unable to SELECT from table "{collection_type}": {error}' # nosec ) from error cursor.arraysize = self.arraysize for result in cursor.fetchall(): if lazy_start: _dict = {"name": result[0]} else: _dict = json.loads(result[0]) _dict["inmemory"] = not lazy_start results.append(_dict) return results
[docs] def deserialize( self, collection: "Collection[ITEM]", topological: bool = True ) -> None: """ Load a collection from disk. :param collection: The Cobbler collection to know the type of the item. :param topological: Sort collection based on each items' depth attribute in the list of collection items. This ensures properly ordered object loading from disk with objects having parent/child relationships, i.e. profiles/subprofiles. See cobbler/items/ """ self.__connect() datastruct = self.deserialize_raw(collection.collection_types()) if topological and isinstance(datastruct, list): # type: ignore datastruct.sort(key=lambda x: x.get("depth", 1)) # type: ignore if isinstance(datastruct, dict): # This is currently the corner case for the settings type. collection.from_dict(datastruct) # type: ignore elif isinstance(datastruct, list): # type: ignore collection.from_list(datastruct) # type: ignore
[docs] def deserialize_item(self, collection_type: str, name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get a collection item from disk and parse it into an object. :param collection_type: The collection type to deserialize. :param item_name: The collection item name to deserialize. :return: Dictionary of the collection item. """ self.__connect() if not self.__is_table_exists(collection_type): raise CX( f"Item {name} of collection {collection_type} was not found in SQLite database {self.database_file}!" ) try: cursor = self.connection.execute( # type: ignore f"SELECT item from {collection_type} WHERE name=:name", # nosec {"name": name}, ) except sqlite3.DatabaseError as error: raise CX( f'Unable to SELECT from table "{collection_type}": {error}' # nosec ) from error result = cursor.fetchone() if result is None: raise CX( f"Item {name} of collection {collection_type} was not found in SQLite database {self.database_file}!" ) _dict = json.loads(result[0]) if _dict["name"] != name: raise CX( f"The file name {name} does not match the {_dict['name']} {collection_type}!" ) _dict["inmemory"] = True return _dict
[docs]def storage_factory(api: "CobblerAPI") -> SQLiteSerializer: """ TODO """ return SQLiteSerializer(api)