Migration from V2.8.5 to V3.0.0
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Dominik Gedon <dgedon@suse.de>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Enno Gotthold <egotthold@suse.de>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright SUSE LLC
import glob
import json
import os
import shutil
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from schema import Optional, Or, Schema, SchemaError # type: ignore
from cobbler.settings.migrations import V2_8_5, helper
schema = Schema(
Optional("auto_migrate_settings", default=True): bool,
"allow_duplicate_hostnames": int,
"allow_duplicate_ips": int,
"allow_duplicate_macs": int,
"allow_dynamic_settings": int,
"always_write_dhcp_entries": int,
"anamon_enabled": int,
"authn_pam_service": str,
"auth_token_expiration": int,
"autoinstall_snippets_dir": str,
"autoinstall_templates_dir": str,
"bind_chroot_path": str,
Optional("bind_manage_ipmi", default=0): int,
"bind_master": str,
"boot_loader_conf_template_dir": str,
Optional("bootloaders_dir", default="/var/lib/cobbler/loaders"): str,
Optional("buildisodir", default="/var/cache/cobbler/buildiso"): str,
"build_reporting_enabled": int,
"build_reporting_email": list,
# in yaml this is a list but should be a str
"build_reporting_ignorelist": list,
"build_reporting_sender": str,
"build_reporting_smtp_server": str,
"build_reporting_subject": str,
"cheetah_import_whitelist": list,
"client_use_https": int,
"client_use_localhost": int,
Optional("cobbler_master", default=""): str,
"createrepo_flags": str,
"default_autoinstall": str,
"default_name_servers": list,
"default_name_servers_search": list,
"default_ownership": list,
"default_password_crypted": str,
"default_template_type": str,
"default_virt_bridge": str,
Optional("default_virt_disk_driver", default="raw"): str,
"default_virt_file_size": int,
"default_virt_ram": int,
"default_virt_type": str,
"enable_gpxe": int,
"enable_menu": int,
Optional("grubconfig_dir", default="/var/lib/cobbler/grub_config"): str,
"http_port": int,
"include": list,
Optional("iso_template_dir", default="/etc/cobbler/iso"): str,
"kernel_options": dict,
"ldap_anonymous_bind": int,
"ldap_base_dn": str,
"ldap_port": int,
"ldap_search_bind_dn": str,
"ldap_search_passwd": str,
"ldap_search_prefix": str,
"ldap_server": str,
"ldap_tls_cacertfile": str,
"ldap_tls_certfile": str,
"ldap_tls_keyfile": str,
# in yaml this is an int but should be a str
"ldap_tls": int,
"manage_dhcp": int,
"manage_dns": int,
"manage_forward_zones": list,
Optional("manage_genders", default=0): int,
"manage_reverse_zones": list,
"manage_rsync": int,
Optional("manage_tftp", default=1): int,
"manage_tftpd": int,
"mgmt_classes": list,
"mgmt_parameters": dict,
"next_server": str,
"nopxe_with_triggers": int,
Optional("nsupdate_enabled", default=0): int,
Optional("nsupdate_log", default="/var/log/cobbler/nsupdate.log"): str,
Optional("nsupdate_tsig_algorithm", default="hmac-sha512"): str,
): list,
"power_management_default_type": str,
"power_template_dir": str,
Optional("proxy_url_ext", default=""): Or(None, str), # type: ignore
"proxy_url_int": str,
"puppet_auto_setup": int,
"puppetca_path": str,
Optional("puppet_parameterized_classes", default=1): int,
Optional("puppet_server", default="puppet"): str,
Optional("puppet_version", default=2): int,
"pxe_just_once": int,
"redhat_management_key": str,
"redhat_management_permissive": int,
"redhat_management_server": str,
"register_new_installs": int,
"remove_old_puppet_certs_automatically": int,
"replicate_repo_rsync_options": str,
"replicate_rsync_options": str,
"reposync_flags": str,
"restart_dhcp": int,
"restart_dns": int,
"run_install_triggers": int,
"scm_push_script": str,
"scm_track_author": str,
"scm_track_enabled": int,
"scm_track_mode": str,
"serializer_pretty_json": int,
"server": str,
"signature_path", default="/var/lib/cobbler/distro_signatures.json"
): str,
): str,
"sign_puppet_certs_automatically": int,
"tftpboot_location": str,
"virt_auto_boot": int,
"webdir": str,
"webdir_whitelist": list,
"xmlrpc_port": int,
"yum_distro_priority": int,
"yum_post_install_mirror": int,
"yumdownloader_flags": str,
}, # type: ignore
[docs]def validate(settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
Checks that a given settings dict is valid according to the reference schema ``schema``.
:param settings: The settings dict to validate.
:return: True if valid settings dict otherwise False.
schema.validate(settings) # type: ignore
except SchemaError:
return False
return True
[docs]def normalize(settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
If data in ``settings`` is valid the validated data is returned.
:param settings: The settings dict to validate.
:return: The validated dict.
# We are aware of our schema and thus can safely ignore this.
return schema.validate(settings) # type: ignore
[docs]def migrate(settings: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Migration of the settings ``settings`` to the V3.0.0 settings
:param settings: The settings dict to migrate
:return: The migrated dict
if not V2_8_5.validate(settings):
raise SchemaError("V2.8.5: Schema error while validating")
# rename keys and update their value
old_setting = helper.Setting(
"default_kickstart", "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/default.ks"
new_setting = helper.Setting(
"default_autoinstall", "/var/lib/cobbler/autoinstall_templates/default.ks"
helper.key_rename(old_setting, "default_autoinstall", settings)
helper.key_set_value(new_setting, settings)
old_setting = helper.Setting("snippetsdir", "/var/lib/cobbler/snippets")
new_setting = helper.Setting(
"autoinstall_snippets_dir", "/var/lib/cobbler/snippets"
helper.key_rename(old_setting, "autoinstall_snippets_dir", settings)
helper.key_set_value(new_setting, settings)
# add missing keys
# name - value pairs
missing_keys = {
"autoinstall_templates_dir": "/var/lib/cobbler/templates",
"boot_loader_conf_template_dir": "/etc/cobbler/boot_loader_conf",
"default_name_servers_search": [],
"include": ["/etc/cobbler/settings.d/*.settings"],
"nopxe_with_triggers": 1,
"scm_push_script": "/bin/true",
"scm_track_author": "cobbler <cobbler@localhost>",
"tftpboot_location": "/srv/tftpboot",
"webdir_whitelist": [],
for key, value in missing_keys.items():
new_setting = helper.Setting(key, value)
helper.key_add(new_setting, settings)
# delete removed keys
deleted_keys = [
for key in deleted_keys:
helper.key_delete(key, settings)
# START: migrate-data-v2-to-v3
def serialize_item(collection: str, item: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
Save a collection item to file system
:param collection: name
:param item: dictionary
filename = f"/var/lib/cobbler/collections/{collection}/{item['name']}"
if settings.get("serializer_pretty_json", False):
sort_keys = True
indent = 4
sort_keys = False
indent = None
filename += ".json"
with open(filename, "w", encoding="UTF-8") as item_fd:
data = json.dumps(item, sort_keys=sort_keys, indent=indent)
def deserialize_raw_old(collection_types: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
results = []
all_files = glob.glob(f"/var/lib/cobbler/config/{collection_types}/*")
for file in all_files:
with open(file, encoding="UTF-8") as item_fd:
json_data = item_fd.read()
_dict = json.loads(json_data)
results.append(_dict) # type: ignore
return results # type: ignore
def substitute_paths(value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, list):
value = [substitute_paths(x) for x in value] # type: ignore
elif isinstance(value, str):
value = value.replace("/ks_mirror/", "/distro_mirror/")
return value
def transform_key(key: str, value: Any) -> Any:
if key in transform:
ret_value = transform[key](value)
ret_value = value
return substitute_paths(ret_value)
# Keys to add to various collections
add = {
"distros": {
"boot_loader": "grub",
"profiles": {
"next_server": "<<inherit>>",
"systems": {
"boot_loader": "<<inherit>>",
"next_server": "<<inherit>>",
"power_identity_file": "",
"power_options": "",
"serial_baud_rate": "",
"serial_device": "",
# Keys to remove
remove = [
# Keys to rename
rename = {
"kickstart": "autoinstall",
"ks_meta": "autoinstall_meta",
# Keys to transform - use new key name if renamed
transform = {
"autoinstall": os.path.basename,
# Convert the old collections to new collections
for old_type in [
new_type = old_type[:-2]
# Load old files
old_collection = deserialize_raw_old(old_type)
print(f"Processing {old_type}:")
for old_item in old_collection:
print(f" Processing {old_item['name']}")
new_item: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for key in old_item:
if key in remove:
if key in rename:
new_item[rename[key]] = transform_key(rename[key], old_item[key])
new_item[key] = transform_key(key, old_item[key])
if new_type in add:
# We only add items if they don't exist
for item in add[new_type]:
if item not in new_item:
new_item[item] = add[new_type][item]
serialize_item(new_type, new_item)
path_rename = [
("/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts", "/var/lib/cobbler/templates"),
("/var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror", "/var/www/cobbler/distro_mirror"),
# Copy paths
for old_path, new_path in path_rename:
if os.path.isdir(old_path):
shutil.copytree(old_path, new_path)
os.rename(old_path, new_path)
# END: migrate-data-v2-to-v3
if not validate(settings):
raise SchemaError("V3.0.0: Schema error while validating")
return normalize(settings)