6.7. Extending Cobbler

This section covers methods to extend the functionality of Cobbler through the use of Triggers and Modules, as well as through extensions to the Cheetah templating system.

6.7.1. Triggers About

Cobbler triggers provide a way to tie user-defined actions to certain Cobbler commands – for instance, to provide additional logging, integration with apps like Puppet or cfengine, set up SSH keys, tieing in with a DNS server configuration script, or for some other purpose.

Cobbler Triggers should be Python modules written using the low-level Python API for maximum speed, but could also be simple executable shell scripts.

As a general rule, if you need access to Cobbler’s object data from a trigger, you need to write the trigger as a module. Also never invoke Cobbler from a trigger, or use Cobbler XMLRPC from a trigger. Essentially, Cobbler triggers can be thought of as plugins into Cobbler, though they are not essentially plugins per se. Trigger Names (for Old-Style Triggers)

Cobbler script-based triggers are scripts installed in the following locations, and must be made chmod +x.

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/system/pre/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/system/post/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/profile/pre/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/profile/post/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/distro/pre/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/distro/post/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/repo/pre/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/repo/post/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/pre/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/post/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/pre/*

  • /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/post/*

And the same as the above replacing “add” with “remove”.

Pre-triggers are capable of failing an operation if they return anything other than 0. They are to be thought of as “validation” filters. Post-triggers cannot fail an operation and are to be thought of notifications.

We may add additional types as time goes on. Pure Python Triggers

As mentioned earlier, triggers can be written in pure Python, and many of these kinds of triggers ship with Cobbler as stock.

Look in your site-packages/cobbler/modules directory and cat “install_post_report.py” for an example trigger that sends email when a system finished installation.

Notice how the trigger has a register method with a path that matches the shell patterns above. That’s how we find out the type of trigger.

You will see the path used in the trigger corresponds with the path where it would exist if it was a script – this is how we know what type of trigger the module is providing. The Simplest Trigger Possible

  1. Create /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add/system/post/test.sh.

  2. chmod +x the file.

echo "Hi, my name is $1 and I'm a newly added system"

However that’s not very interesting as all you get are the names passed across. For triggers to be the most powerful, they should take advantage of the Cobbler API – which means writing them as a Python module. Performance Note

If you have a very large number of systems, using the Cobbler API from scripts with old style (non-Python modules, just scripts in /var/lib/cobbler/triggers) is a very very bad idea. The reason for this is that the Cobbler API brings the Cobbler engine up with it, and since it’s a seperate process, you have to wait for that to load. If you invoke 3000 triggers editing 3000 objects, you can see where this would get slow pretty quickly. However, if you write a modular trigger (see above) this suffers no performance penalties – it’s crazy fast and you experience no problems. Permissions

The /var/lib/cobbler/triggers directory is only writeable by root (and are executed by Cobbler on a regular basis). For security reasons do not loosen these permissions. Example trigger for resetting Cfengine keys

Here is an example where Cobbler and cfengine are running on two different machines and XMLRPC is used to communicate between the hosts.

Note that this uses the Cobbler API so it’s somewhat inefficient – it should be converted to a Python module-based trigger. If it would be a pure Python modular trigger, it would fly.

On the Cobbler box: /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/post/clientkeys.py


import socket
import xmlrpclib
import sys
from cobbler import api
cobbler_api = api.BootAPI()
systems = cobbler_api.systems()
box = systems.find(sys.argv[2])
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy("http://cfengine:9000")

On the cfengine box, we run a daemon that does the following (along with a few steps to update our ssh_known_hosts- file):


import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import os

class Keys(object):
    def update(self, ip):
            os.unlink('/var/cfengine/ppkeys/root-%s.pub' % ip)
        except OSError:

keys = Keys()
server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer(("cfengine", 9000))
server.serve_forever() See Also

6.7.2. Modules

Certain Cobbler features can be user extended (in Python) by Cobbler users.

These features include storage of data (serialization), authorization, and authentication. Over time, this list of module types will grow to support more options. Triggers are basically modules. See Also

  • The Cobbler command line itself (it’s implemented in Cobbler modules so it’s easy to add new commands) Python Files and the configuration

To create a module, add a Python file in /usr/lib/python$version/site-packages/cobbler/modules. Then, in the appropriate part of the configuration, reference the name of your module so Cobbler knows that you want to activate the module.

(Triggers that are Python modules, as well as CLI Python modules don’t need to be listed in this file, they are auto-loaded)

An example from the serializers is:

    module: "serializer.file"

Each module, regardless of it’s nature, must have the following function that returns the type of module (as a string) on an acceptable load (when the module can be loaded) or raises an exception otherwise.

The trivial case for a cli module is:

def register():
    return "cli"

Other than that, modules do not have a particular API signature – they are “Duck Typed” based on how they are employed. When starting a new module, look at other modules of the same type to see what functions they possess.

6.7.3. Cheetah Macros

Cobbler uses Cheetah for its templating system, it also wants to support other choices and may in the future support others.

It is possible to add new functions to the templating engine, much like snippets that provide the ability to do macro-based things in the template. If you are new to Cheetah, see the documentation at Cheetah User Guide and pay special attention to the #def directive.

To create new functions, add your Cheetah code to /etc/cobbler/cheetah_macros. This file will be sourced in all Cheetah templates automatically, making it possible to write custom functions and use them from this file.

You will need to restart cobblerd after changing the macros file.